
Sword-smith Village Pt. 2

"Dawn is approaching, looks like will be safe for another night." A demon slayer on look out says as they see the moon beginning to set in the distance.

"Huuu, that's good, things have been tense lately after all with all the strange things going on, and Kagaya-sama being healed which he said means that the Demon King is dead but their still are demons roaming around just means something is extremely wrong…." Says another Demon Slayer who has been also on watch.

"Villages and Towns turning into ghost towns in a single night, but without a drop of blood spilled so it's almost like they have been spirited away or something." The first one responds back to the latter.

"And demons that get found by any of us just scatter and disappear into the night, something truly is of-" *Thwack!* *Thump*

"He-" *Thwack!* *Thump*

"Take them away." I say as two demons grab them and carry their knocked out bodies away.

"It is strange that I no longer desire to eat humans anymore, though I always preferred women, but now I've come to enjoy normal foods once more." Doma said as he watched the Demons haul away the Slayers.

"We are the next step in humanity after all, not just an offshoot of monsters like you were before, remember that we are above the weakness of death like all others in this world." I say back in response as we began to walk into the village as the other demons spread out throughout the village before they would knock out the look outs and keep moving in.

"Hmmm…. Well I guess those Hasira don't have their titles for nothing Huh?" I say as both I and Doma sensed the two strongest Slayers along with those directly below them begin to rapidly approach us.

"Deal with the Swordsmiths, we will deal with the Hashiras." I say to the rest of the demons who rapidly scatter across the village while me and Doma keep walking deeper into the village.

Soon enough we both felt one rapidly approaching as they were jumping from one place to another, and soon enough we both saw one Hashira jumping from one rooftop at immense speeds before launching off one rooftop straight towards us in a spinning top like motion as he releases one of his blades and uses the chain to rapidly whip his blade towards us both.

I just raise the hilt of my sword, which by now has permanently become mine to use freely without cost from the Darkness Devil, as I casually use the hilt to deflect his attacks before he hops back and slides to a stop as he looks at us both.

"That was a pretty good move you use their, though since you decided to not be as 'flashy' I have to give it a 8 out of 10." I say as I look upon the Hashira before me.

"Oh? I guess my reputation proceeds me if even one of the Upper Moons knows of me!" He says with a rather cheeky grin on his face.

The one standing before me was none other than the Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui, the former ninja turned Demon Slayer.

"Upper Moon? Tell me Hashira, do I have my numbers printed in my eyes?" I say pointing at myself as my eyes glowed blood red under the waning moonlight.

"Hmmm, no you don't, but having an Upper Moon stand behind and not in front of you must mean your important…." He says his deductions before coming to a stop as he gets a serious look on his face as he feels an immense amount of dread as he comes to realize who he's talking to.

"Ohh? Why did you stop? Did you realize something? But maybe I should make it clear to you who your talking to…."


And immense pressure wave comes out from my body and covers entirety of the village and surrounding areas causing all the weaker humans to outright faint while the stronger Demon Slayers couldn't move as they shook in fear with only the two Hashiras being able to keep themselves standing without falling from the pressure alone.

"I am Dio! And I am the the new Demon King, and the one who killed the previous King Muzan Kibutsuji and took his place, now tell me Tengen, do you really want to fight me? Because if I could I'd rather not have this end with your death." I say as the pressure slowly dies down all the way until I'm done talking.

"…." He doesn't say anything but hearing the one who calls himself the Demon King give off such an immense aura that put such a heavy pressure on his very soul made him terrified but he didn't show it.

"Talk? What does the New Demon King wish to talk about?" The second Hashira, a woman with long flowing hair and two butterfly hairpins on the side of her head said as she and a younger girl who looked similar to her approached us.

"Mmm…" Doma hummed through closed lips as I could hear him licking his lips.

*THWACK! Woosh! BOOM!*

"Doma, do I need to remind you why we are here or do I need to dig into your skull and imprint into you why we are here?" I said under the surprised looks of the Demon Slayers as I casually sent an Upper Moon flying with a back hand hit making him crash right through a house.

"My apologies Dio-sama, old habits die hard after all." Doma says as he just walks out of the slightly destroyed house as he brushes off the dust and debris from his clothes.

"Good, besides I'd prefer this doesn't end in bloodshed just because you can't control your urges." After all he did, and sometimes does, only eat beautiful women for food, but like the rest of the 12 Demon Moons, and all other demons for that matter, they have started to be able to enjoy the tastes of normal food once more.

"As you command my Lord." He bows before me before he stands behind me once more with a gentle smile on his face.

"Now where was I?…. Oh right you were wondering what I came here to discuss about, well unlike when Muzan was leader, I don't have anything against the Demon Slayers, so if possible I'd rather make peace then the alternative." I decide to explain to the still dumbstruck Demon Slayers before they pulled themselves together.

"Make peace? That's funny when you have been making your demons wipe villages off the map leaving not a single trace." Tengen said as he pointed his blade at me.

"Oh? And have you found blood? Bones? Dismembered Corpses in these ghost towns? Or are you just finding them deserted with not a soul in sight?" I say as I use my hand to stroke my chin.

"…." Tengen doesn't know what to say as all the reports are just showing that several villages, less than 20 at this point, had been found during demon slayer patrols to be completely deserted when they had been bustling and filled with people the last time people were there, though it did show that people had packed up their essentials and left but valuable things were left behind which made them assume something was wrong.

"Can't say anything huh? Well the obvious answer is that they had left of their own volition, after all…." I say before I swing my arm out and demons began to appear all around the village, on rooftops, in alleys, out of buildings as they surrounded this area before hauling unconscious bodies and tossing them out to the remaining Demon Slayers.

"Don't worry, their not dead since they couldn't react before being taken down so besides a few bumps and bruises they will be fine." I say as I see the remaining ones all tense up at the sight of their comrades on the ground out cold.

"…. As much as it's appreciated, why should we? After all we have the one thing that can kill you demons in the first place?" Tengen says with a smirk as he watches the sun begin to slowly rise in the distance.

"Oh? Your blades empowered by the very sun itself? Or are you talking about the one that's rising behind me?" I say as I point my thumb at the rising sun nonchalantly.

Seeing that I wasn't remotely nervous at the rising sun nor were the rest of the demons unnerved the demon slayers to no end.

Soon the wind began to pick up as my hair, which I had let grow out to my shoulders by now, swayed in the wind I spread my arms wide under their widen eyes as nothing happened to me or any of the other demons, bar a few who hid in the shade.

"That's right, unlike him I and all the other demons have conquered the Sun!" I said with a look of triumph on my face before I looked at them once more.

"Now let's chat shall we?"

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