
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Drake Met Rosy

It was Sunday evening. Jack finished his snacks and he was about to go out for walk. Rosy came out from her room. 

She asked, " Jack, where are you going? It has been a long time since i go to the park. My friends do not go there. Can I join you today? Please, give me company." 

Jack said, " Okay. You get ready and come." 

Rosy and Jack went to the park. They were talking while walking. Jack bumped into Elena and Drake. 

Jack asked, " How did you guys here in this park? " 

Elena replied, " We come here for walk now and then. Anyways, who is she? " pointing finger towards Rosy, Elena asked. 

" She is Rosy, my sister. Rosy, meet my friends Elena and Drake." Jack introduced them. 

Rosy said, " Hello." 

Rosy and Drake looked at each other and gave a waggish smile to one another. Drake looked into Elena eyes and hinted something to her. 

Elena said, " Jack, i want to have some private conversation with you. Rosy, please don't mind if i ask you to give us some time alone. Drake will accompany you till then." 

" No problem. Jack, you go with her till then i will sit on that bench" pointing to a bench, Rosy said. 

Rosy went and sat on that bench. Drake came to her and sat beside her. Both of them looked at each other and laughed. 

Rosy said, " As i saw you, i understood that you are the soulmate for whom i was longing for since years." 

Drake smiled and said, " Same with me. " 

Jack asked, " What do you wanted to talk? " 

Elena said, " I wanted to spend some time with you., so, i gave this excuse. Anyways, if you want to ask anything, you can ask now? " 

Jack was talking to Elena but he can't believe Drake so, he was looking at them in the middle of his talking with Elena. 

Jack wanted to know about Elena relationship with Drake. He was confused whether he should ask this or not? When she insisted him to ask anything. Then Jack asked, " How long do both of you know each other? " 

Elena said, " You mean Drake and I? He is my best friend. We know each other since school days." 

Jack looked convinced when she mentioned him as friend only but not totally convinced because it may be case of one-side love too. 

Drake and Rosy promised to meet again soon. They exchanged their phone numbers. 

Jack noticed that Rosy and Drake were looking so familiar to each other. They were talking like they knew each other since years. 

It was getting dark, so Elena and Drake left for their home. Jack and Rosy were also returning home. 

Jack asked Rosy, " Did you meet Drake earlier? " 

Rosy said, " No. " 

Jack said, " But you guys were sounding like you know each other so well." 

Rosy said, " Actually he is my type. So, we were compatible together." 

Jack said, " Rosy, you go home. I am going to  Rohan' s home. I need some class-notes from him." 

Rosy said, " It's okay." 

Jack reached Rohan' s home. This was the first time,Jack came to his home otherwise most of the time,he had looked his home while going college but he had never been entered his home. He knocked the door. A young and beautiful girl opened the door. That girl asked, "who are you? Whom do you want to meet?" 

Jack said, " I am Rohan friend. I have something to do with him. " 

Girl said, " Hello! I am Kate, his sister. Please come inside. He is taking bath. I inform him. Till then please have seat." 

Jack entered his house and sat on the sofa. He was surprised to see that Rohan' s home was also decorated with blood red roses only. 

Kate came to Jack and told him to wait for ten minutes. Then Kate started talking to him. Jack was not interested at all in talking to her but she was much interested in him. She asked his name, his whereabouts. It was Jack's charm that most of the girls fell for him but only Elena was the only girl who managed to endear herself to him. 

After ten minutes, Rohan came out from his room. 

Rohan said, " Jack, meet my sister. Her name is Kate and Kate, this is Jack, my best friend for a reason." 

Jack said, " Rohan you are late. We already introduced ourselves. Anyways, what is she doing right now? " 

Rohan said, " She is a receptionist in a hotel. You remember that hotel where we stayed on the tour. There's she is working." 

Jack said, " Why didn't you introduce her that time?" 

Rohan said, " I wanted to introduce but you know very well what happened there. After that I forgot what to do. We were very disturbed because of that incident. " 

Jack said, " Yeah, you are right. Anyways, leave that topic.Give me class-notes." 

Rohan gave him class-notes and Jack returned his home. 

Kate said, " He is very handsome. He has any girlfriend in the college? " 

Rohan said, " Why are you asking about him? He is not interested in having girlfriend and you know already that he is not your type." 

Kate said, " He is not my type but i am fascinated with his incredible style. The way he talks, the way he walks, his personality and looks are amazing." 

Rohan walked into his room. He knew his sister very well. She was stubborn as a mule. It's futile to make her change her mind. Once she decided to get anything, she would go till graveyard to get that. Now she decided to get him, it meant nothing could stop her