
Vigilante in Detective Conan

Haruto a boy reborn in the world of detective conan works hard in both academics and martial arts to become a successful person. He avoids the canon troupe and his friends as he has no intent of becoming a detective nor does he have a strong sense of justice. However this world of detective conan seems to be a bit different. "Who is this Vigilante who kills every criminal left and right".

azazel1708 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 5 A silent kill

Soon came the night and we moved to our rooms.

I was tired, removed my t shirt, dropped on my bed and drifted to a peaceful slumber.

Meanwhile in an abandoned warehouse

A group of 8 stood still, each fidgeting their hands or legs mostly due to nervousness. Today their boss was pissed and it was not due to stealing less.

The man they claimed their boss stood 6 ft tall with a brown t shirt and black shorts. He had a belt tied around his fists and blood dripped from the mettalic part of the belt.

Before him laid the junkie who stabbed the high school girl in the bus as well as his partner. Though his partner was hit only a few times it was by no means as bad as the junkie who laid with a swollen face and broken nose.

"All you numbskulls had to do was one thing and that was to snatch the purse and get the fuck out of the place, not to stab people. Fuck! You useless pieces of shits. Now we have to go silent for a while. Who is going to compensate for my loss? We also have to pay cuts for operating in this area".

Thereafter he lashed out his belt a few more times at the curled up junkie before throwing the belt away and asked the junkie's partner to take him away and hide for a few days in Shizuoka where the boss had a safe house.

The partner who was called Kazuo picked up the junkie and dragged him out of the room before the boss changed his mind and decided to beat them up a few more times.

The two dragged their feet against the pavement of the dark alleys and continued supporting each other. Kazuo, having enough of his junkie partner leaned him up against the wall and took a few moments of breath.

"Have you calmed down?" Kazuo asked Shinji, the junkie.

Having long sobered up his body screamed in pain. Barely holding on, Shinji nodded his head and supported the wall to walk. Kazuo, no longer making things difficult, started to console him by saying that they could be in Shizuoka until things calm down and come back.

Walking slowly Kazuo said "But Shinji you need to cut down the use of drugs. It's because of that we got in trouble this time".

As they talked mostly done by Kazuo, Shinji kept humming to keep up with the conversation, however with Kazuo walking a few yards in front and with pain he did not notice the fact that the voice of Shinji stopped coming.

A few yards back inside the dark alley lay an even darker alley and within it was Shinji held in a sleeper hold by a figure, wearing a hoodie. Shinji, fearing for his life, tried his best to scream, unfortunately no sound came as his windpipe was completely crushed. Suffocation set in as froth came from his mouth. He tried to scratch his attacker's arm and face but it seemed like his attacker knew what he was doing.

Soon his arm went limp and there layed Shinji unconscious. The figure quickly moved Shinji inside a trash mover and dragged him off in the opposite direction.

After a minute of silence Kazuo stopped and turned around to see that inside the dark alley stood no one other than him.

"Shinji…. Oi Shinji, where are you? Shinji you bastard, it's not time to play around".

All he got from his shout was silence and a few barking sounds. No one responded.

A sudden chill passed through Kazuo's spine. Running through a few back alleys that they had taken all he could see was darkness. Not even the homeless were there.

All his pain went away and his senses turned acute, panting, he started running towards the exit abandoning his friend Shinji.

Meanwhile the hooded figure continued to drag the trash mover and continued towards the dumping area. To reach it he had to pass through a bridge standing above the river. In the silent night, slowly reaching the edge of the bridge, the figure pulled out Shinji from the trash mover, tied a rock to his leg and threw him over the bridge into the river.

Waiting, he watched to see any activity on the surface of the river and after checking no activity the figure pushed the trash mover and disappeared into the fog of night.

It was 2.30 in the morning and inside Haruto's residence Reimi, Haruto's mom suddenly woke up shivering from the chill of the air conditioner.

Trying to get up she found that her husband's hand was wrapped around her. Slowly removing the hand without waking him up Reimi moved out of the bed and increased the room temperature before moving to the washroom.

Relieving herself she made her way to the living room and into the kitchen to drink some warm water. Just as she heated the kettle she heard the sound of wind draft which honestly sounded like the sound effects used for horror movies. Trying to find the place from where the sound came she stood before her son's room.

"From here?"

Even now she didn't think that it could be some burglar after all their compound has been secured with state of the art security.

Twisting the door handle the door slowly opened for her and inside the supposed dark room she saw moonlight getting in from the window which was open.

"Jeez, he left the window open and is sleeping without a shirt on".

Reimi whispered, went towards the window and closed it, drew the curtains, closed her son's body with the blanket, switched on the air-conditioner and left after closing the room.