
War Lord's Apocalyptic System

Arthur, the most terrifying warlord in the world, has reincarnated into an apocalyptic world. His pursuit of power made him the richest and most powerful man on earth. But all that power and riches couldn't save Arthur from dying of a terrible disease. When Arthur thought he was going to hell for sure, he met the god. God gave him two choices: to pay for all the sins he committed in the eternal pit of deep hell or reborn into a world destroyed by magic and overran by all kinds of monsters and rebuild it. Should he choose to accept to be reborn, God agreed to give him only one thing except immortality. Obviously, our hero(villain) chose to be reborn and tricked the god by asking for a System that would help him reach immortality. Join Arthur’s journey of redeeming himself and rebuilding the world that is destroyed while uncovering the mysteries behind the apocalypse. What to expect from this book? 1. Competent MC who is not a beta 2. Harem done right - a harem not done right can be frustrating to read, but when it is done right, it can be so refreshing 3. Kingdom building - Who doesn't like kingdom building? 4. Action - Both killing and action with our gorgeous sexy Female leads (yes, that action) 5. MILFs!!! What not to expect from this book? 1. Rushed Plots 2. Logic less Face slapping ( Of course we have face slapping but characters will have human level IQ) 3. Mild gore and less blood ( This book is r18 which contains extreme violence and explicit sex scenes)

don_offl · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Quest to kill a bloated zombie

Name: Arthur

Age: 21

Status: Healthy

Rank: None

Powers: Scavenging Eyes - Level 1

Settlement Rank: Unranked

Subordinates: None

Soul Points: 1900

Current Objective: Survive and rebuild the shattered world

Active Quests: Build one Level 1 Shack using the Settlement Builder

System Rank: One

As the trio, Arthur, Elenion, and Torin, made their way back into the heart of the settlement, the air was thick with anticipation. They had a plan, albeit one that would require the settlers to embrace change in a way they hadn't for generations.

Without missing a beat, Torin took the lead, his voice carrying across the gathering crowd.

"The safety of our home is compromised. We've found a way to move, to build anew," he said, his gaze sweeping over the assembled faces.

Torin, his voice carrying the strength of stone, added, "And it's all thanks to our new friend here. He's got a rare gift, the kind we've not seen in ages. Descended from the mages of old, he has."

At the mention of Arthur's supposed lineage, whispers and gasps cut through the crowd like a sharp wind. 

"A mage? Here?" one settler uttered, disbelief lacing her words.

"Can we trust such power?" another asked, his voice a low murmur of fear and awe.

Yet, as the murmurings grew, Torin and Elenion stood firm. "We've seen his intentions, pure and true. Without his aid, we're naught but targets waitin' for arrows. With him, we've a chance to thrive," Torin declared, his conviction unwavering.

Amidst the flurry of reactions, a new message popped into Arthur's vision, startling him with its sudden appearance but also sparking a glimmer of hope. 

[System Function Activated: Identify Specific Traits of Settlers - Builders, Fighters, Cooks, Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Scholars]

"Looks like we've got more to work with than we thought," Arthur muttered under his breath, a smirk playing at the edges of his mouth.

The revelation of Arthur's abilities, cloaked in the guise of a mage's descent, and the promise of a safer future, gradually shifted the tide of opinion among the settlers. Fear and shock gave way to a cautious optimism, their survival instinct recognizing the opportunity that Arthur's presence represented.

"Let's not waste any fucking time, then," Arthur said, his words cutting through the last tendrils of doubt. 

"We've got a settlement to move, and I'm here to make sure we do it right."

Amidst the initial wave of optimism, a tide of reluctance began to swell within the settlement. The idea of moving, of leaving behind what little safety and stability they had managed to carve out in this harsh world, struck a chord of fear and uncertainty among the settlers.

"Mages, you say?" one of the settlers, a woman with lines of worry etched deeply into her face, voiced her concern. 

"The same mages that tore this world asunder? And we're to trust our lives to one who claims descent from them?"

Her words, heavy with the weight of past sorrows, echoed through the crowd, stirring a simmering pot of doubt and anger. 

"We've built what little we have here with sweat and blood. How can we just abandon it on the word of a stranger, mage or not?" another settler, a burly man whose hands bore the calluses of hard labor, added, his voice laced with defiance.

The whispers of dissent grew louder, a chorus of fear and mistrust weaving through the assembled group. 

"Mages brought nothing but destruction to our world. How can we be sure he won't do the same?" a young voice piped up, the sentiment resonating with many who had grown up on tales of the great wars and the devastation wrought by unchecked power.

Torin, sensing the growing unrest, tried to quell the rising tide of skepticism. 

"Now, now, let's not be hasty in our judgements. The lad's shown naught but good intent towards us. 

