
Villain Edited the Novel

"How come my name is written in this novel?!" The villain of the novel 'Comeback of the strongest hero', Frost Larsh suddenly woke up from a 1-year slumber forgetting a hundred years worth of memories. Not wanting to become the villain of everyone, he escaped to a new continent where no one knew about him. However, during his journey, he came across a portal leading him to an unknown place. Looking around, he saw a slim box lit up. As he read the content, he saw his name amongst countless words. Upon reading the novel, Frost Larsh realized that his whole life was written by a person, and in this novel he was a villain. Without hesitation, he edited the whole novel on the computer leaving no traces of him being a Villain. "Hmm, that's right! Frost Larsh is not a villain, he is a Hero!" ** Returning from his vacation, Jaxon, the author of 'Comeback of the strongest hero,' checked how his novel was doing on the app called Webnovel. However, he was immediately drowned by countless of reviews asking why he suddenly re-wrote his novel and completely erased the trace of the villain. "What the heck? Who edited my novel?" ***************************************** Dark characteristic of the MC will appear once his memories returned. For now, bear with his 15 years old mentality. The time when his memories about his villainous has not appear yet. ***************************************** Hello! From a reader, I am now a writer! As a newbie, please provide me guidance on my writing. For every 50 Power Stones +1 bonus chapter **************************************** You are welcome in the Euphoric Server https://discord.gg/2SaZFah24d

Euphoria_Wonder · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Taking advantage of the fraudster king

With how the money earned from the first wave against the invaders, had gone in smoke, Frost needed to think of how to make money aside from the spoils of war.

Back in his office, he sat on the chair and started thinking of a solution. Looking around his table, he suddenly came across the issued International Mission from the King of Laradan.

"If I remember correctly, it seems that the King was going to reward 1 Million for every person that reports about knowing the legend..."

In order to confirm his assumption, he took the paper and re-read it.

"Aha! If 100 subordinates of mine were to go and claim the reward, wouldn't the amount be enough to at least create a city around the White Castle?"

Having found a new way to earn money, he hurried towards where Landell was training. This time, he decided to choose the appropriate subordinate for the mission himself.

Arriving in front of the makeshift training ground, he immediately saw Landell swinging his sword.

'Isn't Landell a mage? So why is he training like a swordsman?'

When his subordinates training alongside Landell found him, they didn't stop to greet him, rather, they started swinging their sword harder. Giving more force to each swing, creating loud sounds of the sword cutting the air

Meanwhile, Landell didn't show off in front like the other subordinate. Upon seeing, he immediately went to his side in order to hear what order he may give.

"Landell... I want to choose someone that could infiltrate the Kingdom, have them line up in front of me."

With the order of Frost, Landell hurriedly summoned all the soldiers he was training with. These soldiers alongside him were experts, though still not as strong as him.

Looking towards all the soldiers in front of him, Frost decided to go near in order to see their faces clearly. He wanted to choose people that look human as much as possible.

After going around each of them, he chose 20 soldiers.

'It sucked that I wasn't able to find more than 20 of them. However, I got myself free 20 Million Gold Coins.'

"You, you, you... and you. Come with me to my office."

Being called by Frost, the chosen people didn't know what to feel. Were they in trouble or did their Master need them for something else?

With those thoughts in their mind, they followed Frost in his office together with Landell.

The office of Frost was spacious, enough to cater to at least 100 standing people. So when the 20 of them went inside the office, it didn't feel stuffy at all with enough space for them to stand anywhere in front of their Master.

"The reason I called you here is because I need people to infiltrate the Capital of Laradan Kingdom and get the reward from the King. To make it more believable, each of you will come at different times."

The words of Frost brought confusion to the 20 soldiers. Weren't they the enemy of the King? So why would they need to get the rewards from the King himself?

A person with a prominent scar in his right eye took a step in forward and gave a slight bow before opening his mouth, "Master, pardon me for asking this question... But why do you require us to do that? Aren't we enemies of the King?"

Frost already knew that there would be someone amongst them that would ask about it, he also had an answer ready for it. However, before he could give his answer Landell spoke first.

"How dare you question the Master decision! You are going to infiltrate the Capital! Weren't you complaining yesterday about not being able to participate in the Battle 'cuz you were too strong? Now, you can directly go to the Capital to wreak havoc!"

Frost face palmed himself as he heard the words of Landell, that's not something he intended to do. If these soldiers were to wreak havoc before they could get the rewards, obviously the King will not give the money.

"Landell... You're wrong. I want this soldier to just go into the Capital, pretend to be a mercenary or adventurer and take the reward."

Landell you're wrong... Hearing these words from his master, Landell's spirit left him.

Seeing Landell like that, Frost just shook his head and focused on the 20 soldiers in front of him.

"As you've heard, the only thing you will need to do is to pretend to be a human and get the reward. Nothing more and nothing less. With this, we will be taking advantage of the Fraudster King!" When Frost said that, the soldiers clapped due to his ingenuity.

"Master, you are such a genius!"

"Taking advantage of the King? It's about time."

To be flattered by his subordinates, Frost felt good. However, he still needed to give his instructions once again.

"Start your trip tomorrow, and go to the Capital one by one. Understood!"

The soldiers stopped giving flatteries and bowed to Frost and went out of the office in order to follow his orders.

Meanwhile, Landell stood beside his office table with his head down as he mumbled, "Master said I'm wrong," repeatedly.


When the night fell, Frost went back to his room in order to sleep, but before that he took a small stop in his office. He wanted to write what exactly he had dreamed about when he passed out.

"The Demon King pretended to be Nolan Rutherford in order to deceive the Goddess Larsche... Hmm, that novel got so many coincidence. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read it all due to a printing error.

What he dreamed about might be just some sort of mixed up feelings because he didn't want to be depicted as a villain, though he still wanted to write it down on his diary. It might become handy in the future.

Other than the novel he read in his dream, Frost also wrote about the delicious Instant Noodles he ate. He wanted to eat it again if he had a chance, however, the taste will just remain something he could only dream of.

After writing down all the important details, Frost went back to his room, ending another day of chaos.