
war for the world

the world is thrown into chaos as the loser Queendom plans to fight the empire. can the emperor Hua Becket stop the Queendom's nefarious plots or will the world fall into the hands of darkness? Will the simp lord ever find freedom or will he be enslaved by adoration forever? What limits does The Loser Queen Litiny Becket have? How loyal is Nina Wong to the Queen? Find out in this thrilling adventure of The forces of the Empire and the Loser Queendom ----------------- Bring your cringe goggles You're gonna need them this is the first novel that was written originally for my friends before they lost interest and now will be for this site. I am not gonna make three books for no one to read so if you like make a comment and let me know so I will start writing again thanks a lot.

gemboi · Fantasía
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7 Chs

The First Conflict (part three)

This was a good sign for all on the empires side. This included Gary who thought this meant there was time for questions about some things he was wondering.

"How did I do it?" He spoke quickly.

Surprised at hearing his friend's voice. Pfannkuchen opened his eyes a crack to see a blade a mere inch from his throat. "Do what?" came the naccalant reply.

"Beat you so easily." He said moving the blade ever closer to his throat. "That knife could have easily been forced out of your arm with your powers plus a single stab should not have made you fall."

He laughed before coughing black blood. Gary "aw'-ed in acknowledgement. "Ha ha, My powers are leaving me. I will be useless to the Loser Queendom before long. So finish me off already."

"I will oblige with your final wish"

The blade descended and came within a millimeter of Pfannkuchen's throat. This would be another number in a large statistic for this war. Then the earth shook. A large and terrifying force shook the earth and threw everyone not in the air to their knees. This included Gary. His blade fell missing Pfann's Jugular by a fraction of an inch. He was wounded but alive. Blades threw from Pfannkuchen's hands into Gary's throat, there was no immediate after shock to save him.

" I hope you share my same sentiment." Then His Head flew from his body. Gary was no longer in this world.

Nina was pinned in a cage of steel. As blades and bullets made from the same material flew in at her. She was being beaten. This would likely spell her end if she remained this way. Suddenly, The attacks stopped. Moarland was tightly clutching his chest while a look of agony washed over his face. "MY SOUL!" he exclaimed.

The owner was n0t unaware of this fact either. The earthquake had also caused another problem. The reinforcements had been caught in a Landslide that killed all but a few. This meant that a full retreat was absolutely necessary. He brought up a wall separating his troops from the opposing side. Then gathered a large mass of air and water and used it to push his sister back. "FULL RETREAT!" came his order. The troops turned and ran. Their morale crushed and their spirits broken. How could they fight against an enemy so fierce?

Loser casualties-37,829 Generals lost-4 commanders lost-0 commanders wounded-2

Empire casualties-38,456 generals lost-6 commanders lost-1 commanders wounded-0

again I am not gonna make three novels for no one tell me if you like it one will be enough to get me writing again updates will be on the weekend

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