
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

You laugh more freely now. I am happy.


You laugh more freely now. I am happy.


As the spring season approached, a deluge of pink and white descended across the cities, towns, parks and mountains. The cherry blossom season is full of spectacular sights and immense natural beauty all around the region.

It was during the late April month when their wedding was held.


Kiyoko sat down on the couch tiredly. She had no idea that dressing up as a bride could be so tiring.

"You look stunning, Kiyo." Shizuka said with her arms crossed. She was the one who adamantly took up the responsibility for dressing her up.

"Thanks Shizuka."

"Of course…I have magic in my hands. I think I can open a beauty salon after my retirement." Shizuka clapped both her hands and smiled.

"Good idea" Kiyoko chuckled.

"Wish I could also wear such a gown!"

"Then get married."

"Never…!" Shizuka almost shouted.

"Well you never know what might happen."

"Nope… I am better off single. I can wear a gown even if I don't get married and I will buy that sexy one that you did not choose that day."

"Fine…" Kiyoko grinned.

"Seriously you would have looked dashing in that gown. I chose that for you but…"

"This gown is also beautiful and how can I wear such revealing attire in the reception in front of so many people."

"Seriously…You are such a shy damsel! Fine…I am going out for a while."

"Where to…?"

"Getting some tasty food and hunting down some handsome and hot hunks."


Shizuka had already left the private lounge.

Kiyoko sighed and chuckled.

"That girl…" Kiyoko mumbled.

Kiyoko felt tightness around her waist. The strings clad around her dress were too tightly tied.

She felt stuffy.

She tried to undo the strings on her own but her hands could not reach properly. She tried again.


At that moment, a pair of hands gently undid the string behind her.

Kiyoko smiled when she saw Zehan through the mirror. He was wearing a black tuxedo and his hair was neatly set up.

"Now okay…?" He asked.


"Mrs. Watanabe, you look ravishing." Zehan leaned closer towards Kiyoko and lightly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You look great too, Mr. Watanabe." Kiyoko grinned and pulled Zehan closer to her and placed a kiss on his lips.

When their lips finally left, Zehan lightly pinched on Kiyoko's cheeks.

Kiyoko smiled.

There was a slight knock on the door.

Tamako, Kotaro and Haru were standing at the door. They were Zehan's friends.

"Should we come after sometime?" Kotaro sneered.

"Yeah…" Zehan said with a nod.

"No…No! It's okay! Please come and have a seat." Kiyoko said hastily and nudged Zehan away from her.

Kotaro slapped on Zehan's back.

"So you became the first one who got married before we even got to have a bachelorette trip. Nice going Zehan!"

"Congrats bro…!" Haru said.

"Thanks for coming." Zehan said.

"But you did not look that welcoming earlier!" Tamako sneered.

"Because we interrupted him…" Kotaro chuckled.

"Yeah you did." Zehan said nonchalantly.

"This shameless old guy…!" Haru said.

"Kiyoko, we will borrow your husband for a while."

Kotaro and Haru pulled Zehan out of the lounge.

Tamako sat beside Kiyoko and hugged her.

"Congratulations Kiyoko."

"Thanks, ane-chan"

"You look gorgeous."

Kiyoko smiled.

"I am sorry. Tamiro could not come. She went for training to Korea."

"I see…" Kiyoko said.

Tamiro and Kiyoko were friends but as years went by they rarely made any contact with each other. They occasionally texted each other or sent wishes to each other during the new years.

After the photo shoots got over, it was time for the actual ceremony to begin.

Kiyoko sat on the couch of the private lounge. She was getting dressed up for the ceremony. She wore a white silk kimono.

She relaxed on the couch as the fierce quarrel between Tamako and Shizuka unfold in front of her.

"The red hairpin will suit her better…" Tamako said.

"No! How can you match a red jewelry with a white dress?" Shizuka retorted.

"Why not…?"

"This hairpin suits better." Shizuka held a black and white trinket.

"No. It will look funny."

Kiyoko glanced at the clock and then to the two ladies.

"I am the one who is responsible for her dressing." Shizuka said and chuckled.

"Ugh! So what I am her ane-chan. I have the upper hand."

"I am her best friend."

Tamako glared at Shizuka's smug face.

"Kiyoko, quickly choose which one do you like?" Tamako asked and showed the two hairpins.

"Kiyo, I am your bestie."

"Hey, no emotional blackmail…"

"I am just stating the fact that I am her best friend. How is that blackmail?"

"Hello…ladies! Look at the time please!" Kiyoko mumbled.

Tamako and Shizuka both looked at the direction of the wall clock.

"Shit!" Tamako gasped.

Shizuka quickly set up the head piece upon Kiyoko.

"Leave the hair pins. There is no time. Help me with her makeup!"

"Yes!" Tamako hastily busied herself.


Aunty Fanny held Kiyoko's hand while walking up to the aisle.

"Kiyoko, remember to be patient. Talk among yourselves about any misunderstandings before taking any big step."

Kiyoko nodded.

"And yes, if that brat annoys you, come to me. I will give that brat a lesson."

"Alright…" Kiyoko said.

They climbed up the aisle.

Kiyoko felt a sudden surreal and overwhelming feeling when she felt herself surrounded by people. She was the centre of attention.

They were all close friends, family members and few co-workers.

Aunty Fanny gently tapped on her hand and gave a reassuring smile.

Kiyoko glanced at Zehan standing in front of her talking with Tomo Watanabe. He was wearing a black kimono.

A smile hung brightly on his face when he glanced back at her. He took her hands.

At that moment, Aunty Fanny who was by her side broke down into a soft sob. Her shoulders quivered.

She was being a bit emotional on seeing her son getting married.

Tomo Watanabe held Aunty Fanny and tried to console her. Aunty Fanny leaned closer towards Tomo Watanabe as she cried her hearts out.

Hiroshi Watanabe who was standing near the aisle coughed.

Zehan tried to go over towards his mother but Kiyoko gestured him not to do so.

The vows were exchanged and then the nuptial cups were shared. They exchanged the rings then after.

Kiyoko was surprised to see her brother, Kazuke Watanabe. She was seeing her brother after a long six years.

Her brother had become taller than her.

She hugged her brother without speaking anything. Kazuke returned her hug quietly.

"You came alone…?"

"Yeah… Sorry for coming a bit late."

"Thank you for coming…"

"I had to. You are getting married. I should come…I am your brother."

Kiyoko felt her heart being squeezed tightly. She regretted not communicating with her brother just because she was a bit envious that he got their parent's love. She always in some way or the other avoided her brother.

"Are they fine?"


"Did they leave you to come alone? I don't think mother would have allowed you to."

"I came on the pretext to going on a field trip." Kazuke said nonchalantly.

Kiyoko smiled."Should I scold you?"


"Is mother giving you a hard time?"

"That's her work is it not?"

Kiyoko laughed aloud.

"You laugh more freely now. I am happy." Kazuke said.

Kiyoko patted Kazuke's shoulders and said," Kazuke, always do what your heart truly wants. That's the way you can truly find your smile."

"Now come let's go and meet everyone!" Kiyoko held Kazuke's hand and led him towards the reception hall.

"My introverted sister is going to introduce me to everyone. Looking forward to it…!"

"Of course… Look forward to it!" Kiyoko chuckled.
