

600 years ago, the old home(Earth) was destroyed when the Lycana, an intergalactic exterminator race, attacked the human race, although we evolved to defend ourselves to some extent, same couldn't be said for our home. We watched as our home planet imploded while we escaped to find a new home, we finally settled on Cassen, our new home, but the scar of the destruction of the homeworld etched deep within our souls. When we were finally an established force in our new home galaxy, we went out in search of traces of the Lycana, but circumstances impeded our progress. We sought for answers and we found one, a forerunner, a pathfinder who would go ahead of us in search of the damned Lycana, Vangaurd. Vanguard 001 was our first champion, our pathfinder, but years after his departure he was no longer heard from. That is when I was created, a war machine, My humanity lost along with my origins, my identity undefined, and unclear even to myself, but what is clear to me, is my mission, to find 001 and in the process myself, I am Vangaurd 002. "No, your name is David".

Night_Monarch_001 · Ciencia y ficción
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33 Chs

Trial By Fire

Grand Catastrophe

Earth was a prosperous and beautiful planet, far in the outskirts of the chaos of space, untouched, undiscovered and ignorant of the devastation of the wars waged by galactic level powers, but it's dominant race (Human) was a young, and foolish race ignorant of the dangers contact with the outside posed. Constant attempts to alert the outside of our existence lead to the arrival of the Lycana, a cruel and unforgiving race that actively search among the stars for prey that dares make his presence known. They were accepted with peace and hospitality, but they payed us back with death and destruction, we were no match but the pressure forced us to evolve, it forced us to change into a stronger form, it forced us to transcend our limits, to become Transcendents. But in the end we were forced to leave our home planet fleeing for our lives as we watched our planet collapse in on it self, from that time we vowed no longer to be prey but the predators, and our mortal enemies the Lycana be burnt to the ground.

Galactic Sovereignty

After lightyears of endless sailing we begun to wain little by little, those who couldn't withstand the endless cryostasis were the first to leave us , the elderly, the young, the sick and the Primitives(those who failed to transcend). When we arrived at Cassen our new home we were a fraction of what we used to be, but we were stronger, we were better to affront the harsh galaxy, we quickly dominated our stellar system and even crashed neighbouring systems, we became the Galactic Sovereignty.

We were no longer prey, we were no longer naive but we still hadn't burn't the Lycana to the ground, we searched far and wide until we were spread too thin, so thin that the auxiliary races revolted, their revolt was sudden, but we were successful in resolving the revolt although it took a toll on us. Unable to spread our forces too thin we sought for a solution, a pathfinder who will go ahead of us, in pursuit of the great enemy.

New Hope

I Victor Astrid, promise on my position as the Prime minister of the Galactic sovereignty, to be unrelenting and ever so steadfast in our search for the damned Lycana. Even though our numbers and circumstances don't allow us to search further into neighbouring galaxy clusters, we and our talented scientists have found a solution! The PM gestures to the leading scientist to come forward, "this is the Senior scientist in charge of the Vangaurd Program" he says. The senior scientist comes up and greets the press, "Greets to all I am Dr. Henry, as you may already know I am the senior scientist in charge of the Vangaurd Program, at today's press conference I am honored to present to you Vanguard 001" a presentation comes up on the big screen showing Vangaurd 001,the journalist marvel and begin to ask questions and take pictures, the whole of the Galactic sovereignty can see as it is being broadcasted even on colony planets. The Dr. gestures for silence and continues to speak, "Vanguard is a strong Transendent hand picked by the Transendental Emperor himself, he has survived several years of consented modifications and conditioning, Vanguard is equipped with the latest technology and the highest grade equipments making him the superior soldier". Without answering any questions or giving any comments he calmly walked off the podium.

I am new here and this is my first story, I hope, you will enjoy reading, feel free to write your thoughts in the comment section.

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