Reincarnated into the walking dead world with the apocolypse on its way, luckily, I have a Harry Potter System Starting in Modern Family I don't own anything but my oc
Of all the ways I was going to die and at all the times, I think this was the worst possible moment. I had a pretty shitty life, the shitty parents, no friends, hoping in and out of group homes and placements. I was chronically depressed. My first suicide attempt was at 13. Even though I was this moody, disgruntled little shit growing up, I always found an escape in a book. but in real life, I figured if no one cared about me, I shouldn't care about myself. I finally came to terms with life and struggling and was trying to make something of myself. I had a gotten job where I made one good solid friend Tom. I stayed in a shitty group home for high school, and Tom helped me through it.
We ended up making plans to get an apartment together. His family wasn't the greatest just like mine, and even besides that we had a lot in common. one night, we went out to this new restaurant to celebrate my turning 18, and finally, being able to move out, he introduced me to this girl named Anabell who was friends with toms girlfriend went to school with, Susan(tom's girlfriend), did a whole song and dance of introducing us and though at first it was awkward we really hit it off. I hadn't gone on many dates before and double dating was a whole new avenue to try to navigate. We talked for hours, and we even danced a bit even though I know I wasn't exactly a talented dancer. After we danced and I finished giving her a few good welts on her feet from all the stepping on her toes, we left the restaurant deciding to walk home since our new apartment was only a few blocks away. Tom and Susan had disappeared while we danced probably back to our apartment. As we walked we onto this block party down the street. This block party a few miles away and though it seemed to be slowly winding down seeing as it was the end of the night they started to set off fireworks, and we watched I couldn't take my eyes off of Anabell the lights flickering off her face from the fireworks I hadn't realized how beautiful she was when we were in the restaurant but I was truly astonished. As the last few fireworks went off I grabbed her hand and we talked a bit and the more I learned about her the more I found we had in common and we just clicked on almost every fundamental level. I wanted to take her back to the apartment but i was worried about ruining Tom and Susan's night as they were probably having their own kind of celebration wink wink.
I could tell she liked me just as I liked her which was just as wonderful as it was terrifying, and I found myself tongue tied around her trying to not sound completely insane saying something stupid that you shouldn't say to a girl that you met 4 hours ago.
"You know of all the things that are going on in my life right now I think this might be the best one," I say as she is leaning against me shoulder watching the last wisps of the fireworks display.
"Well, you know Tom might get jealous hearing you say that after all the work you guys put into getting a place," she said with a flirty smile, but her cheeks had a slight blush that was just adorable. She abruptly stood up from the bench we had been watching the fireworks on and pulled me along behind her.
She kind of walked like she was skipping which I found equally adorable I had long strides and for a second I thought I was walking too fast but even when I walked a bit more slowly she did the little two skip and kind of dragged me along her hand never left mine and I honestly couldn't find words to say for a while too tongue tied and trying to defrost my brain to think effectively but she didn't let the conversation drop even as we walked.
She told me about her family and stuff about her in detail likes and dislikes. Her favorite color is the same as mine, favorite food, favorite movie, and because we had so much in common, and it led to conversations and jokes that made us laugh until people gave us strange looks and talk until the few blocks seemed to almost stretch into miles as we walked. We even had similar semi tragic/rough backstories, though I don't even know how we broached the subject. That's not something you tell people on first dates.
I was having such a great time and she looked so beautiful as we got right in front of my building, I leaned in to kiss her and right as she leaned in to kiss me. Just as our lips were about to touch, I saw Tom come out from of the entrance of our apartment building from the corner of my eye. I saw him pull out a gun and shoot me right in the head.
( rewrite)
same starting chapter of my other story, the personality I just think its better if the person goes In having no familial ties in his past world