
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasía
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139 Chs


Ivan's dagger held the long blade of a man probably in his middle twenties.

"You're protecting that woman?" the man asked

Ivan smiled, "Naturally...she's mine. I mean, my wife."

"So she's a distraction." he frowned appearing in front of Sera

His blade was raised high as he brought it down. Sera shut her eyes but she reopened them seeing the sword in Ivan's body. His blood dripped on her shocked face.

"Hmm." Ivan reacted "It seems you don't understand something."

Ivan pulled the tip out and rubbed his wound with an angry look in his eyes.

"Sera can either die naturally maybe in an unavoidable accident or I kill her." Ivan informed, " So...I don't appreciate you touching my stuff."

The man was named Ymir, he dodged a shark coming from behind but Ivan was in the area he was going to. Ymir was forced to stop mid-air although he fell on spikes under him and realized he underestimated Ivan.

He got up, changed his stance as he gripped his hilt, and advanced on Ivan. A shark came from his left and right but Ymir ducked underneath. Ivan's back was slashed and Ymir slashed the front. The young adult made some distance.

"So he can copy himself." Ivan thought "Annoying."

His blood started to float around him and his eyes glowed. Sera blushed slightly, "I think I'm becoming crazy too."

"Shall we have fun together?" Ivan smiled speeding forward

Ivan was in front as sharks came from the other directions, Ymir made clones of himself to attack the shark and Ivan jumped higher. Blood spikes shot into his gut and Ivan came down colliding with his sword.

The blood turned into whips and violently lashed at him with Ymir's clones facing sharks. Ivan pulled his dagger back allowing him to cut his sides deeply. Ymir was confused by what Ivan was doing.

"Do you wish to die?" Ymir asked with a strange face

Ivan scoffed as he was descending to the ground, one foot touched the ground and pushed himself to Ymir. Ivan flipped mid-air, grabbed soil, and threw it into Ymir's eyes as his dagger sliced at his mouth.

Ymir bit down the blade and looked at Ivan's smiling face. Another dagger appeared in his free hand and he stabbed him into the anterior deltoid muscle. He pushed it towards his tendon and Ymir instinctively pulled back regardless of the pain.

Ivan licked his blade admiring Ymir's reflex and intuition to danger, after all, he almost lost the functionality of his arm. Ymir saw Ivan smile broadly with a different shine in his eyes.

"IVAN!!!!" Sera yelled

Ivan saw Ymir appear in front of him and slashed upwards for the kill. Sera cried loudly and Ymir was shocked to see Ivan balanced at the tip of his blade.

"I have decided." Ivan frowned "I'll just kill you."

The blood dripping out of Ivan's wounds cut Ymir's blade into pieces easily. Ivan landed perfectly on his feet. Ymir held his hilt tightly and glared at Ivan.

"I won't die easily." Ymir smiled

Ivan smiled, "That's the fun in killing you."

Ivan jumped upwards with both daggers facing toward Ymir. The villain was surprised by the shards of the sword rising, Ymir swung the hilt and Sera was silenced at the severely cut Ivan's fall. Ivan stood up with a smile, holding his daggers and blood floating around him.

"Ivan," Sera said to herself

Ivan was surrounded by a pink aura that coated his daggers and he looked at Ymir. He remembered when his father would knock him down but ever since then he would get up. He knew more than anyone that his mindset was what was important in any battle. Sera learned that by watching him.

"Do you want to help him?" a voice whispered

Sera answered, "Yes..."

Sera broke out of her cage, Ivan smirked to himself, "Took long enough."

Sera was surrounded by a golden glow holding a bow and pulling the string. A black arrow appeared and rage colored her face aimed at Ymir.

"You....you must die." Sera went firing it into his heart

Ymir barely dodged, Ivan advanced at that moment but Ymir pushed back. Sera fired a red arrow at the ground setting it ablaze blocking Ymir's vision. Ivan came out of the flames and twisted his body sliding between his legs to slit his Achilles's tendons.

Sera jumped upwards, and three pink arrows fired toward Ymir and transformed into sharks. Ymir pushed through the pain and moved forward but he was bitten by Ivan's sharks. He made clones to kill the shark biting into his torso and he coughed up blood.

Ivan appeared behind him, Ymir's shards turned into many swords and collided with Ivan's daggers. A sword stabbed into Sera's thigh, and the look in her eyes was determined as she pushed through the pain and fired another arrow into a clone behind Ivan.

Sera jumped upwards, Ivan jumped upwards and Ymir stood up. The two newlyweds were jumping around Ymir which was drawing attention because it was practically nature-defying. Sera fired a purple arrow into Ymir's shin as Ivan closed in for an attack

Ymir allowed Ivan to attack, grabbed his arm, and smashed him into the earth. Sera clicked her tongue closing the distance and jumping into Ymir's face without her bow. Ymir prepared swords stabbed into her back although her hands held two black arrows that landed on his shoulders.

She thrust them into his neck strongly and Ivan came from behind with his dagger ready. Ymir and Sera were shocked as Ivan stabbed his own heart with a grin.

[ Conditions have been met < Pain Transfer> has been activated. Target is <Ymir>, why didn't you do this sooner? Conditions have been met, the player has taken all damage from <Ymir> without defending, <Pain Numbness> has leveled up]

Ymir coughed up blood and was overcome by pain and the feeling increased thanks to his wounds. He fell to the ground as Sera ran to her husband with worry. Ymir saw Ivan stick his tongue out as he mouthed: "Thank You"

Sera cried, "Are you okay? I don't know how to heal.....what do I do, Ivan?"

"Congrats. One your first kill, my wife." Ivan smiled "I knew you had it in you."

Ymir realized, Ivan put on a show to awaken Sera's latent potential by pushing her to the edge. He was now sure that Ivan Black was a dangerous man and died with regret.

"Can I know who helped my little wife?" Ivan went picking Sera up

[ Hello, I'm a friend of Kingly. A Game Guide without a System yet]