

Contemporary Romance
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What is VEENA

Lee la novela VEENA escrita por el autor Deborah_Omotola_8363 publicada en WebNovel. Veena a beautiful lady desire a better life but she was faced with so many challenges that is almost unbearable.will she be able to overcome this challenges or will she give in to pressure?......


Veena a beautiful lady desire a better life but she was faced with so many challenges that is almost unbearable.will she be able to overcome this challenges or will she give in to pressure?...

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The Rise of the Dragon Fist

"The Rise of the Dragon Fist" follows the epic adventure of Ryu and Hiro, two young martial artists determined to unlock their true potential and obtain the legendary Dragon Orb. As they traverse vast lands and face formidable foes, they discover ancient prophecies, encounter mythical creatures, and uncover the true nature of their powers. Throughout their journey, Ryu and Hiro undergo rigorous training, honing their martial arts skills and unlocking new abilities. They face both physical and emotional challenges, testing the limits of their strength and resilience. Along the way, they meet allies who aid them in their quest and enemies who seek to harness the power of the Dragon Orb for their nefarious purposes. As Ryu and Hiro draw closer to their goal, they become embroiled in a larger conflict that threatens the very fabric of their world. They discover that the Dragon Orb is not merely a source of immense power but also a key to unleashing a malevolent force that seeks to consume everything in its path. Now, their quest takes on a greater significance as they must prevent the Orb from falling into the wrong hands. In the climactic final chapters, Ryu and Hiro face their ultimate challenge. They confront the ancient evil that seeks to control the Dragon Orb and plunge the world into darkness. With the fate of their realm hanging in the balance, they unleash the full extent of their powers, tapping into their innermost reserves of strength and determination. In a fierce battle, Ryu and Hiro push themselves beyond their limits, employing their signature Dragon Fist techniques to combat the formidable adversary. Their unwavering spirit and unbreakable bond fuel their resolve, and they emerge victorious, sealing away the malevolent force and restoring balance to the world. In the aftermath of their triumph, Ryu and Hiro return to their village as celebrated heroes. Their journey has transformed them into legendary warriors, revered and respected by all. However, their quest is not over. With newfound wisdom and experience, they set their sights on new horizons, seeking to bring peace and harmony to the lands, and ensuring that the power of the Dragon Orb remains safeguarded. As the tale of "The Rise of the Dragon Fist" concludes, Ryu and Hiro become beacons of hope, inspiring future generations of martial artists to follow in their footsteps. Their legacy endures, their names forever etched in the annals of Tenshin's history, as the ones who rose above adversity and brought light to a world veiled in darkness. And so, their adventure continues, embarking on new quests and facing fresh challenges, forever guided by the spirit of the Dragon Fist.

Jxyzen09 · Acción
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17 Chs

Cinta 2 Benua

Jangan jatuh cinta pada seseorang saat dirimu sedang bersafar ke negeri orang Jatuh cinta memang tidak dapat diperkirakan waktunya, dengan cara seperti apa dan dengan siapa dirimu melabuhkan hati pada seseorang. Kenapa? Karena kau akan sulit melupakan orang tersebut dan terbayang dengan jelas di mimpimu mengenai sosok yg selalu ada menemani hari-harimu di negeri yg bukan merupakan asal mu itu. Kau hanya bisa mengirim untai-untaian pesan indah kepada Sang Pemilik Hati agar kelak pesan tersebut dapat tersampaikan padanya. Kau hanya bisa terus-terusan berharap dapat bertemu kembali dengannya dan mengenang semua cerita dan kenangan yang telah terukir manis di langit negeri orang Negeri apakah yang membuat ku terus teringat, tertawa, tersenyum dan bahkan menangis oleh sekian kalinya? Negeri itu adalah.. Istanbul.. *********** Adinda adalah gadis lugu yang ajaibnya mendapat kesempatan mengikuti lomba untuk mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya di Istanbul, Turki. Dia tak pernah menyangka bahwa kisah hijrahnya akan diberkahi dengan dipertemukannya sosok lelaki yang diluar jangkauannya. *********** Andi. Tak pernah menyangka bahwa mimpi shalat istikharahnya akan dijawab secepat ini. Menjadi tourguide adalah kebiasaannya setiap ada perwakilan mahasiswa yang datang ke Istanbul. Bagaimanakah petualangan mereka di negara yang berbatasan dengan dua benua yaitu Asia dengan Eropa itu? ****** Assalamualaikum wr wb. Kepada pembaca yang sudah banyak mengikuti cerita "Cinta 2 Benua". Terima kasih sudah membaca dan memberikan feedback. Mengenai nama, karakter tokoh, tempat dan kejadian hanyalah fiktif belaka dan karangan penulis yang dibumbui oleh saya sendiri sebagai pengarang. Jadi.. no offense and not all about this is true. Karena ini semua hanyalah hiburan dan fiktif belaka yang diharapkan pembaca dapat mengambil hikmah dari ceritanya. So, keep enjoy to read :)

