
Rebirth by Death.

"The world was heading to the direction of peace, talks between leaders to build a better world, working together, uniting all of humanity, bring an end to pointless suffering for people. All of that came to an end when mana return to Gaia. With the return of mana it gave birth to people who had awaken magic, superpower, the power to bring forth all sorts of possibilities, a whole new era of prosperity and hope. At least that is what many humanity had thought at first.

The Awaken use their new found powers to take the world hostage, organizations quickly form to enslave normal humans beings, it was not until the world leaders use their last resort to use their nuclear bomb to destroy one of the largest Awaken organization along with all the inhabitants of J-City to make stand against the Awaken. it was only then that things quickly died down, many Awaken organizations dispersed fearing the world government. Along with that fear, the world government created an league to hunt down the Awaken, Called the Guardian. From then on every Awaken had to be register, ones that the government can control are label as Heroes, while those who refuse to obey them are Villains.

It is thanks to the world government, the heroes and their sacrifice that we are able to live peacefully today, it is the aspiration of all those who have the possibilities to become Awaken in the futures to stride to be apart of the Guardians and for normal people to give our support to the Guardians."

"Thank you that is enough Mr. Liu Dong Yang, you may return to your seat" said the professor. Dong Yang bow to his peers and quietly return back to his seat at the back of the lecture hall.

Star country being the riches country in the new world gave every citizens there 6 awakening opportunities before turning 19 since decades of scientific studies shows that only those who between that age range are able to awaken their abilities, those pass 19 has a slim to zero chance of ever awakening with the only exception being during the periods of great awakening when mana return to Gaia. Those who manage to awaken are quickly register into the heroes registry, gain the chances to be an apprentice hero or use their power to work for the government. Both of those options are the fastest way of helping awaken gain riches that would take a normal person decades to accumulate. Those who failed all their chances either go to college or start working right away. Even though Dong Yang failed in all his awakening attempts he still managed to go to college thanks to his parents saving.

Many sounds of chatters can be heard in the background as Dong Yang started day dreaming back to his last awakening attempt.

Dong Yang placed his hands onto the mana stone, focusing solely on absorbing the energy stored in the mana stone. A dim spark flicker in the mana stone and then faded away showing no more possible signs of reappearing again.

"appear, reappear, reappear, come on...please...I...." as Dong Yang desperately plead but was later called off stage by security. Only 3 including Dong Yang had failed to awaken in his class. If was much later until he enter college that he found out one of his peer who failed to awaken on that day had committed suicide.

"To awaken is to live, to fail is to die, I want to live....I want to live....." as Dong Yang mumble as he day dream. A gunshot was fire hitting Dong Yang in the forehead killing him on the spot. "another one bites the dust", " He should of know not to sleep in professor Shore's class", What an idiot", "sleeping in professor Shore's class means death he should of remember", "The Professor used to be a Villian afterall", " Yes, the professor reach his death quota we don't have to worry about who is next any more" all these were spoken by his peers as they let out a sight of relief that Professor Shore would be dealt with by the Guardians if he kills another student past his Annual quota. Some pray and thank Dong Yang for being the sacrificial lamb.

There was a short silence in the lecture hall until professor Shore open his mouth in a cheery tone "who ever toss his corpse into the incinerator gets a free pass on the up coming project, the one that is worth 10% of your total grad." Student rush to grab the opportunity to throw Dong Yang's corpse into the incinerator. In the end only a guy name Morris Williams and a girl name Satoki Mitsuko the two who sat beside him got the chance.

The two drag Dong Yang's body and looted all his valuables on him before throwing him into the incinerator "we give thanks for your valuables and a pass on the project, if you did not die then it might have been us instead." the two gave Dong Yang a short pray and thank before leaving happily.

In the Blazing heat, a blue screen appear.

"Host's death detect...requirements met....beginning body restructure process begin.....1st attempt.....failed....2nd attempt.....failed.....86 attempt... failed....insufficient materials for body restructuring..... locating nearby materials.....materials found....flame of reincarnation....absorbing....absorption complete....awakening...failed....synchronizing memories from flames of reincarnation.....