
Olivia Charlie's Origin

A young man clad in blue arrived at a laboratory located in the middle, surrounded by a mountain with a lush green forest. The young man was smiling as he headed to the lockers, grabbing his lab coat as he briskly walked towards the elevator, taking off to the underground lab he was assigned to. A metal double door greeted him as he stepped out of the elevator with a metal plate bolted on it that said, "Dr. Weingarten," or Doctor W for short. He then headed to the camera, switched it on, and started recording. "Entry 1: Project Angels is a Go. This is the first program that utilizes artificial humans. I'm expecting this program to go smoothly as it progresses. entry logging out. " Doctor W said, as he excitedly closed the recording and then started his research.

Five years later,

The once happy Doctor W now has a frown plastered on his handsome face, as he started the recording with a sigh. "Entry 2: Project Angels. The first 5 batches were a failure because the embryo started showing hints of decay. The cause of it is the solution that envelopes the embryo; it lacks the nutrients the embryo needs. I have started mixing the solution with strong nutrients. I will have to test them in the next 5 batches. That is all entry logging out. " Doctor W said as he gave another heavy sigh before mixing chemicals for the solution.

2 years later.

A man in his late 20s briskly set up his recording camera, fixed his notes and journals that were lying on his lab table, and got his glasses ready as he pressed play to start his entry. "Entry 3: Project Angels. It took me 2 years to create a solution. The embryo is developing nicely. Not only that, but the solution also helps in accelerating the embryo's growth. The embryo shows signs of life. entry logging out. " The doctor said The embryo has started to twitch and take shape as it continues to accelerate its growth.

10 years later,

A middle-aged man wearing a faded blue sweater with a lab coat entered the desolated lab room with a few large tanks that used to contain four unknown creatures and a lone tank that had a sleeping child in it. The man, who appears to be physician W, headed to the set-up of the camera and started his entry. "Entry 4: Project Angels. It has been 10 years now and the four embryos are shaped abnormally. The first embryo had formed into a small reptile with long nails, and it had a smooth texture on its skin. The second embryo was the same but had a big head and had a rough skin texture. The third and fourth are identical. They had an abnormally long neck and scales, but you can identify which is which due to the third having smooth and shiny scales while the other had rough and hard ones. But the last one ended up as a normal child, whose gender is female. The last one would sometimes open their eyes and look around. At first I was in shock, but they looked at me and smiled adorably. Of the last five months, the fifth one shows signs of intelligence. There were times when I would teach them to communicate during my free time, and they learned pretty quickly. On the contrary, the other four show signs of savagery. They would lash out in their tank and sometimes eat whoever approached their tank. Today I plan to remove the 5-year-old looking angel and I plan to name her Olivia Charlie. entry logging out. " Doctor W said, Six men started to drain the specialised solution from the big tank the little girl was in. As the water drained, the little girl slowly sat at the bottom of the tank and watched as the men started to remove the glass in front of her. The air slowly entered at the crack of the now slightly opened glass. The girl slowly breathes in the air, or was cold and smells a little caffeine. Then they successfully removed the glass as Doctor W entered the tank, picked up the little and headed to the double doors where others like him were waiting.

3 months later,

A blur of black ran past the security guards that were guarding the dangerous part of the facility and slipped inside a den of four savage-like creatures that were sleeping peacefully in their respective caves. The black blur's silhouette is a little girl; she then placed down the bag that she had, as she slipped past the guards, then took out an instrument that was given to her by one of the scientists that she was learning from, and started blowing as loud and as hard as she could. This loud noise awakens the creatures that were sleeping there. With a growl, they emerge from their caves to see who woke them up, only to see a little girl who then gave them a mischievous grin. The creatures are dumbfounded by this, then playfully chase the little girl as she squeals in delight as they begin to play tag. They did not know that their creator was watching them through the cams that were installed inside the den. Doctor W then started his entry. "Entry 5: Project Angels. For 3 months : It only took OC-5 three months to convince the other four that we meant no harm. 3 months to have a familiar bond. It took 3 months for us to finally take some test runs. In just 3 months, OC-5 helped accomplish all that they hadn't for the last 5 years. This is astonishing and alarming. As she developed more and more, she might one day surpass me as the youngest scientist, but in this situation, the first artificial human scientist. We were planning to have OC-5 have physical and mental training starting today. I hope she can cope since we need her out there fast. entry logging out. " He turned the recording off as he stared at the happy little girl playing along with her abnormal-looking siblings. He gave a heavy sigh as he whispered, "I'm sorry" and left the room to get the little girl ready for her lessons.

half a year later.

