
Villain's Valor: A Noble Fantasy Resurrection

¡¡¡¡¡Check out my second book! Villain: Herald of Shadows!!!! ****** Shrouded in a veil of mystery and darkness, a sinister threat lurks among the shadows, weaving its plan from the depths of a forgotten past. The emergence of this voracious darkness threatens to devour everything in its path, and as Anthony embarks on a desperate quest for truth, he faces moral dilemmas, betrayals he never imagined, and sacrifices that defy all logic. On his journey, every shadow seems to hide a secret, every step toward the light reveals a new layer of darkness. Who is friend and who is foe in this dangerous game between light and darkness? What ancient forces stir beneath the surface, waiting for their moment to emerge and ravage everything in their path? With each discovery, Anthony delves deeper into a labyrinth of intrigue and danger, where the very future of his world hangs by a thread, and the only certainty is that truth is even more elusive than the shadows that conceal it.

Roseiinthegarden · Fantasía
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330 Chs

Chapter 6: System (Edited)

The narrative unfolds within the corridors of the academy, a convergence point for all pivotal characters. While entry for nobles is a straightforward transaction of 2000 gold coins, commoners must prove their worth through a rigorous test of skills and talents, with only half of the thousand applicants earning acceptance. It was a fierce battle among themselves, yet fair to all.

The power hierarchy is delineated by levels ranging from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, emerald, diamond, mythical, sacred, divine, with each level representing a significant leap in skill and influence. At the pinnacle of this hierarchy lies Maquiel's creature, the destroyer, rumored to hold a primordial rank as the sovereign of monsters.

Reflecting on the intricate power dynamics, I couldn't help but murmur with a conflicted expression, pondering Maquiel's fate, unsure if he still roamed among the living or lay dead.

My knowledge, gleaned from forum discussions, hinted at Maquiel's divine rank, surpassing the peak mythical achieved by the five heroes. The complexities of power further delineated into three tiers: base, medium, and maximum.

As I recounted my progress through the novel, I found myself halted on the precipice of the final arc, where the second war loomed much more intense than the former. The unresolved climax left me grappling with uncertainty, lacking information as I transmigrated before completing the read, furrowing my brow at my ill luck.

As I wrestled with these thoughts, a pang of anxiety seized me, foreseeing what awaited me in the academy. The specter of my tarnished reputation loomed large, compounded by the fact that I am literally a nobody right now, damn it true Anthony how could you disregard 17 years of your life.

While contemplating my predicament, typical systems came to mind for some reason, yet they showed no signs of appearing. My expression turned somber as I gathered all I had thus far; for now, it was better than doing nothing and wallowing.

However, my elation was dampened as I sank into my thoughts; a robotic voice sounded in my head.

(Ding! Host found, establishing parameters... Success)

(Ding! Initiating connection 10...35...75..100%)

(Welcome, host. It is recommended you say the word "status")

With excitement in my voice, I uttered the word: "Status".

And with that simple invocation, a cascade of information unfolded before me, illuminating my field of vision, a blue screen appearing in front of my eyes.

¡¡¡¡¡Check out my second book! Villain: Herald of Shadows!!!!

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