
War Lord's Apocalyptic System

Arthur, the most terrifying warlord in the world, has reincarnated into an apocalyptic world. His pursuit of power made him the richest and most powerful man on earth. But all that power and riches couldn't save Arthur from dying of a terrible disease. When Arthur thought he was going to hell for sure, he met the god. God gave him two choices: to pay for all the sins he committed in the eternal pit of deep hell or reborn into a world destroyed by magic and overran by all kinds of monsters and rebuild it. Should he choose to accept to be reborn, God agreed to give him only one thing except immortality. Obviously, our hero(villain) chose to be reborn and tricked the god by asking for a System that would help him reach immortality. Join Arthur’s journey of redeeming himself and rebuilding the world that is destroyed while uncovering the mysteries behind the apocalypse. What to expect from this book? 1. Competent MC who is not a beta 2. Harem done right - a harem not done right can be frustrating to read, but when it is done right, it can be so refreshing 3. Kingdom building - Who doesn't like kingdom building? 4. Action - Both killing and action with our gorgeous sexy Female leads (yes, that action) 5. MILFs!!! What not to expect from this book? 1. Rushed Plots 2. Logic less Face slapping ( Of course we have face slapping but characters will have human level IQ) 3. Mild gore and less blood ( This book is r18 which contains extreme violence and explicit sex scenes)

don_offl · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Settlement Builder Function

Arthur sensed the elf's hesitation, his reluctance to fully trust a stranger, even after witnessing Arthur's capabilities. 

"Look, I get it. Trusting a fucking stranger isn't easy, especially one who just showed up and started throwing potions around," Arthur said, his voice laced with a rough honesty that matched his appearance.

Backing Arthur with his typical forthrightness, the dwarf chimed in. "We've seen what ye can do, lad. Skills like yers are rare 'round these parts. We'd be daft to turn ye away," he said, his accent thick and his stance firm.

Arthur nodded in agreement, then turned his attention back to the elf and the other settlers. 

"The scavengers? They'll be back, that's a fucking guarantee. Now, me being here might be a bit of a gamble, fifty-fifty at worst. But those bastards coming back to finish what they started? That's a hundred percent certainty."

Just then, the mother of the young man Arthur had saved approached the group. Her presence commanded a quiet respect, her eyes soft yet filled with an undeniable strength. 

"As a mother, I see a troubled young man behind those eyes," she said, looking directly at Arthur. "But I also see someone who wants to do right by us. There's goodness there, I can tell. And if he says he can help, then I believe we can trust him."

Her words, spoken with the conviction of a mother who had just witnessed her son's life saved from the brink, resonated with the settlers.

But still seeing the tension rise, the dwarf tried to bridge the gap between Arthur and the elf. 

"Look here, ye pointy-eared skeptic. The lad's proved his worth in more ways than one. It'd be foolish to turn away a hand that's already helped save one of our own," he argued, his words a mixture of frustration and conviction.

Arthur, growing increasingly annoyed by the situation, retorted sharply, "Yeah, good fucking luck fighting off those scavengers and saving these folks with all your doubts and hesitations." His patience had worn thin; the reluctance to accept help in the face of clear danger seemed absurd to him.

As Arthur turned to leave, feeling his efforts to help might be better appreciated elsewhere, the elf finally called out to him. 

"Wait!" he said, a moment of hesitation in his voice. No one had yet asked for Arthur's name, making the moment somewhat awkward. 

"You can stay. We can use your help,"

Arthur couldn't help but grin inwardly, recognizing the value of a well-placed bluff and the need for cunning in negotiations. As a former warlord on Earth, he had mastered countless tactics to achieve his goals. Yet, he kept his true feelings and identity buried deep within.

Turning back, Arthur responded, "You're not doing me a fucking favor, mate. You're doing yourselves one." His words were blunt, highlighting the mutual benefit of his presence.

Unable to contain his amusement at the exchange, the dwarf let out a hearty laugh and wrapped Arthur in an unexpected hug, surprising him. 

"Welcome to our wee settlement, lad," he said, clapping Arthur on the back and leading him into the heart of the settlement.

They arrived at the center, where a broken building stood. Inside, rusty weapons leaned against the walls, and sacks of dried grass, old fruits, and dried fishes were stored. It was clear to Arthur that this place served not only as their armory but also as their town hall and food storage.

Just as Arthur was taking it all in, a familiar ding echoed in his mind, signaling a new quest from the system.

[Ding! New System Quest Unlocked!]

Quest: Move the settlement to a safer location and survive for a week without any lives lost.

Reward: A new spell, free of charge.

Arthur took a moment to process the new quest. The stakes were clear, and the reward was enticing—a new spell could significantly enhance their chances of survival. 

