
Wargod Reborn : Legendary Wargod

A warrior from past has been forcefully reincarnated by Demon King during Holy War . With new life and unfamiliar all powerful blessing from Demon King , this great warrior now has wonderful life and opportunity to live again . Let's follow the story of a great warrior who will learn something new while something old but on this journey , he will encounter lots of interesting events and will be force to get involved in power struggle between two different factions .

Lost_Immortal_5724 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Don't Shy Away Like A Child


A young silhouette is seen flying away , after a few seconds , the human silhouette crash lands on the ground and coughs some fresh blood .

{ 🎵 Everyone Is Cruel With Heart Of Warm Desire To Live The Life Of Immortal 🎵 }

"You little dog , how dare you steal money from her hierarchy ? Are you seeking for death ?"

A cold and very arrogant voice reaches out from an ancient building , causing everyone in the surrounding to frown deeply and turn to look at the scene .

{ 🎵 Weathering The Rain And Mud Of This World , I Have Now Become The Tribulation Of My Own 🎵 }

The white haired young boy grits his teeth while trying to stand up on his trembling feets . His poor outfit is now dirtied .

His white hairs briefly sways as if expressing their dissatisfaction toward the big and muscular young man in his 25's .

The white haired young boy lowers his head down and does not say anything , silently enduring the humiliation.

{ 🎵 How Long Need I Have To Be Just A Fish , When Will I Also Be The One To Soar Like The Dragon Of Nine Heaven 🎵 }

The white haired young boy clenches his teeth tightly , his head full of grief and indignation .

The muscular young man wearing a luxurious blue outfit frowns and smiles , clearly enjoying beating the white haired young boy .

{ 🎵 You May Disdain Me If I Was To Reveal What My Ambition Is But For Me , I Am The Protagonist Of My Own Story While The Fallen Hero Of Your Beautiful Biography 🎵 }

"You little slave , don't you want to live anymore or are you tired of living ?"

The young man is Knight Bai , a very powerful young knight but far from rivaling those Titled Knights .

Of course , he himself is a Senior Knight with immense strength .

{ 🎵 Every Villain Is The Tragic Hero Of His Story While Also The Eminence Of Every Legends And Legendary 🎵 }

"This lowly slave does not dares to steal from her hierarchy , my lord "

The white haired young boy was forced to swallow all his pride and arrogance as a man , causing him to protest in defense.

But soon , he was slapped on his right cheek before he even realized what was going on .

He was once again sent flying away .

"Impudent fool , how dare you talk back ?'

The young knight , Knight Bai sneers .

{ 🎵 The Beautiful Story Of Hero With Beauty In His Both Arms Is Such Romantic But The Same Beauty Is Forged After Decapitating The Innocent Beast Of The Past And Memories 🎵 }

"Sir Knight Bai , please stop it . It is becoming unsightly for the visitors and the passerby , causing such ruckus is nothing but creating trouble in public place "

A very noble and dignified voice carrying softness yet deeply rooted arrogance in the bone floats out of the ancient building .

{ 🎵 The Story Of Hero Is Tragedy To The Villain , Understanding Such Concept Is No More Than Entertainment Nowadays 🎵 }

An elegant young lady clad with a divine garment of nine firmament , golden and luxurious sapphire.

She has the beauty of a goddess and the body of an immortal enchantress .

Following her are a few beautiful maids and powerful knights .

Few are even Titled Knights.

The young lady has an aloof aura and otherworldly temperament , causing everyone around her to think she has directly come from alien world .

{ 🎵 How Much Have I Cried And How Innumerable Drops Of Tears Have I Swallow , Please Don't Reminisce Me Of My Shame 🎵 }

On Lone Yuan Street , the white haired young boy silently endures all the humiliation he has received .

Knight Bai sneers at the white haired young boy and turns to the young lady , quickly changing his attitude into that of bootlicker.

"Your hierarchy , why did you trouble yourself to come here ? This insignificant matter of punishing this lowly slave could have done by this lowly servant of yours "

{ 🎵 The Wound I Accumulate Today Will Grow Stronger Tomorrow , Becoming My Strength To Win Over All The Oddity Of My Tragedy 🎵 }

" No need "

The young lady softly opens her lips , her enchanting voice drifts with the wind .

