

In a world where the majority of the population is born with special abilities known as "quirks," there's a simple guy out there, not given much importance. Despite that, he possesses one of the "quirks" that is probably the golden finger he never asked for. But being a simple guy, he'll act accordingly. ((This is purely made for fun, all rights to the respective author of Boku no Hero.)) (Oh, and English is not my native language.)

TritonVSoreo · Cómic
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6 Chs


When you think about what happens around you by your simple presence, you often realize that it is not what you imagine or you keep thinking.

The world ignores you

To them you only exist for a moment, once they lose sight of you, you cease to exist.

And that's actually not a bad thing, although if what you're looking for is for everyone to see you and know of your existence, that's your problem... the fact that you're there and they don't take you into account is actually something interesting.

Everyone just follows their own path, the rest are distractions

It's a random thought, and I tend to have quite a few...

-Is something wrong, little Sho?

With a question, a clear woman's voice speaks to me closely, a familiar voice, so I had to get out of my random thoughts, I looked to my right, and I saw that woman dressed in a green apron

-I'm fine-

My answer was short, my voice had a childish tone that bothered me to hear even from time to time..., but she did not seem satisfied with my answer.

-Little Sho, your mother spoke to me very worried about not having friends..., in a few minutes we will have an activity for us all to play with, okay?

She spoke to me with her usual somewhat honeyed tone..., what can I do?

In case you haven't noticed, I became a child again, and even worse, a different one in another place..."different", if you think about it, you should be able to put yourself in my shoes and imagine everything I had to do again. suffer, I already went through childhood..., having to do it again is not something one wants, and if I had no option, at least it would be in my real body, right?, but I don't even have that for that option

Because of that experience I question divine existences, an example is me.

Throw myself into a different world in another different body that doesn't even belong to me? Come on, how old is he, six or seven years old?

I couldn't help but let out a mental sigh...

-Yes Aoi-sensei, I will-

My tone is somewhat neutral, but I have to give the small effort that my mental age is what I look like in body..., but I will be honest with you, I hardly take that effort seriously, which results in behavior " inappropriate" for my age

Basically I am the quiet one in the room, summary of my situation

Now I am in what is known as "kindergarten", come on, the paradise for pedophiles and the deranged, I am grateful that in this country the kindergartens are well protected, I regularly see police passing by outside on the street, which in I didn't even see my old life in my dreams

-Okay kids, let's all get together and make a circle, there is amazing news that everyone will want to see!-

Sensei-Aoi spoke with his typical sweet tone, I saw that everyone in the room began to run laughing to the center of the room, and I had no choice but to do the same..., in a few minutes of scandal, the children They sat on the floor forming a circle, there was a space so I could sit too...

I sat down and the two girls on my sides moved away slightly with a grimace of disgust...

(That hurts a little, even for me.)

Sho wasn't particularly ugly, it's just that his status as the "Weirdo" of the class gives him different treatment, and he was only labeled that way because he doesn't talk much.

Children are usually quite cruel, if it weren't for the fact that I was a man in a boy's body, that gesture from those girls would probably have left me traumatized.

It's a shame that I'm already used to female rejection, I'm more than a veteran at that.

-Attention everyone, Kenji has news for you! - The teacher smiled and pointed to a boy with light brown hair who was sitting at the other end of the circle - go ahead Kenji, show the class that good news -

Aoi-sensei urged the child..., sorry, Kenji to stand in the middle of the circle, in a moment of shyness, he hesitated, but there was no other option, he stood up and stood in clear view of everyone

-Go ahead, don't worry, no one will get hurt-

(What kind of statement is that?)

Although I am already used to this type of situation, sensei makes a terrible choice of words "is no one going to get hurt?",

(something softer wouldn't be bad...)

I left my internal jokes aside and simply paid attention in silence, this act is like a demonstration, or rather it is putting in evidence what you inherited genetically.

A slight grinding sound was what left the children silent, I just watched...

A kind of black knife came out of Kenji's elbows..., it's like a Tarkatan but Chinese version, I agree, that's what they call a "peculiarity", or as I know it, it's a "Don"

When I see this it is always like a hammer blow to my sanity, it is that I simply cannot believe nor can it fit into my head that I am in a world that came from the imagination of some exploited Japanese, I simply cannot, and I am already five years of visible evidence, I can see them in the streets, on television, on the internet, basically everyday things

(Fiction to reality just because)

The universe is actually infinite, I thought.

-Wow! Doesn't it hurt to have blades on your elbows?

-Can you cut very hard things with that!?-

-They look like katanas!-

The children basically jumped out of curiosity and amusement, although Kenji quickly hid his blades inside his arm by sensei's order, I don't deny it, they looked really sharp and dangerous.

What to think? Well, as I said before, I'm used to that, as time goes by, I've already seen the vast majority of the class awaken their quirks, and Kenji took another year, he had something called "awakening late"

And in this class there are only two who have not yet awakened their quirk..., one was Kenji, and guess who the other is...

It's me

But it's not something I'm really worried about, clinically, I'm guaranteed a quirk, just because of a double joint in my little toe, kind of weird if you ask me, but who am I to complain?

And so... The day came to an end, the last activity of the day to demonstrate that a five-year-old child has two knives in his arms, can take them out at will and goes to a kindergarten, what better combination?

I scratched my head and in my mind I sent my condolences to the education system in this world, I can already imagine the immense amount of protocols they must have for each student with dangerous quirks like that.

After that, the only thing left to do is wait for my "mom"..., another thing to worry about