The lab was too quiet when an ear-piercing scream of a young child could be heard in the empty corridors. The screams led to a room with the words "TRAINING HALL". Inside, there lay in a puddle of blood the little girl, all banged-up with bruises littering her small body. The little girl tried to sit up but winced as she felt a cracked rib get misplaced as she slowly healed herself inside and outside. She heals pretty quickly due to the daily beating of her trainers. She shookily stood up and prepared for another round of beating, only to be surprised by someone. "That's all for now. "I need OC-5 for a checkup," Doctor W said as the trainers all left to rest. The doctor approaches her with a sad look in his eyes as he kneels to her height "Come with me, Ollie. Your siblings are looking for you. " Ollie shookily stood up as the doctor carefully carried her out of the training room.

10 years later,

Screams can be heard from all levels of the laboratory. Doctor W walks past rooms after rooms filled with dead bodies. His steps leave a trail of blood heading to where the screams are louder. The doctor noticed a young teen and four escaped creatures tearing their former trainer apart. Blood and guts were scattered everywhere, and a few handfuls of the staff workers were cowering in the corner. The doctor walked up to the young girl while saying, "Are you almost done here? The cops will be arriving soon. We need to go. The chopper is ready. "Olivia" The teen turned around and smiled creepily, saying, "Yes doc, I'm done here!" "Big sibs... finish the rest off". Multiple voices were pleading for mercy... But no one came to help them... Soon, painful screams could be heard through the halls as Olivia waited for her older siblings to finish up their meal. Soon, four people walk out looking like humans, but not at the same time. They have protruding horns and tails swaying behind them and snake-like skins, arriving in front of the only two surviving humans. They boarded the elevator and made their way to the rooftop, where the chopper was waiting.

Olivia took the pilot seat and started the chopper while the doctor started to type on his laptop while the other 4 started to take seats at the back, strapping themselves in. As soon as they take off and are far from the laboratory, the doctor activates all the bombs. "Bye-bye losers," Olivia said playfully as the doctor just snickered, "Now now, Ollie, pay your respects to the dead," only to receive a giggle from the teen. Soon everyone in the chopper was in a fit of giggles and laughter.

10 years later,

Bang... Thud... You might have had all the guards guarding you, but you still died at my hands. " Never mess with my family... " A shadow started to draw a crescent moon with the blood of her victim. The victim hired a hitman to kill an old man who wouldn't want to give up his pharmacy for any price, and who is a father figure to the mysterious shadow. The shadow soon started to cry, and as she does so, multiple gunshots and screams can be heard outside. She didn't care. She wanted her dad back.

A few months back,

She saw how he was killed; it was clean and painless. He died with a smile on his face as he saw his little girl holding him. Before he breathed his last, he said, "Now... My sweet child... Live the life... You've always wanted to do it. Don't cry... Over this now... Hey, you know that... Daddy loves you... Right, Ollie... " And soon his body felt cold, like the once warm hugs were now cold due to too much blood being wasted.

Now back to the present.

The one who was hired to kill her dad is dead. And now his employer is dead too. She stood straight and walked out of the room. She was greeted by the four familiar figures in front of her. They all looked at her and nodded solemnly. They left the bloody scene and a soft gush of wind.

The next day,

The story about the multimillionaire and his bodyguards that were brutally killed last night was all over the news. The cops tried to find clues on what or who did such things, but to no avail. Their only clue was a well-drawn crescent moon with the multimillionaire's blood. A group of five teens were eating at an isolated diner in the west far from the crime scene as the news showed a drawing of a crescent moon with the victim's blood. The four growled lowly, so that the youngest is the only one who can hear them. "Leave them be... We have all the time in the world... Just give them 50 years and they'll forget... We can just repeat the cycle. Do you remember when Daddy blessed us? It's time for humanity to pay up. Olivia smirked as the waitress gave her scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. She smiled and looked at the waitress sweetly, "It's perfect. Thank you, miss. " The old maiden smiled softly and placed a chocolate shake "on the house sweetie" and she left to serve the others. "If only there were more people like her in this world, we wouldn't have planned to end the world," the eldest one said. Yes, you are correct... If only there were more like her out here... The youngest said and ate her meal happily. This is the beginning of a chaotic adventure.

The End...

I hope you appreciate it because this is my first time sharing my stories on this platform.

NegaShaw_0529creators' thoughts
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