

Rael, a teenager killed due to excessive bullying wakes up as a vampire. In a world full of magic his life starts fresh. With looming evil in the distant horizon what will Rael face in his adventures? Join him in his action packed new life! . . . Will be updated atleast once a week. . Enjoy the story :^

frostfall · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Episode #6


My brain is practically frying. Too much is happening to me in such a short time.

Lord Sabbath see's my confusion and tries to reassure me. "There's probably a lot going through your mind right now, you can go to the gardens if you want to clear your head. Boveld will guide you there."

I shake my head, 'There's only one thing that's been on my mind since that dream...'

I look up at Lord Sabbath, "You have training grounds right? That's where I want to go first."

Lord Sabbath smiles, "As you wish Lord Rael."


Boveld brings me to a rough looking training ground with basic dummies, sword, knives etc.

Many people are training and they all look like they're my age. "For now you are only allowed to train at the starting facility, courtesy of me. Do what you must, I'll be waiting here until your done." Boveld says gruffly.

I walk up to one of the training dummies. As I stand in front of it my fingertips tingle.

'That power felt too real. I remember the feeling, I must do it again...for real this time.'

I focus, trying to feel the blood in my veins. My blood starts to boil but I can't get it out of my body without..."Boveld right? Give me a knife, quickly!"

Boveld scoffs, "You can't order me around, just use one of the damn training swords. They may be wooden but-"

"Boveld, just give me a god damn knife!"

He just laughs and shakes his head.

'Why can't anyone just give me a god damn break?!'

I clench my teeth and jam my nails into my forearm as hard as I can. I hear Boveld in the most amusingly confused tone "What the hell are you doing?"

I pull my nails out and start pulling mass amounts of blood out of my arm, forming them into spears.

"YES!" I shout.

'It actually works!'

I throw a few of the spears at the dummy and they pierce straight through the flimsy wood.

I look towards Boveld, who has his mouth open. He seems genuinely shocked.

"Boveld, you and me, right here."

He immediately sshuts his mouth and gets a cocky look on his face. "You have no chance, you may have impressed me but I'm far beyond your level."

I send a spear towards him, of which he dodges effortlessy.

"Let me help you, this fight isn't possible to win but I will help you fight back for as long as you can."

It's the same voice from the dream, the woman is speaking to me again but where? I look around for her and don't see any sign of someone asside from the other trainee's watching us fight.

"Don't lose focus in the middle of battle boy!" Boveld shouts.

I look at where Boveld was but he's not there. "Lean backwards NOW!" The woman says.

I instinctively follow her directions and Bovled's sword narrowly nisses my neck.

"Nice dodge boy! I won't be so lenient next time, prepare yourself."

He tosses a knife towards me at lightning speed. "Use you blood to form armor! Now!"

I absorb the spears and encase myself in bloody armor, crossing my arms, the knife hits the armor and clangs off of me. 'Wait, it clanged? Isn't the amror made of blood?'

Boveld darts toward me at lightening speed, I can't catch up with his movements at all.

The woman gives me orders again, I follow her orders and...! Boveld's fist slams into my gut and a massive explosion erupts in between us. I go flying and hit the dirt hard, knocking me unconscious.




I wake up in what could only be an infirmary with Lord Sabbath and Boveld standing next to the bed I'm resting in, talking.

"Explain what happened." Lord Sabbaty says in a demanding tone.

Boveld looks a little nervous, "Well he used his power, which seemed to be the ability to manipulate blood. He then asked to duel and I agreed, It was severely one sided but he held his own through 3 of my attacks and during my last attack...he waited until my fist connected with him before using all of the blood he could to hit my arm. It all happened in a split second." Boveld raises his right arm which comes into my view to show Lord Sabbath.

The armor that used to be on his arm is completely gone and his arm is extremely bloody. Many cuts decorate his arm.

Lord Sabbath heals his wounds effortlessly and looks down towards me. "Impressive, seems like we have a promising recruit."

My eyes get heavy and I eventually fall back into sleep.