Her golden eyes moved to the white haired young boy and observed him carefully , she was indifferent to the white haired young boy.

{ 🎵 Don't Want Anything From The World But If I Have To , I Want To Dominate And Become The Untethering Wild Horse Of The Race 🎵 }

"Did you steal the money which was safeguard in the hands of my knights ?"

Usually mages and knights use Storage Ring or Artifact to store their arsenals but this time , the Storage Ring hiding millions of Magic Crystal was stolen by someone .

And Knight Bai insisted that this lowly young boy was the culprit.

But even the maid behind the young lady is aware that it is unlikely for a young boy who has not undergone any form of training or exercise to even steal something from a capable knight .

And most of all , a senior knight .

{ 🎵 I Will Someday Become The Sharpest Blade That Will Even Lethal Himself 🎵 }

The white haired young boy , Void , grits his teeth ferociously and utters some few words .

"Y....yes , your hierarchy . I was the one to commit the crime you speak of "

Secretly he glances at Knight Bai who has a wide smile on his face .

If this Knight hadn't taken his little sister as hostage , Void would not have accepted such false accusations on him .

This could lead him into his death .

{ 🎵 The Sky Is Starting To Fall But Can My Shoulder Remain Strong To Shoulder The Entire Collapse 🎵 }

"Since you have accepted your crime , tell me where is the money you stole ? And who are involved with you ?"

The young lady , Xu Songlong frowns slightly. Her voice was cold and bone chilling .

Void experiences his soul getting tortured by a mysterious power but he endures the pain and does not reveal anything other than lying to her .

"The money was taken away from me by some mysterious group of warriors . They were the one who asked me to do so but I never imagined that they would betray me after the work is done "

Although Void was telling lies and Xu Songlong also saw through his lies, but Xu Songlong was extremely displeased.

"You have committed a grave crime and have offended the Xu Dukedom of northern land "

"For your offense , I shall personally charge you with the punishment "

"You shall suffer in Noble Prison for ten years "

"Even if after ten years if you manage to survive , you are free to go but until then , do your best not to die "


When the surrounding people heard her ruthless degree , everyone sucked a cold breath of air .

{ 🎵 I Was Already The Prisoner Of My Destiny , What Other Prison Can Torture Me And My Suffering Melody 🎵 }

Noble Prison is the most terrifying prison in Yggdrasil where most dangerous and terrifying criminals are imprisoned , guarded by Ancient Mages and Mysterious Knights of the kingdom .

"— I shall do what you order me to "

Void was silent for a while but after seeing threatening gestures from Knight Bai , Void was forced to accept such an unreasonable degree from Xu Songlong.

Ten years , it's just ten years .

If he can exchange his life for his sister's life , he will not care how long he needs to die .

"Good then "

{ 🎵 I Want To Fly The Sky Even If My Seraphic Wings Are Cut , I Will Grow The Devil's Wing To Soar Beyond The Dragon Wind 🎵 }


Wargod Reborn


"Hey , hey , what the hell are you even doing ?"

As usual , nothing new , our beautiful Zu Dandan was teaching Mana Circulation to Wudi Egun .

Unsurprisingly , Wudi Egun was just too smart and genius , inborn talent for failing to understand even a shit .

"Mana isn't about just Energy from the World but also concept where Vessel absorbs Miracle and refines into Law of the Independent Realm "

Zu Dandan was excellent but Wudi Egun outsmarted her .


Wudi Egun does his best to do whatever he is doing , at least from the looks of it , he must be trying to do shit in his backyard after his toilet has been stolen by a thief .

"It is truly unbelievable that your crippled Mana System has recovered within just few days but it is also truly miracle that once Greatest Magic Genius of the kingdom has no idea about what Mana Circulation is "

Zu Dandan frowns deeply , her voice floats with the void .

Wudi Egun smiles wryly , not knowing what to say .

After a while he stands up and walks to the gazebo , resting on the steel chair he also picks up his tea and takes a small sip .

