
Velzard Harem

Velzard the Second Oldest True Dragon has been gifted with all the abilities of Veldanava after Veldanava had given up his Omnipotence, and the first thing Velzard does? She gets a harem! but this doesn’t mean she’s always the one on top :)

VelzardNo_1Simp · Cómic
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5 Chs

Building a Nation and Slime

Velzard walked through the forest and found a Goblin Village nearby. She walked towards it as they noticed her Aura. It was intense, and as such, they were scared and spoke.

"W-What D-Do you need great one? Did we do something wrong?"

They looked scared as the old man, who was the village elder, spoke to Velzard.

"Simple, I wish for you to join the village I have made; I will turn it into a Nation, one where all beings can live freely; this ideology I follow is something I have learned from a friend of mine."

They looked at Velzard somewhat cautiously, but since she was strong, they would want to be taken in by her.

"A-Alright, But.. Where is your Village?"

"It's nearby here, but I want to control all of the Jura Forest."

Suddenly, Velzard released her Aura, excluding every being in this area, but they could still feel it; if she hadn't been able to do this, even Shizue would've died from her sheer Aura; it would put fear across all of the Jura Forest, but she made it a little too large, as it had reached Velgrynd in the Eastern Empire who could feel her sisters Aura would shiver in fear.

"How in the world did she get that strong...?"

Velgrynd thought to herself while covering her face with her fan. It wasn't something she expected usually; Velzard would be ahead of her by some margin, but now it felt like an unreachable gap. Not to mention, Velgrynd couldn't hide that she felt as if Velzard knew what she was thinking as if she knew everything. Still, Velgrynd brushed it off, thinking only her older brother could have such powers.

"What is Wrong, Velgrynd? Is anything bothering you?"

Rudra looked at Velgrynd. Somewhat worried, it was before Michael corroded his soul; he saw that she was annoyed, so he had left her alone so as not to persist.

"I still wonder where my Little Sister Is now; I heard she evolved her Ultimate Skill into a Manas."

While he thought that Velzard, the one who faked it, would take the goblins back to her Village while also naming them the same things Rimuru would've, and as she came back, she noticed a slime one which was resting on Shizue's breasts who liked it's feeling.

"You Found company, huh?"

Shizue looked over at Velzard and spoke, smiling.

"Oh, your back, Velzard-San, slimes are so squishy. I love them so much."

"Well, to make it even better, you know this one is conscious and intelligent enough to converse, right?

Rimuru, who was still unnamed, could not see, but she could hear them, and then she heard a voice inside his head.

[Would you like to Activate Magic Sense.]

She had accepted and was able to see, but the first thing she noticed was that she was in the middle of a pair of breasts.

"I feel like you've had your fun, no? Now it's my turn."

Velzard grabbed the Slime from Shizue's hands and put them on her head. She would smile and then put the Slime down.

["I still can't believe I died and reincarnated into this slime creature, but who are these people? I didn't expect to wake up in heaven as something other than a human."]

"Since it is conscious and intelligent, should I give it a humanoid form? It can still switch between the human and slime forms, Shizue."

"Sentient? I've never heard of conscious and intelligent Slime before. But I don't mind giving it a human form."

Velzard grabbed the Slime, put it on the ground, and formed a human body like a homunculus. Once she did, Velzard put the Slime on top of the homunculus's head. She made it grow hair in a light blue color and a face similar to Shizue. The lower half of her body had many assets, and the homunculus's breasts were large along with her ass.

["I won't mind walking again, especially if it means getting a form like this; I was practically flat in my past."]

Velzard knew what the Slime was thinking; she watched as it absorbed the homunculus and allowed it to take human form; once it turned into the human form, she was naked.

"Since you are now humanoid, you need a name as well. In that case, I'll name you Rimuru Tempest."

Once Rimuru had been named, they felt as if they got stronger and even got a new skill.

[Sage has evolved into Great Sage, Obtained skill Degenerate]

Rimuru heard this and smiled, happy they had gained skills and a name. She then looked at Velzard and spoke for the first time.

"Why did you name me and give me a human form? I'm thankful, but I don't understand why."

"I simply went with my gut. And look where we are now. Now, I'll ask: Do you wish to make a nation alongside me and rule over this land? Shizue doesn't seem like she would and would rather stay in a place resting, which I can see why, but you don't have any goals, do you?"

Rimuru thought about what to do. On the one hand, he would have fun bringing more stuff from his world into theirs, but on the other hand, he wanted to do what he wanted without being directed.

"I'm going to bring people to our village and create homes for them or make roads that connect to the other villages while you can do anything you wish; I'm not stopping you."

Rimuru nodded, agreed with what Velzard said, and looked at Velzard out of thin air, creating houses while removing trees and other obstacles and creating roads and sidewalks for each home. One of them is the entrance, which has a magic barrier that denies entry to anyone intending to kill.