As the reality of the new quest settled in, Arthur quickly began to formulate a strategy. His mind raced through potential locations, resources needed for the move, and how to ensure the safety of the settlers during the transition. He was already envisioning a step-by-step plan to accomplish the daunting task laid out by the system.

Meanwhile, the dwarf and the elf, oblivious to the magical apocalyptic system guiding Arthur, took a moment to introduce themselves. 

"I'm Torin, at your service." The dwarf, with a firm handshake, said.

The elf, more reserved but equally sincere, added, "And I am Elenion."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the introductions. "Name's Arthur. Look, it's great to know who you are, but we've got bigger fish to fry. The scavengers I told you about earlier? They've mapped this place. If that's not bad news, the buddies of the scavengers we killed will come looking for them, and when they do, it won't be for a friendly visit," he stated, urgency clear in his voice.

"Aye, I see your point. Not keen on uprooting, but seems we've little choice." Torin grumbled in agreement.

Elenion, with a thoughtful look, added, "Moving the settlement won't be simple. We face undead hordes, night monsters, and the scarcity of habitable areas. The nearest village with empty buildings could be days, if not weeks away. The journey itself poses significant risks."

Arthur listened intently, weighing their concerns. Before he could respond, a chime from the system notification interrupted his thoughts, revealing a new function and quest:

[Settlement Building Function Unlocked!]

Quest: Build one Level 1 Shack using the Settlement Builder. 

Reward: 5000 Soul Points.

This sudden functionality caught Arthur off guard, leaving him both shocked and intrigued. Though surprised by the system's expanding capabilities, he sensed that it could offer even more assistance in his efforts to rebuild this world. 

"Hmm," Arthur rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then pulled out the map he had shown the group earlier. With a cunning grin, he spread it out before them. 

"You know, we might just use this to our advantage," he said, tapping a finger on the parchment. 

"These scavengers have done a half-decent job mapping out the region," he pointed out, his tone implying a plan forming in his mind.

Then, he pointed to an area on the map where a lake met a dense forest. "This here looks like a prime spot for setting up a new settlement," Arthur suggested, enthusiasm evident in his voice.

The elf frowned, his skepticism clear. "Building a new settlement? That's unheard of. We occupy existing ruins, not start from scratch. The world hasn't seen new construction since the great war of mages thousands of years ago."

"Lad, buildin' from the ground up ain't no walk in the park. We're talkin' about fightin' off beasts, securing resources, and the like. It's a monumental task, that is." Torin chimed in, his voice heavy with concern. 

Understanding their hesitation, Arthur sighed. They had no reason to trust his plan without seeing evidence of what he proposed, and truthfully, he was curious about the settlement builder's capabilities himself.

Taking a deep breath, he looked them in the eye. "Listen, I've got a... special skill. Something I've never shown anyone. It's probably better if I just show you rather than yap about it. But I need you to promise me you won't freak the fuck out, alright?" 

Arthur's tone was serious, hinting at the importance of what he was about to reveal, without betraying the existence of the system or its functionalities.

"Makin' potions is already shockin' enough, what more could ye possibly do?" Torin expressed his astonishment, his brows raised in disbelief at the prospect of witnessing more of Arthur's mysterious abilities.

Elenion, with a composed demeanor, assured, "You have our word."

Needing space for his demonstration, Arthur inquired, "Is there somewhere more private we can go for this?"

Both Torin and Elenion nodded, a hint of curiosity in their eyes. 

"Aye, there's a spot just outside the fence. But I must say, this day gets stranger by the minute," Torin remarked, his tone a mixture of bewilderment and intrigue.

Then, they led Arthur out of the building, across the settlement, and into a barren land just beyond the fence. Arthur took a deep breath, gathering his focus, and willed the system to reveal the settlement builder function.

As usual, his vision was filled with floating letters and a game-like HUD appeared before his eyes. Next to the current quests tab, he spotted a new tab labeled 'Settlement Builder.' Arthur mentally navigated to the tab, where he found a tiny icon of a shack. The icon represented a simple, yet sturdy-looking shack, with a thatched roof and wooden walls, the very essence of basic shelter encapsulated in a small, floating representation.

"Here goes nothing," Arthur muttered under his breath, reaching out to touch the floating shack icon. To Torin and Elenion, it appeared as though Arthur was grasping at thin air. 

"What in the world are ye doin'?"

Before either could further question Arthur's sanity, they gasped in shock as something began to materialize before them. It was the translucent, blue outline of a shack - a blueprint glowing with an ethereal light, its dimensions and shape clearly defining what was to become a physical structure.

"What the hell...?" Torin exclaimed, his voice a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

Elenion, usually reserved, couldn't hide his amazement, his eyes wide as he observed the blueprint taking form. The sight of something so concrete and tangible appearing from seemingly nowhere challenged everything they knew about building and survival in their world.