
WandLess (Harry Potter x Multiverse)

A young man, born with magic power above the norm for most witches and wizards, is enrolled into a while retaining his secret. As someone who had no need for a wand, the possibilities were limitless. //Let's see if we can hit 1k before new year. If you want 3 chaps a day then make sure to let others know. My aim is to make this novel big before the new year starts

Sh4d0w_M4g3 · Cómic
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1 Chs


//Here's the real Prologue. This is just for kicks and to prove that I'm actually gonna write this and am NOT just a troll.

I'll have 2 chaps out tomorrow. Bet on it


There were many mysteries in the world, a plethora of unexplainable phenomena that astounded the minds of those who witnessed them. Abnormal weather, sightings of fantastical beasts only heard of in legends, and strange, almost magical events that happened every so often were just a few of the spectacular ongoing incidents that warped the perspective of others to a profound degree.

Of course, this was typically only for those without magic running through their veins, for those known as No-Maj's, or Muggles as the foreign wizards called them.

For the ones who possessed the ability to use magic, to shape it to their will, these "phenomena" were merely small matters. In the world of witches and wizards, the extraordinary became the ordinary and the unexplainable became spelled out, easily identifiable as one cause or another. The magical world existed on a different wavelength, separate from regular society and possessing far greater potential then those without the same abilities.

With that being said, even within the wizarding world there existed exceptions to the established norm, those that possessed remarkable attributes that overshadowed their fellow peers.

This is the story of one of those exceptions, a young man overflowing with magical power never before seen within the magical community.

This is the story of Jade Amata and his growth as a Wizard.


Streams of light filtered through the blinds covering the window, small rays of sunshine falling upon a youth with pitch black hair, of whom was sprawled out on an unusually large twin bed. With fair skin, slightly lengthy eyelashes, and a peaceful, stress free expression, the young man looked remarkably childlike as he continued to snooze away.

Thunk!...Thunk!... Thunk!

The dormant adolescent's eyes shot open on the third tap, bright transparent blue hues gracing the world with its presence as another tap rang out. The sound repeated itself again and again in set intervals, the blinds shaking from the impact at which the window was being hit.

"Aberto," Jade muttered reflexively as he sat up in his bed, the covers draping off his bare back.

Without even a second of pause, the window to the room blasted wide open, allowing a large, dusty grey owl to pass through unabated, landing ever so elegantly on the nightstand positioned beside Jade's bed. The bird jumped a little as it impatiently held out its leg, inviting the youth to remove the small envelope strapped around its ankle. Jade, who was now wide awake due to the shot of adrenaline pumping through his veins, hurriedly reached out and unstrapped the letter. As someone who had been waiting for days to recieve the notice necessary to enroll within Ilvermony, this was of the utmost importance as he set it to the side.



The smell of freshly cooked bacon, easy over eggs, sausage, and pancakes wafted through the air, mixing together as it filled up the house with its enticing aromas.

It was unusual for such a large feast to be prepared within the Amata household as, for the most part, Jade's parents, Lenorra and Jinx Amata, preferred to keep things neat and simple, providing only what was necessary as opposed to going overboard on the portions. However, today was a special day. In about two weeks, their one and only son would be enrolled into the Ilvermony School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry and begin his journey on finally getting a handle on the immense magical power that they themselves had had to put up with since the boys birth. To them, it was worth celebrating since, despite their best efforts, they were unable to stem the flow of magic leaking off the child in waves.

Earlier, when Jade had reflexively uttered the spell meant for opening doors, he had thrown open every closed structure attached to the Amata household. The only reason it hadn't spread to a house or two over was due to the multiple charms that had been placed over the home the youth stayed in, precautions that had been put into play specifically for such an occasion. Of course, that being said, it was simple child's play compared to what the adolescent did when he was a mere infant and something insignificant compared to what Lenorra and Jinx had to put up with as they raised the boy.

Causing everything not attached to the house or charmed to float in the air, things to break apart then repair themselves, and random magic spells to happen every hour or so. All of which happened on a day to day basis.

However, soon it would no longer be their problem as he moved into the dorms provided by Ilvermony, living there as he was educated in magic and its derivatives.

It wasnt like they didnt care for their son though as they loved him far more then Jade cared to mention, but from what the youth could tell, they were looking forward to not coming home to find the house in disarray. Even as he had grown, the black haired boy still had trouble not causing stuff to float or random spells to appear while he was passed out. Even if the couple were used to the circumstances, it was still stressful for them and he had no doubt they would fully relax for the first time in years.

With that in mind, Jade continued to enjoy the food that had been prepped while scanning the owl delivered letter for the umpteenth time.

It was basically a statement from the headmaster, Agilbert Fontaine, that he had recieved the owl sent by his parents in response to the initial acceptance letter into Ilvermony. It wasnt much to look at but it DID include a list of the necessary materials he would need to buy such as books, a cauldron, the stated clothing, and a wand. It was this chart that he had been reading for over half an hour, to the point where the words were imprinted onto the forefront of his brain.


"Owie," Jade muttered as he rubbed the back of his head, his hues shifting from the paper and onto his father. "Why'd ya hit me pops? I didn't even do anything."

Jinx shook his head as he wiggled the rolled up newspaper in his hand, holding it like one would when going against a swordsman. "You need to focus on eating so we can get going. We'll be here forever at the pace you're going."

"Where we headed?" Jade asked without thinking, only regretting the question after it escaped his mouth.

Jinx, of course, ignored the youth as he stole the list away from Jade, folding it and tucking it into his pocket before walking away, heading towards the kitchen.

(("Right, I forgot for a second,")) the black haired adolescent thought to himself as he scrapped the rest of the eggs off his plate and into his mouth. (("Theres only one place close enough to us to buy from, what with us being in Florida and all."))

Venificus Market, the only collection of stores within the state of Florida that wizards could go to for quality merchandise.