While Velzard did this, Rimuru cared for the goblins and taught them crafts. However, he couldn't get them to understand because they were distracted, so he sighed in defeat, now needing help. Rimuru looked at Shizue and walked to her.

"Your name is Shizue, right? You want to go to another place; I'm trying to find Artisans, and I trust you here the most."

Shizue, who was reading a book that Velzard had made, looked at Rimuru and smiled, nodding. After all, it would be unproductive if she stayed in the same place the entire time.

"Sure, we go to Dwargon and get the Artisans from there, as they are the best."

[Obtained Full Potion, Ability to heal 100% of your health back.]

Rimuru got this notification from Great Sage. She didn't know what it was, but she continued. Both began venturing through the forest at full speed, at least for Rimuru; Shizue was slowing herself down to keep pace with Rimuru; both felt energetic and had continued nonstop for at least a day.

With Velzard, she had finished the houses and noticed a pack of dire wolves there. Still, once they saw her Aura, which was the one surrounding the forest, they tried retreating, only for them to be stopped by strings that didn't hurt but were hard to destroy.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you. I'm adding you to the Nation I am slowly building, and all of you joining will be a part of my plan for this world. So what do you say?"

It wasn't like they could resist or fight back. She would probably kill them all in one go if they disagreed, so most of the dire wolves, out of fear, obliged, but the leader of the pack would not and tried to resist, only for them to be cut into pieces, killing the leader of the pack.

"Now, come here so I can give you names."

Velzard looked at them as they rushed to her and sat down as if they were dogs. She gave out names one by one and then finally reached one with a star on their back.

"You're name will be Ranga. You will not be serving me, but you will be serving someone I consider equal to me."

Ranga was pleased with this because she was scary, and he didn't want to make a mistake around her. Ranga left, going into the Village Velzard made, which was now almost the same size as the Jura Tempest Federation that Rimuru would make if Velzard had not intervened.

Rimuru and Shizue had been traveling for two days now. As they reached the start of the line, they finally saw a road leading directly to Dwargon. Because of Shizue, both of them were able to enter.

"What do you think we should do now? Look around or try finding the King."

"We should probably explore; I'll go and find some Artisans and use this Full Potion, which I had randomly made."

Shizue nodded as she followed Rimuru, who found a blacksmithing area and knocked on it.

"Were Closed, Don't Come Back!"

Shizue chuckled and opened the door, entering. Velzard had told her sometime before going that if she met a Blacksmith who told her they were closed and not to come back, she should join. Rimuru followed Shizue and looked at the dwarf Blacksmith.

"Didn't I say we were closed?"

"Yes, but we could help you with what you need help with."

"I doubt that's possible; I need to make 20 Magisteel Swords in a week, And my brothers were extremely hurt when the mine collapsed."

Rimuru smiled. This was the best scenario.

"Then, if I can heal them and give you the Magisteel Swords you need, will you come to my nation to help teach my citizens what you do?"

"If you can, I will, But I want my brothers to be healed first, at least if you can do it."

Rimuru nodded as Kaijin took them to the room they were resting in; Rimuru went into his slime form and swallowed their bodies for a bit before putting them back on the bed, fully healed. He did the same for the other two and then looked at Kaijin, who was shocked.

"H-How is this possible? Not even a full potion at 98% could do this."

While Kaijin was shocked, Rimuru went over to a Magisteel Sword, which was here, ate it in its slime form, and began spitting out 19 more Magisteel swords and the one she swallowed out. She then went back into her human form. While this was happening, Velzard, on the other hand, visited her little sister to give her a lecture.

"How have you been, Velgrynd? Feel anything different here?"

Velgrynd, who was on guard due to seeing Velzards aura grow so much, turned around only to be pushed to the wall; Velgrynd tried attacking, only for her hands to be stuck to the wall.

"You won't be able to do anything right now as I'll be teaching you some manners."

Velzard began lecturing her by telling her about her obsession with Rudra, her arrogance, how she acted, and more. It was to the point that Velgrynd was starting to even cry from how much she was being scolded. It was the first time she had ever cried, so it made her discover the weakness in her mentality. But Velzard didn't stop and continued lecturing her; Velzard even began insulting and lecturing about Rudra. Velgrynd had passed out from how much she cried. So Velzard let her go and returned to the Village, where she would wait for Rimuru and Shizue to return. Still, now she was extremely bored and had nothing to do but mess around with Guy or Rudra or maybe have fun with Elmesia Again. Velzard was truly bored now, and she didn't want to do the same things repeatedly every day, She was annoyed at her boredom and felt as if she wanted to destroy something now, and she did, she broke a table with a light tap. She waited for an hour then a day.