
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

Hkj · Cómic
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80 Chs

Ch-31 Mitsuo and Mito

I express my gratitude to Mondo Prolly Sleep, Kyrah, Jaden Coleman, Soldeeq, Balsimran Singh, julien, and Adam {ReV} for their support and becoming a patron on Patreon.

You can read 5 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY


Danzo was the individual who felt the most intense pressure from Mitsuo.

"I deeply apologize for the rude behavior displayed by our side. Rest assured, such misconduct will not occur again," Hiruzen expressed, attempting to appease Mitsuo.

Mitsuo eased the pressure and nodded in Hiruzen's direction before stating, "It is imperative that you maintain strict control over your subordinates, or else I wouldn't mind taking further action, such as removing his other hand, which my uncle left behind."

Upon hearing Mitsuo's words, Danzo's face contorted in anger as he clenched his fist tightly.

Unfazed by Danzo's enraged expression, Mitsuo continued, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Uzumaki Mitsuo, the former Clan head of the Uzumaki clan. I have arrived as the Jonin leader from the Uzumaki village."

The words of Mitsuo left everyone present in the Hokage office astounded. They had not anticipated that the former Clan head of the Uzumaki Clan would personally visit Konoha. Mitsuo then directed his attention towards Kushina and stated, "She is Uzumaki Kushina my beloved granddaughter and also the apprentice of the Fire God. And these two Sakura and Hiroshi will be participating in the Chunin Exam."

The people in the Hokage office hadn't even recovered from the news that the former Clan head of the Uzumaki clan had arrived personally. Mitsuo dropped another bombshell by revealing that Kushina was the apprentice of the Fire God. They remembered the magnitude of destruction caused by Kagutsuchi, and they made the decision to announce to their respective clans to avoid any conflicts with this girl. Hiruzen also intended to make the ninja community aware and cautioned them not to offend Kushina.

Kushina, Sakura, and Hiroshi respectfully greeted the others present in the office.

"Please proceed to the Senju clan as Mito-sama is waiting for your arrival," said Hiruzen.

Upon hearing these words, Mitsuo also grew eager to reunite with his elder sister, whom he hadn't seen in a long time.

At that moment, a ninja from the Senju clan stepped forward and said, "Please come with me. I will guide you to the Senju family compound where Mito-sama is eagerly awaiting your arrival."

After nodding in acknowledgement to the Senju ninja, Mitsuo and his team from the Uzumaki family followed the ninja and left the Hokage's office.

After Mitsuo departed, Sakumo reported on what he had witnessed in the Uzumaki village. He confirmed that Kagutsuchi was still alive, and by observing him, it could be concluded that his strength had not diminished at all. On the contrary, it seemed to have further increased. The person most filled with regret was Danzo. He had hoped that Kagutsuchi might have passed away from old age, allowing him to seek revenge on the Uzumaki village.

Mito sat quietly on the tatami seat, awaiting the arrival of the team from the Uzumaki village. As soon as the team entered the Senju clan compound, she was able to sense the familiar chakra of her brother among them, and a smile appeared on her face.

Finally, Mitsuo and the others arrived inside the room where Mito was waiting. Mito waved her hand, and the ninja from senju clan left the room. With an emotional voice, Mitsuo said, "It has been a long time, sister."

After a few minutes of silence, Mito finally broke the silence and asked, "How is uncle doing right now?"

Mitsuo replied, "He is doing fine." Then he pointed towards Kushina and said, "Do you remember her?" Mito pondered for a moment and then said, "Is she Kushina? She has really grown up. The last time I saw her, she was just two years old. Come, give me a hug." Mito embraced Kushina.

At that moment, Tsunade also arrived and witnessed Mito hugging Kushina. Seeing Tsunade, Mito released Kushina and asked everyone to take a seat. Then she turned towards Tsunade and inquired, "What did Monkey ask of all of you?"

Tsunade replied, "He simply inquired about the situation in the Uzumaki village and whether Uzumaki Kagutsuchi is still alive. He also asked about the strength of the participants in this Chunin exam."

Mito nodded after listening to Tsunade's words. Then she turned towards Sakura and Hiroshi and remarked, "Both of them seem promising. At the very least, they have the potential to become elite Jonin."

They all began to converse casually, and after a few minutes, noticing that Kushina was becoming bored, Mito asked Tsunade to take her on a tour of the village, accompanied by Hiroshi and Sakura. However, Hiroshi didn't want to feel out of place in a group of girls, so he decided to explore the village on his own.

Nodding in agreement, Tsunade took Kushina, along with Sakura, around the village. They strolled leisurely, enjoying the sights, engaging in shopping, and treating themselves to various delectable delicacies. Eventually, as they continued their exploration, Tsunade's eyes caught sight of a casino. Excitedly, she halted and exclaimed, "Come with me. I'll show you my gambling skills as the granddaughter of the gambling god." Wearing a self-assured smile, she firmly grasped Kushina's and Sakura's hand and guided both of them inside the casino.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)