
Chapter 1: The Harsh Realities of the Real World

The early summer southeast wind was pleasantly comfortable for those out for a night stroll. The bustling citizens' square in City X was filled with a lively crowd—people dancing, brisk walking, walking their dogs, and chatting. The entire city seemed to be immersed in a joyful atmosphere, a perfect picture of a peaceful and prosperous time.

However, among the crowd, there was a boy who appeared so lonely and desolate. His young face and school uniform indicated that he was just a student. Could it be that he didn't do well on his exam today, or was he short on living expenses, or perhaps his confession to a crush was rejected?

His name was Li Jin, and he was seventeen years old. With only two months left until the college entrance exam, he should be studying hard, preparing for this crucial moment in his life. So why was he wandering the streets with such worries? What had happened?

Li Jin's ill-fitting school uniform, his malnourished complexion, and the worn-out clothes underneath suggested that his living conditions were not good, but this didn't affect his academic performance. His family lived in the countryside of City X, with two older sisters who were already married. They saved every penny to pay for Li Jin's tuition, accommodation, and living expenses. His parents were farmers, working the land and hoping for a good harvest to support their son.

Fortunately, Li Jin's academic performance made all the family's efforts worthwhile. He had secured the top spot in his rural area to get into a prestigious high school in City X. With a bit of effort, getting into a university seemed easy. Although university degrees were not as valuable as they once were, it was still a crucial opportunity to change his fate. Compared to the children of government officials and wealthy families, this exam was at least relatively fair.

Li Jin was well aware of how difficult it was for his family to support him, so he studied diligently and lived frugally to ease their burden. With only two months left until the college entrance exam, his top ten ranking in the entire grade meant that getting into a prestigious university was within reach. He was excited and looking forward to the exam, knowing that once in university, he could work part-time to further support his family. Graduating from a top university would secure a well-paying job, changing his family's fate and allowing his parents to finally enjoy a comfortable life.

But today, all of Li Jin's dreams were shattered. Not only was he unlikely to get into a prestigious university, but even a regular university seemed out of reach. His mood was understandably devastated. He skipped his evening self-study, blending into the crowd of day students to escape the oppressive atmosphere of his school, wandering around the citizens' square in City X, unsure of his future path.

Earlier that day, all the senior high school students preparing for the college entrance exam were taken to the city hospital for a physical examination. Li Jin's results were shocking: he was diagnosed with a physical abnormality that limited his eligibility for university admission. His homeroom teacher, who had always been supportive and caring, sighed deeply, lamenting the lost potential of a promising student who could have been a future pillar of the nation if properly nurtured.

Li Jin had been wandering for three hours now, his mind still buzzing, the shocking words echoing in his head like the aftershocks of an atomic bomb explosion: "Li Jin, what's wrong with your lower body? I've been a doctor for many years and have never seen someone with such a long... It's dragging on the ground!"

"Doctor, I don't know what's going on either. It's been a long since I was a child, and to avoid trouble, I always tie it to my leg. Is there a problem with that?" Li Jin sensed something was wrong from the doctor's expression and pressed further, "Doctor, is it serious? Will it affect my college entrance exams?"

"I just touched it briefly and noticed it didn't react at all. With my decades of medical experience, I can tell that this is a physical disability. Young man, there's no one else here. Be honest with me—have you ever had a nocturnal emission?"

Li Jin's face turned bright red. He had learned about such things in biology class and knew what a nocturnal emission was. After a long pause, he stammered, "No, it's always been like this... limp."

The doctor gave Li Jin a meaningful look, took a red stamp from the desk, and firmly stamped his medical examination form before handing it back to him. He then waved Li Jin away.

Li Jin looked at the form, which now had the words "Unfit" stamped on it. Panic set in immediately. Pointing at the red words, he urgently questioned, "Doctor, why did you stamp it as unfit? Will this affect my college entrance exams? Do you want money? How much? I'll give it to you!"

The middle-aged doctor raised a hand to stop Li Jin's frantic behavior and slowly began to explain, "Young man, your condition falls under the category of class three physical deformity. You will have severe sexual dysfunction and potentially serious psychological issues in the future. You won't be able to study or work normally, and after marriage, you won't be able to have children. This is a condition that the education department restricts from admission. Stop talking about it; I will inform your homeroom teacher. You can't take the college entrance exams. You should drop out."

Pausing with a note of sympathy, he added, "Consider attending a vocational school. It can also help you make a living. You can go now."

Li Jin was at a complete loss, his face flushed as he tried to find words, but the doctor's words had stunned him. He needed time to process this devastating news.

He couldn't go to university?

He couldn't go to university!

What would he do?

His family was counting on him to get into a top university, to succeed, and to lift them out of their miserable situation. He was the driving force behind their hard work and sacrifices!

Before evening self-study, the bad news finally came. His homeroom teacher, who had always taken good care of him, called him in for a talk.

The teacher beat around the bush but essentially suggested that Li Jin should drop out to avoid affecting the class's overall performance.

Li Jin, still a child, couldn't understand the harsh realities of the adult world. He couldn't believe that his teacher, who had been a mentor and friend, was now telling him to drop out after he was deemed unfit. Wasn't this the same teacher who had always supported him?

Why was the world so harsh and unforgiving?

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