
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasía
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139 Chs


Everyone was now racing toward The Tree of Slumber.


Zander was forced to leave the movie and meet up with a person. Their face was covered with a hood but the villain knew who it was.

"What is it, Ethan?" Zander sighed "It was getting good."

Ethan laughed, "I see your tastes haven't changed, as wicked as ever."

"Enough small talk." Zander snorted

The visitor said, "When will you finish playing?"

Zander let out an exaggerated sigh and expressed his displeasure with his superb facial skill. Ethan was used to this and pinched the bridge of his nose as if foreseeing a headache.

"You know you'll have to come back eventually, right?" he asked

Zander replied, "We're working while doing this."

Although he couldn't see his full face, Zander knew Ethan was looking at him with shock.

"Whatever." Ethan sighed "But if that's a lie, we will come, tie you lot up and take you back."

Zander smiled, "Of course, I won't send you out. Safe trip."

"Don't let your guard down and cultivate the players well." Ethan told, "Since they want to destroy everything we've worked so hard for."

The air was cold and Zander's smile was gone as he looked at his friend.

" Is there still a traitor among us?" Zander asked with black eyes and bloodthirstiness filled the space

Ethan smirked, "Sadly."

Zander calmed himself down and stood up. "Get out. You're killing my mood again."

"Yes, yes, Your Highness" Ethan replied turning to the door

Zander smiled, "They won't win."

Ethan didn't answer as he disappeared. Zander stared at the location where Ethan was standing seriously while in deep thought.

"The plan is in motion and no one can stand what has begun," Zander said

He returned to the sitting room where his family enjoyed the chaos. Zander's eyes were cruel while staring at the players.

"Sit down dear." Zelda smiled

Zander's gaze softened as he joined them. Although his mind wasn't focused, calculations went through his brain. Zyder used a sound transmission technique.

"Your evil intentions are being exposed. Dial it back a bit before the workers die from aura suffocation." The voice of Zyder informed Zander.

Zander nodded his head and tried to regulate his emotions again.

" I'm quite interested." Zen sighed "But let's see how things are on the other end."

"Why?" the brothers asked "It just got good."

Zelda flipped the channel to the other dimensional players and silence filled the room.

"What the hell?" Zelda reacted "Quickly. We need to get to Zaiden!"

Zen caught an incoming blade and looked at the worker. Her eyes were an eerie blue color and she wasn't aware of what she was doing.

"Damn it." Zander growled as his fangs came out. "Someone is messing with our fun"

Zyder snarled, "We'll find them and they won't die peacefully."

The workers started taking out weapons and activating spells they'd never heard of before. The J. Family bared their fangs and their claws came out. They wanted to capture them almost alive for interrogation so their options were very limited.

At that time---

Some heroes blocked the Pillars' path with Nights Race. The villains ground their teeth in anger.

"What is the meaning of this?" Frostina snarled

"I'd like to know, too?" Daylight yelled, "What are you doing?!"

There was no moment among the individuals barricaded on their route. Their eyes were an unnatural blue-colored as they stared blankly at them.

[Chatroom -

Ivan: It's mind control....anyone about to break it, Kali?

Kali: Can't. This person is strong.....]

Movement among the brainwashed heroes cut the chat short as a person walked toward them.

"Roberto." Beast frowned

Roberto smiled, "How have you been?"

"Quite fine before you came." Ajkula answered, "Damn, betrayer."

"Whom did I backstab?" Roberto asked with a maniac smile "Was I on your side?"

The Pillars suddenly remembered the mission.

[Chatroom -

Jaxon: The mission never specified that the other-dimensional villains were the pursers did it

Yasmin: Damn it, we were shortsighted.

Ivan: We were hunted, it seems.]

"What do you mean?!" Samurai yelled

Roberto laughed as he took out a box. "All this was the plan of a great Master. He may give you a benevolent death."

End advanced rapidly and kicked the box into the sky.

"Nice kick." the villains commented

End yelled, "GET THE DAMN BOX!!!!"

"STOP THEM!" Roberto frowned "Is that what you wanted me to say?"

The box zoomed backwards and was returning to its owner. End raised her hands preparing to destroy the box. Her body suddenly crashed down to earth and she was looking up at Roberto.

[Passive Skills: <Nature's friend> and <Death's friend> are in effect]

"How?" Roberto reacted

End raised her body and gave Roberto a strong original punch. The man flew backwards and End kicked the incoming box again. The villainess spat out blood and glared at him.

"Did you think you could cross us and we'd just watch it like a frickin' movie?" she asked

Roberto touched his brushed cheek and scowled deeply at the woman. Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Take a good look. This is the woman that will kill you." End snarled


"What's that sound?" Greg went

Dea Tacita went, "End, we're going ahead. Catch up with us."

The Pillars advanced into the brainwashed enemies. The Nights Race were no longer focused on the unstable alliance since their brainwashed comrades were attacking them too.

"Find and kill the caster." A warrior frowned "This person is dishonoring sacred battle."


"What?" Lioness frowned

A strong wind snuffed out the heat from Laasya's volcanic eruptions. The lava solidified and the redness of the earth vanished as a shadow was overcast on the battlefield. Everyone gapped.

"Since when?" Doctor V. frowned

Nurse V. said, "Where do we hide?"

The sky was filled with very angry large locusts. The winds were being twisted in favor of the creatures in the sky. They started to descend.

"Found you."

The woman saw Catastrophe Dragons' Melody. Even in her villain outfit, the woman, Lana knew who was under the disguise. The sound dragon, she barely escaped from.

"How?" Lana exclaimed

Melody smiled, "Shall we talk?"

Her right horn came out of her forehead and scales formed under her left eye.

"I...I'm sorry." Lana went "Roberto told me....."

Melody had a toothy grin, "I understand...."