
Versatile Sword God

In a world where strength are valued, the strong are worshipped. Jian Nantian a young sword cultivator with unyielding determination embark on a journey to become the strongest in the world full of dangers and monsters "With a sword in my hand no one below or above the heaven's is my match, even the heavens trembles at my presence" Follow Jian Nantian as he gradually grow into a peerless genius through the storm's of life to a peerless sword God.

Kizz_Brown · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Sword from the Heaven's

The wail was like the rising sun. As he wailed, the snow that had been falling for nine years, nine months, and nine days, suddenly stopped.

purple Moon City's snow melted instantly, and the bitter cold that once could be felt at every corner of the city was no more.

"The snow really stopped?" The people in the inner courtyard were shocked.

As the door opened, an old woman walked out with a baby wrapped in her arms.

"Congratulations Governor, it is a healthy boy," the old lady said with a smile.

"Bring him over," chu xuanyuan said.

The old lady brought it over for chu xuanyuan to check.

"It really is a boy?" chu xuanyuan and chu Chen gulped.

Everything the Taoist Priest Xuan Shen had said was correct.

From the time, to the snow, and even down to the gender of the baby.

"Elder, you are god-like indeed, I atone for my insolence," chu xuanyuan immediately apologised to Taoist Priest Xuan Shen.

"Elder Xuan Shen, please forgive us," chu Chen apologised as well.

They only knew about the Taoist Elder's reputation but had never seen him perform.

But now they knew that he was a god-sent prophet.

He was beyond man.

chu xuanyuan could be sure that Taoist Elder Xuan Shen was an all-knowing almighty.

At least his Rules of Fate were at astonishing levels.

"It's nothing much, no need to worry." Taoist Priest Xuan Shen smiled without any malice.

chu xuanyuan took a deep breath, looked at the baby, and asked the Taoist Priest Xuan Shen, "Taoist Elder, please bestow a name for our little guy."

"A name?" Taoist Priest Xuan Shen raised his eyebrow. "I'm here not just to bestow a name, I need to change his surname as well."

"Surname?" chu xuanyuan and chu Chen were shocked.

He was born in the chu household, chu xuanyuan son. But Taoist Priest Xuan Shen wanted to change his surname?

"Governor chu, your son is special. His surname has been pre-destined," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen said.

chu xuanyuan frowned, but still said, "Please do so."

"No rush, wait," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen said as he looked up towards the dark Void.

chu xuanyuan and chu Chen looked up, confused, but he did not see anything.

"It's coming," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen said.

Right after he said that, the black Void rumbled as the darkness retreated to make way for a streak of light. The streak of light gradually lit up the place and was increasingly glaring as it approached the earth.


Like an asteroid, the streak of light struck the inner courtyard.

A huge hole was blown up.

Everyone in the inner courtyard, including chu xuanyuan and chu Chen, were dumbfounded.

As the dust settled, they saw a sword in the ground!

The sword was four chi (about 1.3m) tall with no scabbard. The blade itself was crimson red as if it was drenched in blood.

"This is..." chu Chen and the others stared at the sword.

The longsword looked ordinary, but chu xuanyuan saw an incomprehensible hell within it. Countless bones and endless streams of blood flowed within that hell.

It was a sword of death.

"What a terrifying sword," chu xuanyuan murmured but he was even more appalled.

Because the sword had come from the heavens.

From the heavens?

"Governor chu, your kid was born by the sword and should take up the Surname Jian (meaning "sword"). For his name, because he was in your wife's womb for nine years, nine months and nine days, unparalleled in this earth. Name him Nantian ."

"Nantian will be his name!" Taoist Priest Xuan Shen exclaimed.

"Jian as a surname, Wushuang as his name... Jian Nantian?" chu xuanyuan flinched, but quickly responded, "Unparalleled on this earth, with a sword in hand, a good name!"

"Thank you for bestowing the name," chu xuanyuan thanked.

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen laughed, "I am here for his name only. Now that that's settled, I shall be on my way."

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen did not turn away immediately but instead looked at the baby. The baby's eyes were already wide open, staring at Taoist Priest Xuan Shen.

"Little boy, we will meet again."

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen made his way out of the mansion.

"Thank you Elder," chu xuanyuan and chu Chen bowed as he left.

"Haha~~" Taoist Priest Xuan Shen laughed casually as he disappeared from the view of others in a matter of moments.

"Taoist Priest Xuan Shen really is something else," chu xuanyuan exclaimed.

"Father, are we really going to name him Jian Nantian?" chu Chen asked.

"Of course, this is the name Taoist Elder gave. You yourself saw the sword descend from above. The name is but a tag, we can call him Jian Nantian, we can also call him chu Nantian, it's the same," chu xuanyuan laughed.

"Of course," chu xuanyuan nodded.

They both were extremely excited about the newborn baby.

"Oh yes, let us show your mother," chu xuanyuan said as they headed into the room.

What the duo did not notice was that the baby's black eyes had a glimpse of shock within them. His gaze never shifted from the direction Taoist Priest Xuan Shen had left in.

"Who was that Taoist Priest?" Jian Nantian shouted in his heart, but he could not form any words. All that came from him were the wails of a baby.

Jian Nantian had yet to understand what had happened.

He only remembered getting shot in the chest by those gangsters. 

But the moment he woke up, everything had changed.