"I am sorry for my incompetence"

Wudi Egun does not deny his incompetent talent for understanding magic and the Mana System.

"Whatever "

As for Zu Dandan , she is much more arrogant than anyone . So she also does not bother with such trivial matters .

But what causes her to become lively is , how did the cripple Mana System even manage to return back to normal ?

This was truly something that has rarely happened in the magic world .

In the history of Divine Earth , almost few practitioners of the Magic System have managed to achieve such a miracle achievement.

"How do you feel after your Mana System has recovered ? "

This was the first question that came to Zu Dandan's mind after she found out that Wudi Egun had his system restored.

And one has to know that Wudi Egun was the most brilliant Magic Genius of Yggdrasil .

His power was on equal footing with some of low ranking leaders . Not far from royal leaders .

Of course one may think that this is not much even after having such talent but one has to also think about how old he is ?

Even the weakest leaders of the Magic System are already capable of manipulating the Law of World and summoning disaster on this mortal world .

"I feel nothing different but strangely enough , I feel as if something inside of me has grown or more like expanded large and is now accommodating something very magical "

Wudi Egun slightly lowers his head down and rubs his abdomen with his left hand , trying to feel that heavenly power residing inside his body .

He feels like he can easily crush a mountain at his will with just his power .

He does not need his Intent to destroy his enemy .

Mana , a very mysterious force existing on every world and stars .

Once Mana is embedded with an object or entity , Mana can enhance the strength or ability of the target , causing the target to become someone majestic.

Right now , Wudi Egun has a large amount of Mana that can even fill up an entire sea .

But of course because of the Immortality Seal , his growth has also become very slow .

. If not because of his terrifying talent , he would not even be able to subconsciously cultivate in Mana .

In his level , he does not need to meditate for Mana but his system can subconsciously cultivate in Mana .

It is just that he does not understand Mana so he is doing his best to understand this mysterious power .

Glancing at Wudi Egun through the corner of her eyes , Zu Dandan observes him carefully.

But suddenly, she stretches her right arm toward him .

It was all of a sudden , causing Wudi Egun to become dazed .

He was pulled by Zu Dandan toward her while grabbing his head , completely defenseless.

His head falls on her soft lap and he can see her beautiful yet arrogant face .


He was surprised and only managed to utter a single word .

But of course , Zu Dandan was brave and bold . She ruffles his hair and softly whispers to him .

"Rest for now , you have been exhausting yourself for too long "

When Wudi Egun heard her , his eyes suddenly but surely widened .

His black eyes reflect the beautiful image of Zu Dandan , causing him to imprint her portrait in his heart forever.

' Mr Wudi , you have been exhausting yourself for eternity . Why don't you take a rest for once ?'

In his eyes , a beautiful face of a young maiden slowly begins to surface .

Zu Dandan's arrogant voice now takes place .

"Although you want to become strong , I will respect that wish of your too but I can't see you torturing your body like a madman "

At the same time , Wudi Egun sees and hears something of the past .

A young maiden with unparalleled beauty , her long silver hairs and eyes reflecting the image of heaven .

Wearing an immortal dress with sun and moon embroidered, the young maiden has that temperament only belonging to the Saintess of Holy Realm .

Her soft yet concerned voice reaches Wudi Egun.

'Mr Wudi , although you are trying to achieve your dream and ambition but you will fall and collapse before even reaching your goal if you keep on crushing yourself '

Suddenly the wind blows hard , everything comes to stagnate yet the time seems to travel backward , to the past .

The trees strangely sway and the world becomes illusory.

Wudi Egun suddenly gets himself immersed , lost in his memory.

"Mr Wudi , are you alone ? Can I have a seat next to you ?"

A soft voice reaches to a young and lonely warrior , the warrior turns to check on the source and sees an otherworldly maiden walking to him

"Sage Ancestor , your supreme , why are you here ?"

The warrior was startled at first but suddenly his expression changes and he stands up , not daring to show any sign of disrespect.

His silver armor shining with the heavenly light of sun , the silver sword on his back reflects his environment.

Currently he is in the middle of Azure Undead King Forest , on his way to fight against Azure Undead King .

Azure here means Heavenly .

