
Million dollar Smile

"If you are not using your smile , then you are a person with billion dollars in bank having no cheque book. "


After witnessing the heart-breaking scene ,I Went to my math class with my friends.

Jess and I always sit together. My seat is near the window from where you can have a clear view of forest.

Time like this makes me want to go deep in the forest and howl untill I am out

of breath.

You may think I am over-reacting but I can't help it & my wolf "FAITH" also has feeling for him which is very weird and not helping me.

"Don't be dissapointed. Wait till his birthday. May be we are his mate." Faith whispered in my mind to cheer me up.

"How do you know? We may not be his mate." I asked , even though I would love to be his mate but I think that's only a dream.

"I Have a feeling.I can hear his wolf calling out for us."Faith replied.

Yes, your inner Wolf can realise who their mate is before our human form. But

to confirm it, you have to wait until our human form recognises mate.

"Let's see Faith." with that I cut my conversation with Faith.

My friends noticed my mood and didn't try to bother during the class.

Even though Jess is so talkative and

always blubber about things , at situation like this she knows bettter than messing with me.

I prefer to share my happiness with my friends but sorrow is a different story. Then our math teacher Mr.phillips entered the class and

I paid full attention to his lecture ignoring the condition of my heart.

The next two periods went in blur. I nearly hit the bench during my history class where Mrs.gold was teaching about God knows what & in an utterly monotonous tone.

I admit that I am a nerd but that doesn't mean I like all subjects and if the list includes history then the answer is strictly no.

I even don't understand the need of learning history.

Its not like we can get a time machine and go to the past to lead Columbus in

finding America soon. Besides there is so much more to the history that these edited textbooks.

They should teach us history that teaches about the culture and how society and the thoughts of people gradually changed or didn't change.

How patriarchy slowly dominated the world and how since ages women have been restricted to use their full capabilities.

What happened in past we can't change that not that I am inerested. If it were in my hand I would like to erase the word "history" from dictionary.

Then we all went for the lunch except David , he went to see the football practice because he drools over the team captain Ryan clark.

Yes,David is gay & he has a huge crush on Ryan. Since they share the same surname, he says and I quote " That's universe signalling of their holy union before it happens in reality ."

We sat in our usual table & started eating our lunch.

The whole time I was staring at the table where my angelic crush was sitting and

thank the moon godess without Lucy.

I often do that and for me no scenery in the whole world could be better than the one I was watching.

The next class I have is English and

none my frnds share this class with me.

But I share this class with HIM.

How will I manage to stay calm if he goes all lovey-dovey with Lucy in that class ?

'Can I get luckier !' my sacrastic mood exclaimed.

I entered the English class early and slowly the class filled with other student.

But the one who got my attention was the boy with dark chocolate eyes who stole my heart without any effort.

May I add with Lucy

following him very closely.

He so lovingly pushed the chair for her to sit like a date and sat beside her.

This is the most painful moment that one can face in his/her life , that is watching the one you love loving another person.

My tragic narration in my mind broke when Mrs.summers entered the class and seeing her mood I am guessing something interesting is going to


" Today all of you are going to write a poem about your feeling.

It can be joy,sorrow,anger,love or anything you feel.

It just should be appropriate enough to share with the class." The teacher said and the boys at the back snickered may be thinking about some nasty thoughts .


" The student I choose will have to read his/her poem to the class." Mrs. Summers chirped to the class and let me tell you this woman is so in love

with literature.

I actually like writting poems it helps me to understand myself. Poetry is the most beautiful form of literature and a hymn sung by your heart.

The words that cannot leave your mouth are spilled on the pages and your heart becomes light and I just love writing them when my mind is messed up. Trust me , the process is so therapeutic.

Right now I exactly know what I'll write and may be you too .

Yes,I am going to write about my crush because tomorrow he will find his mate.

So today is the last day to crush on him rightfully.

Tomorrow he would find his destined one and thinking about someone else's soulmate is just pure disrespect towards moon godess, especially when you have your mate waiting for you somewhere out there.

After half an hour , my poem is all finished and Mrs. summers has already started student hunt and being the lucky person I am she chose

me (not that I am complaining).

"Miss. Stewarts , I 'd like you to read your poem to the whole class. " she said with a smile.

Here goes nothing!

I started reading my poem :

"you don't remeber the day we met,

The day I chose you as my only fate.

because I could see your chocolate eyes,

Those eyes make my heartbeat rise.

I just love your breath-taking smile,

Thats the thing makes my life worth-while.

you never notice me in the sun or star,

you are the one I admire from afar.

I don't think you know my name,

I am a nobody compared to your fame.

seeing you with other girls breaks my heart,

but that something I knew from the very start.

my brain admits defeat but heart is stubborn,

it still wishes for the love you'll never return.

I just want you to genuinely smile at me,

the feelings I hide for once you to see.

Even if loving you is a mistake to do,

Until my last breath I'll love only you. "

After finishing the poem I looked at Mrs.summers.

"Thats really beautiful Miss.Stewarts. Cheesy but cute. " she said with a hundred watt smile.

After collecting all the courage I have, I turned to see the one who is the muse of my poem. I can't believe my eyes.

Because he ,ALPHA ASHTON, was giving me his million dollar smile which made my knees to give up my weight and I literally had to sit down.

My wolf was howling in delight inside my mind.

She was asking me for control so that she can run to him.

I had to put so much effort to stop my claws & cannines to come out . I

returned his smile with my wide grin of my own .

The smile remained on my face until the end of the school day ,which made Amy & Jess to tease me brurally after I spilled the beans .

However I noticed DAVID was

in a foul mood. I know he will tell us when the time comes.

One unspoken rule in our friendship, we never push each other's boundaries. Deep down we believe in the strength of each other and trust each other to open up when necessary.

After reaching home , I spent my time doing homework & watching Netflix.

When I hit the bed, the last thought in my mind was a pair of chocolate eyes with a simple question :

"what will happen tomorrow ?"

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