
Chapter 1 – Are all meetings like this, I would rather be drinking my own body weight in beer then be here

I was lying in bed texting the boys in the band about our next gig, when I heard the sound of someone banging on my bedroom door, "what the hell do you want?" I yelled at whoever was behind my door. "Dad wants to see you in his study" Jordan answered back, "ugh, fine I'll be there soon" I replied. I tossed the covers of me and began my slow trudge down the stairs to get to dads' study. When I got to the door I knocked and heard a faint come in from behind the door. I entered saying "hi dad, Jorden said you wanted to see me at this ungodly hour", he chucked and replied" Haley its 11am , only you would think it is a unreasonable hour to get you ass out of bed, now please sit down I have something to ask you" I sat down on the chair in front of his desk and put my feet up on his desk while saying "ok, ask away dad". He replied " Ok, Haley as you know the vampire are ruled by a council lead by me and even though you have only been back home for few months I have noticed and heard that you are exceptional when it come to planning patrols, and fighting, so I was wondering how you would feel if I made you my war consultant on the council" I stared at him for a few minutes before replying "are you fucking kidding me dad, I would absolutely love that, but what exactly would my job entail?". "Well you would make all the battle plans, rosters for patrols, training the younger kids in self-defence classes, training all the vamps in the patrol rosters, attend council meetings and balls and reporting to the council with what's going on with the werewolves and rouges" he replied. "Well I think I can manage that; do I get to pick a second in command to help me?" I asked. "Sure, you can, who did you have in mind" he replied. "Stevie-Rae" "ok then sounds good" he said. "When is the next council meeting?" I asked. "Tonight, and I expect you to be there in an appropriate attire" he replied sternly. I glared at him saying "what makes you think I won't wear an appropriate outfit". He replied sarcastically "Gee I don't know Haley maybe because at your Uncle Damian's birthday party last month you showed up in booty shorts and crop top, when the theme was the roaring 20s". I laughed back "ohh yeah I did, but to be fair I was drunk when I showed up". "How is that any better, you know what we're getting of track here, I'll see tonight" he said with a sigh. "Ok, bye dad" I said while getting up and heading towards the door to leave.

Once outside the door I run up to my room and called Cole, after a few rings he picks up,

"Hey Haley, what's up"

"Hey, tell all main the hybrids to meet me in the meeting room at the manor I have some good news"

"Ok will do, when will you be here"

"In about an hour"

"Ok see you then"



I hung up and walked into my closet to find something to wear. I decided on dark blue jeans, light grey t-shirt, black leather jacket and brown 3in chunk ankle boots. I grab my phone off the bed and my keys of the dresser and headed out the door and down the stairs, before leaving the house I yell out that I'm leaving, dad yells back "ok, just make sure your home by 4pm so you have time to get ready". I then left and got in my car and started to drive to the hybrid manor.

After 30mins I arrive at the manor and head inside to the meeting room where Drake, Damon, Elijah, Cole, Chris and Stevie-Rae are waiting for me. "Hey Haley, what's so important that we had to bring our asses out of bed for, I was in the middle of working on my pick-up lines for the club tomorrow night" Drake complained, I sighed back with a hint of irritation and humour in my voice "Drake, honey if you don't stop with you complaining then I won't take you clubbing tomorrow night" that shut him up pretty quick which sent a smirk to my lips. "Ok now that's out of the way lets get on with business shall we, Haley what's this big news you have?" Cole asked. "Well this morning dad asked to see me and he offered me the war consultant position in the council" I explained, "what, that mean you now have full access to the vampires battle plans and have control over the decisions about the war itself" Damon replied. "Yep, and that's not all I also get to have a second in command that has pretty much the same power, and I have chosen our dear Stevie for the role" I exclaimed "what, that's awesome" Stevie stated with shock in her voice. "It is we have our first meeting tonight in about 3 hours, so I'm going to go see my daughter the we will leave ok" I stated, Stevie nodded her head and I turn around and headed up to Sara's room.