Azure Undead King is one of the Kings of the World , or in short Worldking with unparalleled strength standing on Evil Faction's side , causing chaos and destruction.

The otherworldly young maiden chuckles lightly while covering her cherry lips with her hand , elegantly displaying something captivating the heart of Immortal and God .

Although the young warrior was mesmerized for a second, but his Warrior Heart returns back to his calmness , causing him to stabilize quickly.

This does not surprise the young maiden also known by her moniker , Sage Ancestor.

Sage Ancestor , one of the very few Demi-God Level powerhouse standing on Righteous Faction.

For friends she is Protector , but for enemies , she is the most terrifying Destroyer .

"Mr Wudi , the way you address me greatly upsets me "

Her tone changes and becomes that of a pitiful wife who has suffered from her husband's tyranny.

"Sage Ancestor must be joking with me , how can a lowly person like me even be worthy of affecting your mood ?"

The young warrior does not take her words seriously , instead he smiles humbly and continues.

"Instead , this insignificant person is only worthy of garnering disdain and disgust from a divine master like you "

The young warrior shakes his head and does not dare to even look at her , for fear of offending such divine existence.

Although he is called the Great Warrior of Godking Ancient Kingdom , but In front of such divine existence , he is not even worthy of licking her shoes .

Great Warrior , such a hilarious title In front of such a grand and supreme title — Sage Ancestor.

The silver eyes that has beauty of myriad stars loses their light for a second , as if suffering from indescribable tragedy.

{ 🎵 Even Wind , Someday Seems To Find Someone To Rely One 🎵 }

"Why don't we sit down and continue our conversation ?"

The gentle Sage Ancestor regains her light and smiles at Wudi Egun , asking him to sit down .

{ 🎵 He Whispered Into My Soul , And Said , He Found Someone To Share His Pain 🎵 }

Wudi Egun observes his surroundings and sees his fellow soldiers patrolling around the temporary military camp .

He raises his head and looks at Sage Ancestor , contemplating something deeply.

{ 🎵 Yet Even When My Heart Is Already Yours , Why Do You Not See My Love Which I Have Given All Of It , To Your Name 🎵 }

"Please , your supreme "

Wudi Egun rests on the ground with both of his legs crossed , still vigilant and wary of his surroundings .

Although he may not be powerful like Sage Ancestor and other great heroes but if the enemy wants to cross the line , they needs to first kill him and burn his soul to ashes .

{ 🎵 Your Eyes Talks To Me But I Never See Or Find Any Warmth Which I Yearn For 🎵 }

Seeing Wudi Egun resting on the ground , Sage Ancestor shakes her head .

With the light of the sun reflecting behind her , she resembles celestial.

Her voluptuous body and big breast , heavenly appearance and presence of divine creation.

Everything about her is out of this world .

{ 🎵 Just For Once , Look Into My Eyes , You Shall Find And See How Deep My Love For You Truely Has Been Cultivating 🎵 }

Sage Ancestor also decides to rest on the ground with Wudi Egun , not caring about her high and mighty status .

"Your supreme , what are you doing ?"

Wudi Egun nearly lost his heart and was scared out of his wits .

If Hero Tian and others see such behavior from Sage Ancestor , what will they think about her ?

{ 🎵 My Sky , My Land , And My Heaven , Is Only You , If You Ask Me Of My God , I Shall Tell You , Only You Are My God Whom I Have Long Fallen In Love 🎵 }

"Let's ignore this , Mr Wudi . Instead why don't you tell me some few things about you and those related to you "

Sage Ancestor tries to change the topic but Wudi Egun was truly experiencing something she can not even think of.

He sighed deeply and raised his head to look up at the sky , crystal clear fleeting clouds .

"There is nothing special to talk about myself"

Wudi Egun shakes his head , while Sage Ancestor smiles deeply while falling in her own little world while admiring Wudi Egun's manly looks .