Finanda_Nisa_Amani · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Undeniably Yours [TAGALOG]

Reese and James were in a middle of an argument when Engr. Lacosta, Reese’s boss, called, well, thanks to that call kasi hindi natuloy ang muntikang break up ng dalawa. Anyways, her boss instructed her to attend a client in Boracay dahil hindi ito makaka punta kasi may mas importanteng pupuntahan ito. The next day, Reese went to Boracay, everything went well naman, kahit na mejo wala sya sa mood kasi nga umalis sya na di sila okay ni James. After ng dinner, their client invited her na pumunta sa isa sa mga paborito nitong bars sa Bora, she‘s too shy to say no since baka ma insulto ang client nila kaya sumama sya, well, okay naman yun at least, mas makikilala pa niya ang client nila, still for business purposes, so okay na iyon, and then out of the blue, she saw a familiar face in the crowd, dancing… Eren. Eren’s the name. That one beautiful, shy conservative girl she have known for almost 3 years. No, they are not close, she just knew her since she's working on an agency on which they had contracted several projects. Anyways, she’s not really sure if si Eren nga ba itong nakikita niya since the girl here is different from the Eren she have known, kasi yung babaeng nakikita niya ngayun ay sumasayaw na parang wild rich kid, umiinom ng alak at naka make up… By the way, this girl has the most beautiful brown eyes, beautiful smile, beautiful face and body… Actually, everything's fine and smooth sailing, if only she would not found herself admiring her again because she never expected that this summer business trip here in Boracay will add colors in her not so perfect life as she explore more of this shy conservative girl she knew, no! Actually she's not that typical shy conservative girl you would usually meet, because she's actually the opposite now, she’s wild, she’s different, she’s cool… and God, how many more would She discover from this girl? because that would be… well, let’s say trouble…

jazeyfrost02 · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Transmigration: Giving The Second Male Lead All The Love I Have.

Liu Yi has always love reading romance novels since she was young, now at the age of twenty, her love for romance novel has never reduced but instead increase to the point she wondered if spending all her day reading novel is one of the reason for her single life. Liu Yi has read a lot of novels in her twenty years of living but has never been able to let go of her newest obsession, she has read the novel more times she can count and still ended up crying at the end. She felt sorry for the second male lead who did not receive any love from any of his family members except from his grandfather and the woman he ended up liking only had eyes for the male lead. What hurted Liu Yi the most was when the second male lead gave his kidney to the female lead despite his heart condition and got a wedding invitation to her wedding with the male lead in return. Liu Yi hated the author of the book and hated the female lead, she knew it was just a book but for some reason she just couldn't move on from it, she felt like what happened to the second male lead was unfair and wished she could do something to change his unfair fate, those were her thoughts as her eyes became heavy with sleep. Liu Yi opened her eyes when she heard someone called her little miss and was surprised to see that she was not only in the body of a ten years old but she was in the novel, in the same world as the second male lead. Knowing that filled her heart with joy, no one might have loved the second male lead but she will, she was going to give the second male lead all the love she has, but the only problem is, she was not only in the body of a ten years old who turned out to be the female lead half sister but also, didn't the female lead half sister died at the age of eighteen? Worst part is, the author never stated who or what exactly killed her.

Rosepetals456 · Ciudad
187 Chs
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