
chapter 4

His eyes pierced into hers with a vacant stare, each movement deliberate and calculated, sending shivers down her spine.

Every step he took seemed to resonate in the room, a heavy silence following in his wake, suffocating her with his presence.

He was terrifying and cruel, a looming shadow that she couldn't shake. How could she ever find a way to escape from this place of fear and despair?

As she watched him walk away, his parting words lingering in her mind like a haunting echo, the weight of her own vulnerability pressing down on her.

Reminded that she was only eighteen, a flicker of relief danced within her, a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, she was safe, at least for the moment.

She closed her eyes, seeking solace in the darkness, her hands trembling as they came to rest over her racing heart, a feeble attempt to calm her frayed nerves.

What would he do to her? The question hung heavy in the air, a dark cloud of uncertainty that threatened to consume her.

Would he tire of her eventually, discarding her like a broken doll? The thought sent a chill down her spine, a stark realization of her own mortality.

She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to conjure thoughts of a brighter future, a world free from his malevolent grasp. But the harder she tried, the more elusive that dream became, slipping through her fingers like water.

Just as she began to drift into her thoughts, the sharp click of the door snapping shut shattered the silence, jolting her back to the harsh reality of her captivity. Fear gripped her once more, her heart pounding in her chest. What did he want this time, and how much more of herself would she have to give up to survive?

She remained frozen, her gaze fixed on the floor, refusing to meet his eyes. Suddenly, his heavy footsteps drew near, each step echoing in the silence, her breath quickening with each passing moment.

"Get up," his voice commanded, sharp and demanding, but fear held her in place like chains, her body rigid with terror. She couldn't move, paralyzed by the sheer force of his presence.

"I said, get up!" he bellowed, the sound making her flinch, her eyes still averted, her entire being consumed by dread.

"Look at me."

Reluctantly, she raised her gaze to meet his, her eyes locking with his intense stare that seemed to penetrate her very soul, a gaze that chilled her to the core.

"Come, you need a bath."

His grip on her trembling hand was firm as he led her away from the room, a glimmer of hope flickering as she glimpsed the exit. Without hesitation, she summoned her courage and struck out, aiming for his most vulnerable spot, a desperate bid for freedom.

As she sprinted towards the door, driven by the primal urge to escape, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline, the taste of freedom tantalizingly close, he seized her hair, yanking her back with brutal force, sending her crashing to the ground.

"You stupid bitch."

His fist connected with her stomach, a sickening blow that stole the air from her lungs, pain exploding through her body like a thunderclap, her world spinning in chaos.

She didn't know if she had the strength to rise again after that brutal assault, his angry gaze burning into her as he forced her head up, a silent promise of more pain to come.

She stood defiant, her gaze unwavering as he spoke, his words dripping with possessiveness and entitlement.

"I keep telling you, my love, that you are my wife, and wives listen to their husbands. So, you need to listen to everything I say."

His words ignited a spark of defiance within her, a fire that refused to be extinguished. With a sudden burst of courage, she laughed in his face, a defiant act of rebellion, even going so far as to spit in his direction.

"If you want love, you have to find it and earn it. You can't force someone against their will."

Before she could finish her declaration, his hand lashed out, a stinging slap across her cheek, the sharp sound echoing in the room.

"No, babe, you belong to me, and you shouldn't worry too much. Once I'm done with you, you'll learn to respect your husband."

He seized her by the hair, his grip cruel and unyielding, dragging her towards an unknown destination, a place shrouded in darkness and dread, a place she prayed would swallow her whole.

Thrown to the ground, she lay at his mercy, his gaze piercing through her like a blade as he settled into a wooden chair, his eyes never leaving her form.

"Take your clothes off. It's time to bathe."

Fear washed over her in a suffocating wave, her body trembling with dread as his command hung heavy in the air. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around herself, a feeble attempt to shield her vulnerability, unable to comprehend the thought of baring herself before him.

He stood up from his seat, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he approached her, his hands reaching out to touch her hair with a false sense of gentleness.

"Would you like me to assist you?"

Trembling with fear, she squeezed her eyes shut, a silent plea for this nightmare to end, shaking her head in a fervent refusal as she inched away from his looming presence.

"Well, if you don't want to disobey your husband, do as I say."

Returning to his seat, he settled back with a predatory gaze fixed on her, a silent command hanging heavy in the air, waiting for her compliance.

She rose slowly, her movements hesitant and filled with dread, unable to meet his eyes as tears welled up, the weight of her world crashing down upon her.

As she cautiously began to remove her clothes, each fabric falling away like pieces of her shattered resolve, she felt a hand on her shoulder, a chilling touch that froze her in place with a primal fear.

"You're beautiful, my dear. Age is just a number. I'll show you what it means to be a woman," he whispered, his words dripping with malice and intent.

Her every instinct screamed at her to flee, to escape from this monster that held her captive, but with no refuge in sight, she braced herself as she sensed his bare form drawing near.

Overwhelmed with terror, she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, unable to bear the thought of facing a naked man for the first time, the violation of her innocence a cruel reality she couldn't escape.

Suddenly, his warm hands cupped her face, his body encroaching on her personal space, his voice coaxing her to open her eyes and face the nightmare before her.

"Open your eyes, love. There's no need to be shy. Everything here is meant for you."

With a strange mix of curiosity and dread, she tentatively opened her eyes, meeting his bloodshot gaze with a mixture of fear and resignation, trapped in a nightmare from which she couldn't wake.

"That's it, my love. I'm all yours."

Confused and uncertain, her body seemed to move of its own accord, drawn inexplicably towards him. Before she could comprehend her actions, she found herself kissing his lips, a moment of softness and warmth amidst the encroaching darkness.

His lips were soft and inviting, and she clung to him, feeling his hands wrap around her waist in a possessive embrace.

As she felt the water from the shower cascade over them, his hands began to explore her body, a sensation that sent a jolt of reality coursing through her veins. His touch lingered on her breasts, a boundary crossed that snapped her back to the harsh truth of her situation.

Pushing him away with a sudden burst of clarity, she wrapped her arms protectively around herself, her gaze fixed on him in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" she stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and confusion. His smile, filled with a sinister gleam, sent shivers down her spine.

"Don't you relish it? I never intended to coerce you, but your resistance only fuels my determination."

Before she could muster a response, he swiftly pulled her back into his arms, his hold firm as he captured her in another passionate kiss, a moment tainted with manipulation and control.

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