
Uzumaki clan: rise in a cultivation world

Haru is reincarnated as the heir to a dying clan named the shen clan and just as he is about to become the clan leader he awakens the uzumaki bloodline. Not only that he can awaken it in the entire clan however the information that the inheritance comes with, informs him of how truly dangerous this cultivation world is. the story is about the rise of the clan from its lowest to its highest point while garnering greed, envy and a hell of a lot of enemies. [i have never written a cultivation story before so...comment on how i do anyway, have fun]

Narciss84 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Uzumaki attack

The barrier unveiled and Rioto along with Haru stood in front. Their figures appeared heroic with the new white and black traditional garb they wore that had golden accents and the uzumaki symbol proudly placed on the right side of their chest and the entirety of their back. Their Hair flowed in accordance to the wind and they each stood on a plate-like slab of concrete with a simple seal on it that allowed for the scene where the two along with the other clan members who were standing behind them to float above the ground.

The elders of the various clans lowered to face the two. "You two alone are the main force?" asked an elder of the Karaoguchi clan, the only family either than the Yamada and Zhuzhou clan to have elders. Yes...Haru stated plainly and then turned his head towards his apponents. The Zuzhou clan to see their elders just staring at Rioto in shock..."You're supposed to be dead...or on your deathbed at the very least". "So it waas you!" Shouted Rioto in anger as his body was covered in a dark red aura and his hair flared up. The aura was of the peak of the golden core realm and everyone felt it very clearly, especially the elders who took the full brunt of its force

The man with glasses, an elder of the Yamata clan who had made the demands face became solemn emmidiately and he took the glasses off before throwing them aside, The other elders expression were much the same "What exactly is it that you got...Uzumaki Haru? What was the grade of the treasure?" Yamato Shira asked with his expression turning from grave to serious. The golden core realm is the perceived limit of power within this realm and most weak forces believe it is the pinicle of cultivation, As the leader of the Shen clan Rioto had reached first step core nurturing just barely . 

So his strength leaping from that to the golden core realm gave him a bigger scare than the threat the old man posed to them. Rioto flinched foward but was stopped by Haru's hands. "Okay enough, i'll face the Zuzhou clan elders and you'll face the rest of the elders present, 3 high level core nurturing realm experts verses a golden core realm should be a breeze yes?, and i reeeaally wanna test out my new techniques, Haru then rose an arm causing the asults led by Shun to become alert, With a point towards the clans forces they striked and Rioto sped like a bulldozer towards his 3 apponents who fell back together in acceptance of the fighting plan set by Haru

The sky above the uzumaki clan grounds became a warzone immediately. With exploding tags being used everywhere with reckless abandon, Chains whippings towards the enemy aand ninjutsu flying towards anyone without a head of red hair, the battle was intense among the forces and while they were holding their own, The uzumaki were still unfamiliar with their techniques thus they made a lot of mistakes that the clan cultivators capitalised on, during the deathly scuffly, Shun noticed a chubby man who was throwing the exploding tags into the crowd and causing a lot of inconvenience, deciding to single him out he pushed his burly figure foward.

As he moved a thin man in green robes with a sunken in face moved in from the side and connected his fingers together which then transformed into a greenish purple snake that stroke towards him, the snake bit but sunk its fangs into a block of wood that fell down, Shun had used the substitution jutsu and he appeared behind that sunken faced poison user of the Zuzhou clan and jammed a kunai into the side of his neck before continuing onward to the chubby cultivator who quickly noticed Shun and threw the exploding tag his way however he merely waved his hand releasing seal symbols that merged with the tags resulting in their explosion being a spark

The chubby cultivator was taken by surprise at that so when an axe hand blow hit his shoulder he was forced to the ground where Shun would be able to use his rock based jutsu more freely, "You actually thought you could use our own products against us and get away with it". Shun asked in his gruff voice as the chubby cultivator got up. He had a panicked expression showing slightly however he still replied in a nonchalant voice "What can i say its pretty useful hey, makes one wonder where yall got it", he paused after the statement hoping for a response but when Shun merely looked at him he just sighed, "Whatever we'll just take the formula when this is over, Golden core or not there's no way we'll lose to a single clan.

Shun started quickly making hand seals when a green blurr flew towards them and smashed unto the ground just as they jumped back and avoided death. The green blurr was the female Zuzhou elder who wore green robes, this fact caused them to look towards the culprit who was fighting another man wearing a similar robe, they saw Haru speeding towards the man whilst weaving through a number of needles they flew around like they had a mind of their own.

Haru had already passed most of the needles when one of the few ahead extended to the size of a pole. He jumped over it in a side flip motion and grabbed it and when he was about to land on his feet he exerted his arms to throw it forward with a lot of force, whatever technique the Zuzhou clan elder was using to manipulate the poison needles failed him in terms of stopping it however he did manage to return its size to that of a normal needle before dodging his face to the side making the needle pass by the side of his face, The momentary panic the attack created was enough for Haru to get in physical striking distance. He pushed foward to punch but the Male elder clenched his teeth and sprayed out a green smoke from his mouth.
