
Vele Bianche

In an era after the Great Apocalypse, lies a world riddled with demonic contracts. Remnants of wars sparked fears through mankind, prompting them into playing right under the she-devil’s thumb. Sylvia Porfirio, a damsel in distress in need of a job stumbled across a mischievous flyer which offered her a job. Vele Bianche, a café so hidden that almost no person knows. Unbeknownst to the desperate Sylvia, Vele Bianche turned out to be an organization stabilizing the wall between devils and humans.

mAsQuerade_ · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter V: Meet Again

"Say, Dorotea?"

"What is it?"

Dorotea gazed at Sylvia whose head was peeking out of the door behind the counter and raised her eyebrows at how Sylvia's face was bright red and the firm grip she had on the door.

"Is anything wrong?" she immediately asked in a panicked tone and jumped off the tall chair that she sat on to run in front of Sylvia who frantically shook her head.

"N-No! Nothing at all!" she squeaked out before hurriedly closing the door to keep Dorotea from coming in.

"Are you sure? It feels like there's something!"

Golden beams of sunlight filtered through the clear glass windows of the cafe and splashed across the marble white floor. After a week of learning the basics of the jobs on the cafe, it was officially her first day on the job as a maid.

"D-Do I really have to wear this?" Sylvia asked in a muffled voice from behind the door making Dorotea smile.

"Yeah, if I have to wear it then you have too!"

An exasperated sigh came from behind the door which slowly opened and revealed a bashful Sylvia trying her best to pull the dress down even more to cover up her thighs that were adorned by snowy-white stockings.

It was the classic French maid dress that one would easily find in any movie featuring them. The black and white dress wrapped around her body in an elegant manner that was a direct contrast from the way it did with Dorotea's voluptuous body.

"...Mhmm, we're the same dress but why do I get the feeling you have a different appeal." Dorotea mumbled beneath her breath and took her usual seat from behind the counter.

"I think it's because we have... Different assets." Sylvia answered her question and stood on the spot right beside Dorotea.

It was currently seven in the morning. Despite being the ideal time for people to be driving around to get to their work and school, there wasn't a single vehicle driving past their cafe.

' Well, I already expected this with the location ' Sylvia thought to herself and heaved a sigh of relief thinking they weren't gonna get any customers.

"Oh, welcome!" Dorotea's cheerful voice redhead her ears at the same time as the bell on the front door chimed.

"Ack, a customer!"

"I don't think that's how you greet customers."

Salvatore mumbled in a displeased tone as he kept his fedora low to cover up his face and walked past the counter without bothering to say good morning and immediately entered the room behind them.

"You're lucky it wasn't the boss that just entered..." Dorotea whispered while darting a glance at her deflated state.

"Sorry! I'm just nervous..." she whined while banging her head on the counter without caring about damaging something or herself.

"Oh? Is she the new girl?" a woman wearing the exact same maid dress entered the store right after Salvatore and waved hello to Dorotea.

"Hey Dante, and yeah she is." she giggled and pulled Sylvia up from her position, "This is Sylvia."

"Hello miss..." Sylvia mumbled in a weak manner and raised her hands in a weak wave making Dante chuckle.

"Hello, although I'll appreciate it if you don't call me miss."

"Oh, Sorry. Is ma'am good?"

"Well, just Dante would be fine, but I think you're missing the point here." Dante continued to nervously chuckled as he averted his gaze towards Dorotea who couldn't help but giggle even louder.

"Sylvia, Dante is a guy! Have you even heard of a woman named Dante?"

"Oh.... OHHHH" Sylvia nodded like an obedient puppy towards Dorotea before snapping her gaze towards Dante in disbelief.


"Yeah? What made you think I wasn't?"

Sylvia and Dorotea both deadpanned at Dante causing him to flinch and freeze in place. Almost like they were in sync, the two girls walked out from behind the counter and circled around Dante like predators eyeing their preys.

"First of all, you're wearing a dress!" Dorotea pointed out and pulled on the helms of his skirt.

"Second, your skin is smoother and softer than mine or Dorotea's!" Sylvia exclaimed in a bitter while pinching Dante's cheeks causing him to groan from the sudden pain.

"And finally, you sound and smell like one!" the two of them pointed out at the same time causing Dante to experience the shadow of a pain that felt like a refrigerator falling down on him from the heavens.

"Well, you all make a valid point." he mumbled in defeat. "But yeah, just call me Dante"

"Alright then, Dante!" Sylvia exclaimed with a grin and shook his hand with a firm grip.

"By the way, I'm not judging you. I like the fact you cross-dress." she added before pulling away her hand and leaving an embarrassed Dante.

"...They just ran out of male uniforms though." Dante mumbled while picking up a nearby broom and began sweeping to take his mind off their words.

"But man, a cross-dresser. He's really something." Sylvia told Dorotea who had already returned to her spot behind the counter. "Is there anyone else or are this the only people?"

"Oh, there's a lot more, they're just busy with mi— classes." Dorotea corrected herself before throwing her hair back in confidence.

"... What was that you were about to sa—"

Just then, the doors of the cafe once again opened. The sound of the bell chiming slowly filled the room that suddenly became dead silent as everyone except Sylvia seem to freeze.

"Why hello there, have we met?" a gentle voice disrupted the silence as a woman with lavender-colored hair stood in front of the glass doors. An unnerving smile plastered on her face which made Sylvia gulp unconsciously.