
Two Knights & the Prophecy

"This is an unexpected mission, my lord," said a burly male riding a brown horse, in his armour ensemble of a knight.

"Yes, it is. Finding the heir of Loistava, an incredible mission indeed," the young man riding a black horse replied, his eyes were glowing emerald rocks while his face glowed like a thousand suns. He was the most handsome man in that nation. Golden hair, muscular and well build body, a perfect specimen of nobility and masculinity, the eldest son of Count Franklin Arkellis, Ceasar Arkellis, a twenty-two-year-old knight.

"My lord, I heard from Arellano that their spy from Nek-asrof send this information, but do you think it's him? I heard Logan Leighann slaughtered every male heir before ascending the throne," the other man asked

"Well, I am not sure. We cannot confirm it without seeing him. Moreover, this is the first time Queen Catherine and the princess decided to go themselves, so I guess, they believe it's him. Our part is to protect them and make sure they are safe and secure until they reach Egur, let's focus on that, Jugo," Ceasar smiled

"Yeah, I know why you want to be so focused on the mission, Princess Helga is indeed a beauty," Jugo began giggling like a quacking duck. Hiding his blushing face from others with his hands Ceasar kicked Jugo; "you are forbidden to mention those words or anything related to them throughout this journey. I don't want Helga knowing a single thing, and will you stop that quacking," he whispered, shyly.

"Oh! yes, my lord. This humble servant of yours will never speak about the truth that his master is in love with Princess Helga, from childhood, at first sight," Jugo commented and laughed again. Ceasar's face burned like a cigar bud on fire, he continuously kicked Jugo, embarrassed. In no time, they reached in front of a magnificent palace with a gigantic garden. It was Maxwell Duke's residency. They went and Arellano was waiting for them at the entrance to the mansion.

"Welcome Sir Arkellis, Lady Catherine is waiting for you. Please follow me," he escorted Ceasar and Jugo to the study room where Catherine was waiting.

"Greetings, your Highness, I am Ceasar Arkellis, eldest son of Franklin Arkellis Count of Lokswick. I am honoured to be your shield on your quest. I shall listen to you until our contract ends," he kneeled, Jugo followed; "Greeting your highness, I am Jugo Krik, knight companion of knight grand cross Sir Ceasar Arkellis. I hereby declare my loyalty to Sir Ceasar and your highness,"

"Rise, I am delighted to have two strong loyal companions throughout my travel however, I am not the person leading this quest, it is my daughter. Take a seat, she will be here in a moment," Catherine smiled. Ceasar's heart skipped a beat hearing he will be fulfilling his duty as the royal knight for Helga, he smiled unknowingly.

"The king must have mentioned the details of your mission in the official letter, even so, allow me to explain a little more," She picked up her teacup very politely like a perfect noble lady while her maid served Ceasar, Jugo and Arellano with refreshments.

"His Majesty had mentioned some details and we are aware of the situation. Hearing the full tale from you my lady, it will be more pleasant, please," Ceasar accepted Catherine's thought.

"Franklin and Mary raised you so well. You remind me of your father by appearance but your courtesy is your mother," she grinned

"I am happy to hear my parents' names, I also heard a lot about your highness. Mother used to tell the stories of your school life,"

"Hahaha... Mary was my best friend and I was their love messenger goose in the academy. Fun days!" Catherine's laugh made everyone happy. She looks so happy and peaceful now, Arnello Toga, the viscount who manages Maxwell's palace, thought with a slight smile.

"Coming back to our discussion, Ceasar, the boy we are searching for is the future of Loistava. He was born to my husband the late king of Loistava, Willard Fermi Leighann and his lover Raya. For the past decade, I was looking for him everywhere and finally, we got a believable clue from Nek-asrof. It is common knowledge among the folks of every nation, that the Leighann possess the blessing of god La and the ones who wield the power are born with golden eyes and only belong to the Leighann clan. None of the princes gained it nor did his princesses except one, the boy born to Raya. He is the heir blessed by La, the true crown prince or king of Loistava. It was the reason for Logan's evil deed, the annihilation of his brother's family. Nevertheless, two months after our escape, a refugee from Shoma (the capital of Loistava) revealed an intriguing tale. His eyes were the sole witness of an escape. He watched the kid run into darkness and disappear after burning the soldier who caught him to ash with his bare hand, while his delicate body was drenched in fresh wounds," baffled Ceasar and Jugo glanced speechlessly. They couldn't believe what they just heard. Looking at each other perplexed, Ceasar questioned; "Your Highness, do you mean that (gulp) the prophecy... it is true? Morier Leighann, his legacy is back. The manipulator of fire,"

"Yes, that's right. That boy was around seven then, but he managed to survive from people and authority, more importantly from the sight of Logan, for ten whole years. A kid from Egur kingdom who got lost in the Boswellia forest in the Nek-asrof border saw a blind woodcutter, he went to ask for help that's when his blindfold fell off. The boy said it was his first time seeing such a captivating golden eye," with a prideful beam Catherin elaborated.

"Are we forgetting the prophecy? The era my power manifests a boy of my lineage starts the doom of this land A great war will occur, evil will rise, and everything will burn to ashes, Void is coming!" those were the last recorded words of the great hero Morier Leighann," fearfully clutching his hands Jugo commented.

The room was immersed in silence, nobody dared to talk. Their fear was visible, the room itself trembled. Abruptly the door opened. It was Helga and Laisa, they entered the room. Seeing Helga in her gorgeous pink and white gown, smiling lovingly at him, Ceasar stood up. his heart flattered forgetting everything and blood rushed to his cheeks, turning them red. He couldn't take his eyes off her, she is his love, unrequited love. He didn't dare to confess learning the hardship she had been through and learning her future pursuits. He is still waiting for a moment, when he can open his heart and show her the infinite affection he obscures in his heart for her, to ask her "Will you marry me, my lady?"

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