
Wakanda Forever: I See You (Marvel Fanfic)

Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon. Even fewer with a gold spoon. But J'Zaki was born with a vibranium spoon in his mouth. As the twin brother of Shuri, he is a member of the famous Wakanda Royal Family. This is his story. ------ Story takes places in a universe similar to the MCU, not the comics. Repeat, MCU not the comics. Do not read this if you can only see things through the lense of your culture. MC is frim Wakanda and will adhere to their customs, some of which may offend or confuse you.

TrueBoredAsura · Cómic
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56 Chs

Shutting It All The F Down

Once they had the psychic inhibitors ready to be used, it was time to pass them out. The trio worked together to convince T'Chaka and Ramonda about the usefulness of the Kimoyo Beads. In less than 3 days, every high-ranked person in Wakanda and everyone that worked in the castle had a set of them.

The trio met up with each other in the lab to discuss the final stage of the plan. The execution of Xavier.

"I've looked into the location you gave me and wasn't able to find out anything besides what I had access to the first time. This man definitely isn't keeping all of this information in a filing cabinet which means he has a computer that can't be accessed remotely. So I'll need you both to grant me access with a Kimoyo Bead."

As much as she kept trying to find information on Xavier, she couldn't find anything on him. Anywhere in the world. Even the hospital where he was born did not have any records of him. The man was an anomaly that they couldn't allow to remain.

"Fine. Then we will handle the team and split up after that. Ororo can head to the basement and find the lab, I'll deal with Xavier. Let's be in and out in less than 30 minutes."

"Let me come with you," Shuri begged. She was tired of never being allowed to go on missions because of their parents. This would be the first time she would be allowed in the field.

J'Zaki wanted to reject her but Ororo answered before him.

"Sure. But you need to make sure that you follow behind us. When we fight, you pick off anyone we miss or provide support. Do not fight on your own. You'll also follow me when we split up later."

Seeing that Ororo had already agreed, J'Zaki gave up the idea of rejecting his sister. All he could do was make sure that he struck his opponents down even faster so she wouldn't have to get involved.

Shuri was practically bouncing when she heard Ororo agree to let her come along. She could see that her brother was ready to reject her before Ororo spoke.

'I need to get even closer to Sister. She will be the only one that lets me do as I please.'

And so the trio got geared up. Vibranium-weaved vests, blaster pistols, and a few knives. At least J'Zaki and Shuri only a few. They gave up counting how many Ororo had hidden on her body after 13 of them disappeared into seemingly nowhere.

The three then boarded one of the non-vibranium jets in the hangar and took off to New York. During the journey, they received several calls from T'Chaka, Ramonda, and T'Challa which were ignored. Although he knew he would receive a tongue-lashing after this was all over, it didn't matter as long as the mission was completed properly.

The jet flew over New York without being detected. It wasn't until they nearly reached Xavier's school that the jet started to descend. Fast.

Shuri held onto her armrests and looked at her brother with fear in her eyes.

"Brother! What are you doing?!?!"

"Isn't this what they call a hot drop?"


Just a few meters before the jet hit the ground, the thrusters went full reversal and slowed down the landing considerably. Although it was still rough. As soon as the jet touched the ground, the trio was off of it. And lucky they were. A blast of red energy hit the jet and caused it to blow up.

J'Zaki looked ahead and saw that the same people were there once again to stop them.

A blue magic circle appeared above the group. Distortions appeared in the air while the group was forced to their knees. Ororo saw this as her chance and fired a beam of electricity at the group. As he neared them, it split into 5 different beams and struck each of the younger members of the team.

The X-Men were smoking and unconscious but alive. Because she had split the beam, she was able to weaken the power behind each strike to ensure that they all lived.

Shuri saw how quickly they acted and were impressed. She knew that they had been putting in work and doing a large number of tasks for Wakanda but hadn't been expecting they worked together to such a degree.

"Let's go!"

The group ran into the front hall of the mansion before splitting off. Ororo picked up Shuri and flew to the elevator that took them to the basement while J'Zaki jumped to the second floor and made his way to where the only other people were located.

The prince burst through the pair of giant doors and was greeted by the man with the metal skeleton and Xavier on the other side of the room. The former extended his claws and looked ready for a fight while the latter was sitting behind his desk.

Without a word, Logan and J'Zaki clashed, turning the room into ruins in moments. Although the latter had the upper hand thanks to his power and fighting skills, the former's healing factor kept him in the fight much longer than he should have been allowed to be.

-- In the basement --

Ororo blasted open every door but whenever Shuri went to their computers in them, she couldn't find anything important. Science experiments and research someone was doing but none of what they were looking for.

It wasn't until they came to the room with a giant X on the door did they find their goal. Behind the door was a giant empty room. Mostly empty. There was a long platform that had a giant older computer with no screen on it. Instead, there was a helmet on top of it.

"If this isn't the room, I shall change my name to something like Tempest," Ororo said jokingly

The pair flew to the end of the platform where Shrui put the Kimoyo Bead on it. She pulled out her laptop to see what data she could get from it and let out a scream of joy when she saw the lines of data.

"This is it! But it's also so much more. I won't be able to get it all too fast!"

"Take your time. Make sure you get everything. I shall warn J'Zaki not to kill the man yet."

-- Upstairs --

[Ki. We are in. It will take me a few minutes to go through everything. Don't kill him until then.]

'Easier said than done.'

A red aura was surrounding J'Zaki's body while he fought Logan. Although he didn't need the additional strength, this was to ensure that Xavier couldn't mess with his mind during the battle. It also made the pain of him striking an adamantium skeleton with his bare hands much more bearable.

The next few minutes were more taxing on J'Zaki mentally than physically. This was the longest he had ever kept his chi active for. But it was all worth it.

[Brother, I am done and released everyone in Wakanda from the mind control. You can end it now. Meet us in the basement.]

"All I needed to hear."

Purple, blue, red, and green energy began to gather around J'Zaki before it turned into electricity, ice, fire, and stone. The elements created a vortex around his body before they melded together to create some type of unstable energy. Once the energy built up enough, he let it go wild.

Without someone controlling the balance and flow, the energy collided with itself before detonating. The entire portion of the mansion that they were inside was destroyed.

J'Zaki pushed the rubble off of him before using his eyes to check on the situation. He couldn't see a trace of Xavier's body but did see what was left of Logan was quickly reforming.

"I always hated zombies."

Not wanting to deal with Logan anymore, the prince began making his way down to the basement hangar where Ororo and Shuri were. Thanks to his eyes, he knew where to go and what the surprise the had waiting for him was. Inside the hangar was a giant black jet.

"Sister has already destroyed the evidence of our jet and I have recovered the black box. But since they put one of our in the grave, we shall put theirs in my lab."

J'Zaki rolled his eyes at his sister's terrible idea of a joke before he got on the jet with the rest of them. Soon, they were in the air and heading back to Wakanda.