"Once upon a time , a stone was thrown from one shore to another just to see if the stone can reach other side of the ocean "

"But it didn't so the person who threw the stone left after the interest was killed . But the stone was left to survive all alone in the endless ocean which hides the danger that cannot be described by simple word "

{ 🎵 I Regret Not Meeting You Before I Saw You Standing On That Peak Of The Solitude , Shackling Yourself From Everyone Just To Protect Yourself 🎵 }

Wudi Egun's lonely eyes reveal some trace of grief and complain, as if asking why he was the stone ?

Noticing Wudi Egun's strange behavior , Sage Ancestor feels deep pain in her heart which is why she lightly bites her lower lips .

She couldn't help herself from stretching her right arm forward and pulling Wudi Egun to her embrace .

{ 🎵 I Wanna Hold You , And Never Wanna Let You Go , All My Life 🎵 }

Wudi Egun feels mysterious warmth engulfing him , forcing his eyes to turn heavy and weak , trying to force him into sleep .

He struggles for a while but the affectionate voice comforts him .

" Don't shy away like a child , Mr Wudi , for now , let yourself rest and sleep until your heart relieves all the stress you feel right now "

{ 🎵 If My Tear Could Wash Away Your Sadness , I Am Willing To Cry Until There Is No Turbulence In your Life But Can You See Me Crying Even If It Is For Your Happiness 🎵 }

Seeing such affectionate expression on Sage Ancestor's beautiful face , Wudi Egun can't help but adore her beauty .

But he couldn't help but murmur before falling into a deep sleep .

"If I was the Hero Tian then— "

Before his word could even complete , he was forced into sleeping.

{ 🎵 I Want You And Your Emotions But Not The One Whom You Want To Be And Wish To Become , For I Am Only Yours 🎵 }

"Hell , what the hell ?"

When Wudi Egun returns to his senses , he sees Zu Dandan's ferocious face glaring at him .

"Huh ? What happened ?"

He asked with some unclarity , trying to figure out what just happened to him ?

"You suddenly fell asleep and started to sleep talk . Like just who the hell is Sage Ancestor or whatever ?"

"You were even murmuring about how you regret not being Hero Tian instead of becoming just you "

"Like , who the hell is this Hero Tian ?"

Zu Dandan glared at Wudi Egun and bombarded him with one after another questions .

But seeing Wudi Egun not having any intention on answering her questions , she just snorts and throws him out of her lap .

With great dissatisfaction , she stands up from her seat and leaves the gazebo.

As for Wudi Egun , he remains on the ground and was not sure .

Of course , he can't fall asleep because Seal Of Immortality does not give him any chance of falling into exhaustion let alone sleeping .

He does not feel hunger , great emotions and does not even need to sleep .

He is in another word , an Immortal.

"Why did I suddenly reminisce about her ?"

He was not sure why he suddenly thought of her ?

His feelings for her should have died after he died in that Holy War and also , she didn't love him but Hero Tian .

This was only his unrequited love , selfish love which he never can have for himself .

Slowly he covers both of his eyes with his right forearm and takes a deep breath .

"Stupid , greedy and very arrogant , how can you even dream to reach paradise when you are supposed to only be admiring the beauty of paradise "

He mocks himself .

Meanwhile , Zu Dandan, who was supposed to have left Wudi Egun alone , stands in front of her wall mirror inside the arresting bedroom .

She keeps on looking at her reflection but surprisingly , she suddenly sees her reflection change .

Her long crimson hairs have now slowly gone through transformation , transforming into long and otherworldly beautiful silver hairs .

Even her crimson eyes becomes silver , refined immortal jades from the divine kingdom of legend .

"Who are you ? "

{ 🎵 Even If You leave Me Alone On This Unfamiliar Estrangement 🎵 }

"No , who am I ?"

{ 🎵 I Shall Follow You Till I Find You 🎵 }

"Who is the Sage Ancestor ? "

{ 🎵 Even If It Needs Infinite Reincarnation To Take Me To You And Allow Me To Stay By Your Side 🎵 }

"Why is this name so — "

{ 🎵 So Please Don't Run Away From Me , I Just Want To See You All The Lifetime I Have To Be Born 🎵 }

"— so familiar ?"

{ 🎵 Even If It Takes Me My Soul To Reach You Traveling Through Time , This Is Nothing But Just A Short Story Of A New Chapter For You And Me 🎵 }