I walk up the stairs to Sara's room and find her sitting on the floor playing with her blocks and Rose sitting down next to her watching her. "Hey Rose, how's my little angel doing?" I ask while sitting down next to her, putting Sara on my lap. "Good, she ate all her breakfast, slept though the whole night and hasn't really fussed much today" she replied. I looked down at Sara and start to tickle her, she starts to giggle. "So, have you and Stevie had a talk about your relationship status yet?" Rose asked curiously. "Ugh, no I'm not even sure I want to, I mean we have such fun with each other and are great company when either of us is upset or bored, but being together is hurting our friendship, so I'm not sure what to do?" I groaned. "Well tell her that because I have a feeling, she feels the same way" she replied. "So, on a different note when is Sara's next visit with Harry?" she asked. "We are meeting at the cabin on Friday and staying till Sunday" I replied. We sat there having idle chitchat while playing with Sara for the next hour before I had to leave.

I went back down the stairs and grabbed Stevie and we hopped in my car and left. After sitting in the car in awkward silence for 10 minutes, I decided that now would be a good time to talk as we still had a 20min drive ahead. "So, Stevie umm I think we should have a talk about what we are as I'm not sure I can keep going the way we are" I started. "I think your right" she replied with a sigh. "Ok, so I've been thinking and I think that no matter what we will always be best friend but I don't think we should keep dating as its hurting our friendship" I rambled. "That's true but I don't want to fucking you, I have an idea why don't we become each other's fuck buddies, so whenever we need a release and aren't dating someone, we go to each other" she queried. "I'm not sure , I think I need some time to think about it" I whispered. "Ok, I'll give you as much space you want" she replied. "Now onto other things are you ready for out first council meeting?" I asked. "Yep" she replied, after that we sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence for the rest of the drive.

When we arrive at my house, we went up to my room to get ready. Once in my room Stevie sat on my bed while I rummaged through my closet to find us something to wear. After a while I found 2 halter neck, mid-thigh dresses one was white and pencil skirt like, the other red with a flowy bottom, "how about these?" I asked Stevie while stepping out into the bedroom. "Oh my god, yes they are perfect" Stevie exclaimed. We put the dresses on Stevie in the white on me in red, matched them with silver heels of Stevie black heels for me and got to work on our hair. I decided on a messy bun on the top of my head while Stevie went with a low ponytail. Once we were ready, we headed down stairs to wait for the rest of the council members to arrive.

"Well, that is a much better and appropriate attire then what you wore to you uncle's birthday" dad said when we arrived at the bottom of the stairs. "Well I wanted to wear my sweat pants and hoodie but thought I should at least try to look presentable" I said sarcastically going to stand next to Dylan. Then the front door open and in walked Uncle Damian, Aunt Jessica, Jenny, Uncle Pete, Aunt Maggie, Jay and Jay's Dad Kevin. I ran up and tackled Jay to the floor while screaming "Jay it's SOOO good to see you, now I won't be bored out of my mind". He chucked "I missed you too Haley even though I only saw you last night". I rolled my eyes at him and let him go. The front door opened again, and Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Gloria, Nate, Uncle Tom and Aunt Regina entered. Nate came up and engulfed me in a hug saying, "hey kiddo, how my favourite cousin doing". "Much better now you're here" I replied. "Ok, now that everyone is here let's go to the meeting room and get this meeting started shall we" dad stated. We all head down to the meeting room and sat down in our sits around the massive table in the centre of the room.

Dad then started the meeting by introducing everyone and talking about what was said at the last meeting. "Are all meetings like this, I would rather be drinking my own body weight in beer then be here" I whispered to Nate beside me after listening to dads rambling for the past hour. He chuckled back "afraid so little cuz, don't worry you'll get used to it". After another excruciating hour of dad rambling and me nearly falling asleep, we got to the topic of our current situation with the rouges and wolves. "So, Haley have you got any idea of a plan?" dad asked. "Huh, oh yeah, um tomorrow I'm having a meeting with all the vamps in the roster rotations about new rosters that Stevie and I are writing tonight, as well as a new reporting scheme that will hopefully make things easier" I replied after a few minutes once I realised he was talking to me." ok, that sounds good, why don't you get Jay to help as well?" dad asked. I looked at Jay and silently asked him to stay and help, he nodded his head back and relief flooding thorough me as I realised I won't have to be alone with Stevie as there is still a bit of awkward tension between us. Dad rambled on a little long about current issues in the vampire community before dismissing everyone to leave. Once everyone left and it was just Jay, Stevie and I, we started to discuss the new rosters and plans for reporting. After a while we were done and Jay and Stevie left and I headed to bed.

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