

What would happen if a truly wicked man transmigrated into the world of cultivation? This is the story where God made a mistake and mixed up souls, causing the world to undergo the worst catastrophe that could exist: a man driven by power and the blood of his enemies. (I've always been fascinated by villain stories, but I've never found one where the character truly does whatever it takes to reach the top, without societal restraints. I sincerely hope I can write this despite my doubts, as it's my first time. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to provide suggestions. English is not my native language, so I'm using a translator. I truly hope this doesn't break the immersion or the story. I apologize in advance.)

Guitto · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Dark Origins

The imposing residence of the illustrious Harris family stood majestically atop a hill, shrouded in menacing shadows that echoed its sinister history. Its stone walls and ornate windows conveyed a sense of opulence but also concealed the darkest secrets of the Harris family. Within the mansion, one of the darkest rooms was Sebastian's chamber, where the twilight of his life unfolded.

On that day, the sun timidly shone through heavy curtains, casting golden rays into the dimness of the room. Sebastian, now an elderly and frail man, lay on his bed, the pallor of death etched on his wrinkled face. His eyes, once filled with determination and cruelty, now reflected the weight of years and the remorse that gnawed at him.

Standing by the bedside was his loyal butler, John, impeccably dressed in his black suit. John's eyes, hidden behind thin-rimmed glasses, observed Sebastian with a mixture of admiration and indifference. He had been Sebastian's most trusted employee, a man almost devoid of emotions, driven solely by loyalty and the interests of the Harris family.

"John," murmured Sebastian in a weak and hoarse voice, "sit here, by my side. There are things I need to tell you before it's too late."

John, always discreet in his actions, promptly obeyed and took his place in a chair beside the bed. His unflinching gaze awaited the confessions Sebastian was about to make.

Sebastian sighed and began to speak, each word laden with unbearable weight. "My life... has been a succession of torments and dark choices. I was born in the gutters of Chicago, subjected to violence and abuse by my own parents."

A shadow of sadness and bitterness passed over Sebastian's eyes as he delved into the depths of his memories. "My mother... she sold me, exploited me in every possible way. And my father... he was a monster who abused me and used his rage to justify his cruel acts."

Sebastian's words echoed in the room, penetrating the walls like a somber whisper. His gaze met John's, who maintained his unwavering expression, not letting any emotion show. He was a man trained to suppress feelings and act solely in the interests of the Harris family. "I did the unthinkable, John. When I turned ten, I put an end to that misery. I killed my own parents to escape that hell."

He understood Sebastian's dark nature, for his own story was also stained with violence and death. John, a man of sinister skills and a mysterious past, had been recruited by the Harris family as their personal enforcer, tasked with eliminating any threat or obstacle that arose in their path.

As Sebastian continued with his confessions, revealing the horrors he had committed in his pursuit of power and control, John remained motionless, his sharp mind processing the words of his dying employer. The admiration he held for Sebastian was not based on acts of kindness or compassion, but rather on the efficiency and cunning with which he manipulated events to achieve his goals.

"John," whispered Sebastian, his trembling voice echoing in the silent room, "you have been my right-hand man all these years. You understand that the path we have chosen is not for the faint of heart. We kill, manipulate, and betray to secure our position of power."

The butler nodded slightly. He was well aware of the price of power and the darkness that resided in human hearts.

"Master Sebastian," replied John in a cold voice, "I have been aware of your actions from the beginning. I do not judge your choices, for I myself am a man tainted by spilled blood. You have always inspired me, not through remorse or regret, but through your ruthless pursuit of your goals."

As the sun set outside, casting its final shadows upon the Harris mansion, Sebastian and John delved into their darkest memories and most perverse secrets. United by darkness, they confronted the twilight of their lives, aware that their sins would never be redeemed, but their stories would forever be intertwined in the tapestry of immorality and relentless power.

The air in the room was heavy with the confession of a man whose soul was corrupted to the core. Sebastian stared intently at John, a pleading expression forming in his aged eyes. "Promise me, John. Promise me that you will do whatever it takes to keep the Harris family at the top, even if it means eliminating our own descendants. Power... power cannot escape us."

The butler remained momentarily silent, processing Sebastian's agonizing words. "Master Sebastian, I understand your desire. I promise to do whatever is necessary to maintain the family's control. But remember... there is a price to pay for these choices."

Sebastian weakly nodded, acknowledging the truth in John's words. His eyes sought the horizon, the sunlight now completely dissipating, plunging the room into utter darkness. His breath grew increasingly fragile as he faced the inevitable end of his journey.

"I... die," Sebastian whispered with difficulty. "But may God grant me the chance to be reborn, so that I may satisfy my thirst for vengeance and bring even more chaos and destruction."

The room fell into solemn silence, interrupted only by Sebastian's final breath. His frail body finally found peace as his tormented soul departed its earthly abode. It was the end of Sebastian Harris, the man whose life was marked by a trail of blood and wickedness.

A chill ran through the atmosphere of the room as the last vestige of life abandoned Sebastian's lifeless body. John remained motionless by the bedside, a solitary witness to the demise of a tyrant. The silence was deafening, and the shadows danced upon the walls as if celebrating the departure of the man who had fed them for so many years.

Despite Sebastian's physical absence, his legacy of darkness and ambition would continue to haunt the Harris mansion and those who inhabited it. John, now the guardian of the family's darkest secrets, was aware of his responsibility to preserve the power and influence.

Well, now I'm going to sleep because it's already 5:07 in the morning where I live, and I haven't even dozed off yet.

Guittocreators' thoughts