
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasía
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139 Chs


Wyn's wings covered up the Pillars and they only heard Wyn's pained cry.

Waniya left hand touched Slumber Tree's gently and the woman held a confused expression.

"Goodbye." Waniya smiled

In an instant, everything froze into a Winter wonderland after all Slumber Tree was connected to everything in the forest. Wyn deserted the Pillars and scrambled towards her, who collapsed in the red snow.

"Hey....you won." Wyn tried to smile as he held her body

Waniya chuckled weakly, "Did...you doubt...me?"

"Not all. So rest a while, hmm?" Wyn whispered nuzzling her head "You've done enough."

The Pillars appeared behind them and they held their breath. Wyn looked up at the sky.

"Please...this once, help my reckless owner?" he said placing his hand on her hands. "I'll... a miracle, please."

"Wani," Urvi exclaimed

Laasya stood nearby the shallow-breathing friend, family, and fellow villain. She knelt in the blood-spoiled snow and looked up.

"Get away!" Wyn growled, "Why...why must...."

"I...I'm sorry." Navaeh cried, "If I was stronger just a little bit."

"Would it have changed anything?" Wyn scowled "This was a fight for trail-blazers...What use would you be?"

The Pillars were tongue-tied.

"If only Zaiden was sober," Wyn groused

Vance asked, "Why Zaiden?"

"You really don't know much about that more than a millennium-old monster do you?" Wyn chuckled "He's the most trustworthy when it comes to his deals if you have what he wants. Although other factors are there although he'd be able to do it...a miracle."

"You know Zaiden?" Caesar went

Wyn smiled, "Who in the dimensions doesn't know them yet their own Player don't. I advise you not to tick him off too much since he's temperamental and things get real bad when..."

Three stars started burning above them and their rays gleamed on Waniya. She floated in the spotlight and three golden figures appeared around her.

Zaiden opened his eyes and a smile emerged on his face. He looked in the direction of the golden light.

"Well. Would you look at that?" He grinned "I knew you could do something amazing."

Zaiden closed his eyes again as three golden figures bowed on one knee in front of the unconscious Waniya.

[ New Achievement created for Waniya. Your achievement has been recorded and all Players are informed about it. Error...Player <Waniya> consciousness is weak and in critical condition unable to accept achievement....transferring to Protocol]

Golden snowflakes started floating everywhere and Wyn looked at Waniya with hopeful eyes.

"The famous Villain System protocol...." Wyn mumbled

"Protocol?" Reese thought

A sphere with an inverted cone underneath it for a body and triangles on the cone's slanted height for arms. Eyes emerged on the sphere and it scanned Waniya.

Its voice echoed: "Review completed. Player <Waniya> has created a new accomplishment to be documented in the Halls of Villainy. Which is to make three sponsors swear allegiance to her. Therefore....her vitality has been revived. Please take more care of yourself, Player. We have great hopes of you."

Protocol looked at Wyn, its circle eyes folded a bit and it went, "Take care of your owner better unless you continue making new triumphs that is. The system will be back online soon. You three follow me...*sigh*"

It vanished with three golden figures when Waniya opened her eyes and she skimmed at her screens popping up. She had to accept and decline many notifications. Wyn pulled her into an embrace.

"Don't do that again. Miracles don't fall like the snow." he frowned

Waniya winced as she felt pain and her wounds started to ooze blood. Xayn dashed forward to patch her up.

"Why?" Waniya exclaimed

"You were just made more alive, owner. Your wounds weren't healed." Wyn smirked "Do wish for the definition of vitality?"

"SCREW YOU WYN!!!" Waniya cried

Wyn grabbed her left arm with the spike and poured energy into it. Waniya clenched her teeth as the spike with the orb sunk into her skin.

" Thanks for coming back alive." Wyn smiled

Waniya grinned, "Anytime."

"Shouldn't you thank that Protocol thing?" Laasya asked

Wyn frowned, " Never talk to Protocol. Just let it do its business, say what it wants, and let it leave in peace."

"If you say so, let's go to the main tree." Waniya smiled shutting down the discussion

"Wani-" Vance went

Waniya grinned, " Complete the mission...come on."

Larger-than-normal polar bears materialized as Wyn put Waniya's left arm in a sling.

" Slumber Tree in this area will break out of my snow and ice eventually, let's get going." Waniya informed " Wyn pick me up."

"Yes, yes." Wyn sighed while the Pillars mounted the polar bears

Elsewhere in the Winter Wonderland. Yuki was lamenting as she looked in the mirror to save her hairstyle.

"Waniya...I want to meet her." a bearded man boomed which was actually a laugh

Leo sighed, "She's probably super injured."

The bearded man, Ulric laughed again and Yuki turned her head with disgust on her face. Ulric apologized to her and he looked back at the others.

"This is a battlefield. There are no injured only: Dead or Alive and Enemy or Ally in that order." Ulric grinned " So what's there to hold me back?"

"He has a point. Let's start getting putting our A-game out there." Yuki agreed "Their only crime is....being weaker."

"Some of us have been putting our A-game as much as is allowed, Ice Queen." Leo frowned

A woman, Indigo smiled, "And that's why more advanced Players have something called: 'A Skill Shop', ring any bells?"

"We can't use it in the dimension of Beginner Players." a boy, Miki frowned "Something about it fragile."

A smile spread on her face as Indigo made her screen visible to everyone.

[ All constraints on advanced Players are temporarily removed. Dimension is under protection so no tears of any kind will occur.]

"When did that happen?" Yuki exclaimed

Indigo grinned, "Protocol just sent me a message now. You know I couldn't ask questions or have comments."

Authority started to fill up their bodies. Wicked smiles spread over the advanced players' faces as their appearances changed.

"Now this is going to be so fun." Leo laughed