

No one knew when or how it started but Vampires and Werewolves had been at war for centuries. Most people believed they were just natural enemies but some find that ridiculous because it was said the Vlad Tepes (Dracula) had the ability to transform into a werewolf.

This isn't about how it started but about how it was temporarily ended.

Currently The vampires seemed to be winning the war. The winning side changed so often that no one really cared. But this time was different a young vampire said to be stronger than elders had risen. His name was Arthur Dayne, The heir to the Dayne family.

With his strength and his followers he struck hard to the point that it seemed the werewolves would have no chance to retaliate it seemed the vampires might finally end it all.

One Elder far wiser than any other spoke to that young vampire warning him. "don't back the enemy into a corner, especially not a bunch of mutts cause when it's all on the line anyone is capable of something impossible."

Arthur ignored the advice wanting to exterminate every werewolf. He knew it was harder for vampires to have children of there own and the only other way to increase their population was to turn humans. But they wouldn't have that option for long as a new king had arisen one who wanted the two world's to no longer have contact with the other.

But werewolves were different they could easily have children. He knew even though they seemed to be losing on all fronts if he didn't end this now the werewolves would be back at full strength in as little as 10 years.

He had already located the remaining force of Alphas they were divided he knew his best bet was to attack the Anderson pack. Their Alpha was a power hungry old man who couldn't bear to pass it down to his only son.

The night was dark, the woods we're quiet enough to hear the crickets. Arthur had his men in a tight formation usually they would just rush the opponents with thier superior speed. Tonight was different he felt that something was off.

No one but him saw it, it was too fast for anyone else to see. He watched as it snatched up his men one by one ripping into their throats or pulling their heads off. He watched until there was only him and it.

Arthur had finally felt something he hadn't felt since his father used to beat the crap out of him telling him it was for his own good. He felt fear and he relished in it. Ever since he was young he had been told fear was a good thing, that fear and courage go hand in hand and he was never one that lacked courage. He had the courage to fight against Elder vampires that thought they had the right to order him around like a slave just because they were older.

He smiled as he looked at it and he realized he could see it a lot more clearly now. it was a Werewolf with White fur and red eyes( like ghost from GOT but built like Peter first season of Teen wolf) blood dripped from it jaws and claws.

"Bring it on you mutt." Arthur laughed as the Werewolf growled before it started to circle him looking for a opening.

It finally charged swiping with it's claws and Arthur did the same with his nails. They both slid backwards as the werewolf howled Arthur laughed knowing that the werewolf was enjoying this just as much as he was.

Arthur's eyes glowed black as his fangs elongated. "seems it's time we end this."

The werewolf charged at Arthur as he waited, The werewolf lunged at him and Arthur brought his nails to the underbelly of the werewolf. He smiled knowing it was over as his nails sunk in deep he latched on to whatever he could and pulled. The werewolf felt it all the pain was almost unbearable but it wouldn't give up not here not now. It raised it claws going for Arthur's back as it mouth opened and bit a huge chunk of his neck and shoulder.

Arthur did the only thing he could do he willed whatever little elemental energy he had and pushed it into the abdomen he made sure the fire would burn the werewolf from the inside.

They both knew it was over it ended in equal destruction. Arthur watches the werewolf turned around as it's body shrunk and slowly resembled a human. The man's long black hair flowed down his back, he took a step only to clench his abdomen where there was still a wound glowing with fire.

He didn't turn around he just kept walking through the woods he reached a house he walked inside greeted by a woman holding a baby in her arms. "Malcom we could have just run you didn't need to die not for a bunch of ungrateful mutts." She said as she sat the baby down and began to chant drawing magic from the air her hands twisted and pulled as she put her hands on Malcoms abdomen.

It slowly mended itself and she smiled, she reached and felt his abdomen as the wound dissapeared but the glowing stayed. She frowned "no,no,no it wasn't supposed to be like this." Malcom smiled as he cupped her cheeks pulling her into a kiss before kissing the babies temple.

" I didn't do this for them I did it for you and our son. he deserves the perfect life take care of Sam." He hugged her before walking to the door " where are you going." Malcom turned around and just smiled as he made his way out the door. He knew he was gonna die and there would be no body to find, that was his one regret at least Arthur would have a body.

Arthur made his way to his people he ended up sitting next to the elder that had warned him just hours before.

"You were right" he laughed as he coughed up blood. "I met him" Arthur smiled.

"Who" the elder kneeled down in front of Arthur. Arthur looked him straight in the eyes "My rival, La Bête Fantôme." Those were the last words Arthur spoke as he had truly joined the dead. The Elder walked away repeating the same thing over and over again "The Ghost Beast."

( This is connected to my a Loki story if you read the second chapter you'll understand where Werewolves, vampires and witches come from.)

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