
Chapter 6) 5 years

[So, I can write a couple of chapters again, but before that we'll start debriefing. Firstly, I read the comments and was told that it is impractical to write - it is better to write "". I can accept it and in this chapter I will use only "". Then a good question is why their blood is written instead of ours . Here I can only say that it seemed to me it would be more convenient to tell about the blood curse. If I am wrong, you can write, I will not correct the past chapters, but I will write a little differently in the future.

There is also about the floor of Magic and Void , here I can say . I can't say anything, it was just convenient for me and in my main language, Magic, feminine. And as I said, English is not my native language. So I'm glad that someone wrote a comment with my shortcomings and I'm also glad for the support. And I almost forgot.

They also wrote about the fact that they read and study mathematics at the age of 4. There are several reasons, firstly, the main character has a damn strong soul, which is why he develops faster than other children, and secondly, he has memories from a past life and it's not difficult for him.

Also parents allow it guess why? Don't rush, I'll wait. ... So who understood well done, and who did not understand , then again, everything is simple, they are purebred. And if the son is pure-blooded and a genius = a great wizard, the head of the clan, pride, prosperity and everything else is cool, why complain. You can reasonably ask the question that he can be checked and checked by old memories or that he has an old soul. But I will answer that no. Again, there are several reasons, a pedigree check will show that he is a greengrass. Checking for magical energy will show that he is a magician , checking for memories or something superfluous , will not show anything the HP world is not so developed to come into contact with Void, and finally the soul check shows simply that he has a strong soul. The reason for this is the lack of development of the HP world. If there are any more questions, then write me I will try to answer, and now to the chapter.]

Pov Daphne

My brother has been doing this all year, either writing something in his notebook or staying late in the library. I asked him and he answers that he is preparing something great, and as soon as it is over, we will be the strongest wizards of our age. I'm honestly looking forward to it, but it's also a shame that he began to devote very little time to me with Astoria.

My parents said that everything was fine and decided to take me to some tea parties. There I met some of the older girls and especially became friends with Tracy Davis. Unlike her brother, who is always drawn to comprehend Magic, Tracy talks more about magical fashion, famous wizards and various jewelry. Honestly, I like it, unlike Manuel, it's much easier with her and I feel like I'm talking to a person of my own age.

Pov Manuel

August 31 , 1985 is coming soon , this is the perfect time , my ritual is almost ready and if I counted everything correctly, midnight of the birthday , will enhance the effect of the ritual and we will still get purer magical energy , it will also be more malleable . Which together will make the ritual safer. However, I also wanted to use the energy of the moon and for this I would need to perform a ritual in the courtyard, and I definitely can't hide that. And I'm torn to perform the ritual elsewhere or tell my parents and try to get permission. There are pros and cons here. Parents can forbid the ritual and generally take away access to the library before the teachers arrive, even if I manage to persuade them, it will betray my genius.

They already think I'm a genius, but if I show this ritual, they can call me a monster and give me up for experiments. Although I do not know whether wizards conduct experiments on children. Although if they do, then only the dark ones. Hmmmm great "Archie tell my father and mother that I need to have a serious talk with them."With a pop, an elf appeared,

"Yes, young master, do you want me to notify young miss as well?".

"Don't, I'll tell her myself after I meet with my parents.".

"As you command."

. Some time later.

"Young Master, Master and Mistress can receive you in the Master's office."

"Thanks Archie, I'm taking my leave now."

"No need young master, these are my duties."

I went to my father 's office , the closer I get , the more nervous I get . Thinking that there might be a mistake in my notes, and that they would simply refuse me the ritual. After a couple of stairs and corridors, I'm standing in front of his offices and I don't find the courage to knock. After a couple of moments. Knock knock knock .

"Come in." The door opens and I walk in.

"Son, you can't imagine how surprised I was when Archie told me that you wanted to talk seriously."

"Don't worry, son, show your mother everything and I can help you."

"Father, mother, I want to spend a ritual on our birthday with Daphne."

The father's face became serious and the mother also stopped looking so cheerful.

"I hope you understand what you're talking about, son."

"I know, and I have already calculated everything and even know what ingredients I need and what the effect will be."

"Son, mother knows that you are a smart boy, but to carry out the ritual and even together with your sister, you already understand the consequences of failure."

.After handing them my notes and calculations, I say.

"I know, that's why I calculated everything accurately and even added fuses in case something goes wrong."

My father opened my diary and began to look at it seriously. Mother also sat down next to him and began to read it . I remained standing and waiting for their verdict.

After a while, the father says.

"Unicorn blood, blood lily, black sunflower and transparent rose."

Although his face remained impassive , you can tell by his voice that he is surprised and even a note of pride slips into his speech .

"Also your blood and your sister's blood."

The mother was definitely not happy with this idea. I say "Unicorn blood will purify magical energy , black sunflower will protect from spoilage and impurities , blood lily will help to better connect and prepare our blood , and transparent rose will attract more magical energy . "

"And a couple of forbidden herbs."

"Father, this is for the safe passage of the ritual."

After another 20 minutes of heavy silence .

"Okay, I'll prepare everything for your birthday."

"Benton, I will not allow untested rituals to be performed on our children."


"Shut up, adults are talking."

"You can see for yourself, my negligent wife, that he has already prepared everything."

"But, they are your children."

"And you yourself know how Manuel strives for magic, while it will also be useful for Daphne,"

The Father continued,

"And you yourself saw that the ritual can go safely and if something happens, except for a little pain and nothing awaits them for a couple of weeks on the bed."

Heavy silence fell again.

"Great, but you have to buy only the freshest and highest quality ingredients."

"And you are a young man, the whole ritual will take place under my control."

"Yes, Mom."

"Since everything is decided, we are waiting for your and Daphne's birthday, and you check everything again, only now with me."

Nodding our heads, we began to discuss various ideas.

Here is such a chapter, today I won't have time anymore , but I hope you like this one. Write whether it has become better.

mamun_220creators' thoughts
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