
Vele Bianche

In an era after the Great Apocalypse, lies a world riddled with demonic contracts. Remnants of wars sparked fears through mankind, prompting them into playing right under the she-devil’s thumb. Sylvia Porfirio, a damsel in distress in need of a job stumbled across a mischievous flyer which offered her a job. Vele Bianche, a café so hidden that almost no person knows. Unbeknownst to the desperate Sylvia, Vele Bianche turned out to be an organization stabilizing the wall between devils and humans.

mAsQuerade_ · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter VII: A Fair Friend

"Thank you for coming!" Dorotea gleefully smiled as she waved goodbye to the last batch of customers that seemed to talk amidst themselves as they left the cafe without batting an eyelash at her.

"Tsk, rude" she immediately clicked her tongue as the smile she wore faded into a scowl. Sylvia, who was beside her, stood amazed at how quick her mood changed.

Sylvia's eyes gazed at the setting sun that had set the sky ablaze with a myriad of orange and red. The clock on the wall read past five, signaling the final minutes before she would leave for the day.

A strained moan escaped her lips as she stretched her arms behind her back. Her shoulders ached from the amount of lifting she had done for the care.

"Man, I can't wait to soak myself in a warm bath later"

"Oh, you like hot baths Sylvia?" Delta's voice came up from behind her as the woman with the unnerving smile stared at her with a face, she was unable to read.

"Mhmm, I think every girl loves to take a hot bath after work though Miss Delta."

"Oh? Is that so?" Delta mumbled while tilting her head. "I guess that makes me a guy then?"

Dorotea couldn't help but giggle as Sylvia stared at Delta in confusion before turning towards her as if asking for help.

"Delta prefers cold showers or baths." she explained to the perplexed Sylvia whose eyebrows knitted themselves even tighter

"Are you okay Miss Delta?" Sylvia asked with concern laced on her words. "If you need someone to talk to then I'm here!"

"Oh, thank you but I don't see the problem." the lavender-haired maid whispered before clearing her throat.

"I got off track, I actually came here to ask you a favor."

"Hmm? What did you need Miss Delta?"

"Nothing too important, don't worry. But I'd like you to stay for the night"

"What for?"

"I would assume Dorotea, and Salvatore had already informed you that this cafe is open 24/7?" Delta sharply glanced at Dorotea who immediately flinched underneath her gaze and pretended to be busy with cleaning the counter.

She then darted her gaze towards Salvatore who didn't bother meeting her gaze as he was greatly interested with the floor.

"Uhh, I don't remember anything about that..." Sylvia mumbled while following Delta's gaze to Salvatore who was going to great lengths to avoid eye contact to the point, he placed himself at the corner of the room.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to work for the night, but it would be preferred if you stayed and meet the other staff." Delta explained with her trademark smile which killed the second thoughts that Sylvia had.

"Alright, let me just get changed." she excused herself and walked past Delta who had closed her eyes as she kept smiling

"Oh, Salvatore. Can I have a word?" Delta immediately asked Salvatore the moment Sylvia entered the door behind her.

"D-Delta! Did I ever mention how beautiful your gloves are?"

"Why thank you, they were a gift." she grinned and ignored his struggles on escaping. "Now, now let's talk peacefully."

"W-wait! I swear I just forgot!" Salvatore cried out as he was dragged by the collar outside the cafe and into the nearby alleyway.

"Dorime, Salvatore." Dorotea mumbled while clasping her hands together in a prayer after witnessing the scene.

"What was that about?" a blonde man asked her the moment he had stepped foot inside the cafe. Beads of sweat covered his creamy complexion, and his hair was disheveled hinting that he had ran all the way.

"Oh, it's you." Dorotea's mood instantly became sour and diverted her gaze away from the man named Flavio.

"Still as charming as ever, but that does make you cute on your own way." Flavio whispered with a cheeky smile as he leaned over the counter and winked at Dorotea who just deadpanned at his attempts at flirting.

"Idiot, that's not gonna work." she scoffed with subtle hints of red hues spreading through her cheeks that she hid by burying her face behind the iPad.

"It's always worth a chance as I said." The man chuckled without moving from his place. "Although doesn't this place seem cleaner than usual?"

Flavio asked with a raised eyebrow while staring at the newly swept floor and the tables that Salvatore that had been wiping before getting dragged off.

"Yeah, the boss hired a new set of hands."

"Ah, new recruits. That's definitely new." Flavio smirked at his own wordplay, thinking it was pretty clever of him and ignored the exasperated frown that Dorotea wore.

"Alright, I'm done." Sylvia's voice echoed from behind the mauve-haired woman making her and Flavio turn their gaze towards her.

"Mhmm? Oh sorry, I didn't know you were handling a customer." Sylvia sheepishly giggled before stopping beside Dorotea who smirked at her.

"I wish, this man is actually one of the idiots working here."

"Yo, they call me Flavio."

"Sylvia." she nodded as she gracefully accepted Flavio's outstretched hand while ignoring the wink, he gave her.

"Where's Delta and Salvatore?"

"Off, Delta is scolding him." Dorotea replied with a nonchalant wave and went back to scrolling through her phone as Flavio visibly shivered before strolling past the counter.

"Oh, right."

Sylvia gazed at Flavio who placed a heavy hand on her shoulder. His green eyes seemed to shine underneath the shadows of his hair making her queasy.

"I hope you're having a great time working here." he whispered with a smile. "Let's treat each other like family."

"Oh, uh... Sure."

"Good, cause there's no turning back once you're in the familia."

Flavio gave Sylvia's shoulders one last squeeze before leaving her to stare at his silhouette with a face unsure of what he had meant. Nothing but the hollow sounds of the bell chiming at the back of her mind.