"Tis not fair to blame him for the sins of the past," he urged, his words a plea for reason amidst the growing storm of fear.

Arthur stood, listening to the voices of doubt and fear, understanding the deep-seated mistrust that his supposed lineage had unearthed. The scars left by the wars of old ran deep, and the specter of the mages' legacy loomed large over the present.

"Listen, I fucking get it," Arthur finally said, his voice cutting through the murmurs. 

"The past is a shadow we're all living under. But staying here, pretending we're safe when we're anything but? That's not living, that's just waiting for the axe to fall. I'm not here to repeat history, I'm here to help us all find a better fucking future."

Amidst the rising tide of reluctance and fear, Elenion let out a weary sigh and unfurled the map Arthur had retrieved from the scavengers. He pointed to the markings that ominously highlighted their settlement. 

"See this? The scavengers have us marked. And it's only a matter of time before their comrades come seeking vengeance for those we've killed," he explained, his voice grave with the weight of impending danger.

Unable to resist, Arthur let out a chuckle, albeit a dark one. "Looks like your little safety bubble's about to get fucking burst wide open," he remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips.

Just as a youngster, his face a mask of skepticism and fear, opened his mouth to protest. 

"But how can we just up and lea-" - his words were abruptly cut off.

A young woman with fiery red hair, clad in sleek black robes that marked her as a scout, called out, interrupting the brewing dissent. 

"He's right," she said, her voice carrying an authority born of her experiences in the wilds beyond their settlement. Her robes, practical yet marked with the signs of her role, fluttered slightly in the breeze, the insignia of her position embroidered prominently.

"I've seen the scavenger camps. They're gearing up for a big raid, and it's fucking obvious we're on their hit list," she continued, her green eyes scanning the crowd, assessing their reaction to her confirmation of Arthur's warning.

"Lira, you're back," Elenion called out.

"Seems like I missed some action while I was away," Lira responded with a chuckle, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she hinted at the battle against the scavengers.

Her timely intervention, coupled with the undeniable evidence she presented, served to underscore the urgency of the situation. The settlers, faced with the grim reality of their predicament, found their arguments faltering in the face of such stark warnings. The presence of an outside threat, verified by one of their own, shifted the atmosphere, lending weight to Arthur's earlier assertions about the necessity of relocating their settlement.

"So, you're the new face around here, huh? Guess you lent a hand in the skirmish," she remarked, catching sight of Arthur with a playful tilt of her head.

"Yeah, and you must be the settlement's scout," Arthur replied, recognizing her role from the distinctive attire she wore.

"As one does," Lira responded with a nod, acknowledging the mutual recognition of their roles within the settlement. Just then, a settler's voice broke through the growing consensus, laced with uncertainty. 

"But where do we head to?"

Simultaneously, Lira and Arthur, their fingers landing on the same spot on the map Elenion was holding, declared, "This forest."

With a light laugh, Lira added, "A like-minded person, huh?" 

Her gaze then swept over the crowd, seriousness replacing her earlier mirth. 

"But it's not going to be a walk in the park. We're looking at almost two days of travel. Luckily for us, i have good and bad news," she cautioned, her expression sobering as she prepared to lay out the reality of their journey ahead.

Elenion, eager for any shred of hope, quickly asked, "What's the good news?"

"The good news," Lira began, her voice tinged with a sliver of hope. 

"Is I've stumbled upon a protection rune pillar near the forest. With a bit of muscle, we can move it to guard our new home." 

Arthur, unfamiliar with the concept of a protection rune pillar, kept his questions to himself, intrigued but focused on the larger picture.

"But," Lira continued, her expression turning grim, "the bad news is we've got a bit of an obstacle course to navigate. There's an undead minefield, a fucking mushroom field, and, to top it off, a snake field. Oh, and let's not forget the joys of a sand pit,"

Suddenly, after Lira detailed the dangers of their impending journey, a familiar chime echoed in Arthur's head, heralding the arrival of a new quest, momentarily drawing his attention inward:

[Quest Received: Kill a Bloated Zombie]

Objective: Eliminate a bloated zombie lurking within the undead minefield.

Reward: Protection Talisman Level 1 - This talisman will offer protection to you and your companions until you establish a new settlement.

The revelation of this quest, specifically designed to aid in their treacherous journey, sparked a sense of urgency within Arthur. The Protection Talisman Level 1 promised a semblance of safety, a boon they desperately needed.

With a newfound resolve, Arthur turned his thoughts inward, the weight of their situation pressing upon him. 

"Seems like I've got a bloated zombie to kill before we can even think of moving out," he muttered to himself, his voice a blend of determination and the grittiness that had become his trademark. The prospect of facing such a creature was daunting, but the reward—a talisman to safeguard their trek—was too vital to ignore.