
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Parting ways (II)

Before they started the race, Jiro had given the elemental core of the porcupine to his brother and taken the porcupine corpse. Both were of almost equal worth, just that the elemental core was slightly better.

Zoro again got annoyed for this, but didn't complain. He knew this was his brother's habit. The habit of always thinking he's the stronger one, the habit of always taking the worse for himself and giving the better to his brother! He utterly hated it! Later, he even found out their father's book was with him which made him feel even more pampered and hence angrier.

The race had began. Jiro sprinted into the forest, knowing full well that it was a magical forest, whiles Zoro carefully walked forward, deciding to survey the surrounding beforehand with his extreme sensory ability to get a good view of the place. Of course, he wanted to win the race, but he was also a very cautious person.

-On Zoro's end-

Zoro had already surveyed the surrounding enough and decided to enter a cave he recently spotted. During his survey, he had found several animals in the first stage of the E rank and was extremely happy! This would be a great starting point for him.

After entering the quite large cave, he immediately sat in a cross-legged position and focused on the orb in his palm. It was small enough for his two hands to totally cover it. He sat silently and after about a minute, he managed to calm his mind and enter his spiritual realm. It wasn't as easy as before since he was angry and stressed, but it was still too fast for his age! This should have taken about twenty minutes!

Zoro focused on the orb in his palm and tried using his mind to pull the energy in it into his core. this part wasn't hard for him at all whiles it would usually take others about thirty seconds to feel and control the elemental essence.

The essence was of the wind element and was of great help to him. He felt his fatigue stat rapidly decreasing and every part of his body feeling warm, nourished and strengthened. It was like he was taking a hot, relaxing bath.

One might ask how the elemental essence got all over his body: It was through the ethereal 64 chakra point circuit in his body. The elemental essence merged with his chakra and was rotated through his body back to the starting point, where his elemental core was located. That was the main chakra point. The raw elemental essence he had absorbed from the surrounding had by now been transformed into stronger, purer elekra. This was the term used for fused chakra and elemental essence. The chakra points seemingly radiated the elekra into their surroundings, filling every inch of the body with it.

After the 'hot relaxing bath', Zoro checked his progress in his spiritual space by summoning his status.



Name: Zoro Hisako

Race: Half-human, half-demon.

Age: 5 Gender: Male

Rank: E Stage: 3


Stamina: 34 Agility: 33

Strength (Physical): 33

Strength (Spiritual): 35 Intelligence; 37


Elemental essence capacity points: 37

Elemental essence points: 17/37

Experience points: 5/13

Elemental affinities: Water, Wind, Space.

Abilities: Eyes of Detection, Extreme Sensory. Omni-elemental synchronicity.


'Nice. '

Zoro was satisfied with his gains, so he decided to move onto the next task.


Food would not really be his problem here, since he had already sensed a lot. However, the problem was with how silently he could get the food. He didn't want to scare the rest of the food away, did he?

Soon enough, Zoro spotted food. It was a big a-- doe! This was definitely not your normal doe, as it definitely reached a height of 2 metres at the shoulder!

Zoro sensed that the doe was in the third stage of the E rank, just like him but he didn't worry since he could fight three stages above himself with his elekra's spiritual strength. Every normal elementalist in stage one of the E rank should have 30 points for all stats, including spiritual strength without special influence, but of course, Zoro wasn't normal. He was a half-human, half-demon! He was from THE most hated clan in the world, Hisako!

He wasn't supposed to be normal.

Zoro took out his sword and silently got about ten metres behind the doe, which was munching on some grass in the clearing. Suddenly, he felt his eyes throbbing, but not in pain. He suddenly saw a red area on the doe shining brightly but he new for a fact that he was the only one who can see it because of two reasons:

First, the light was not reflecting onto any of the surrounding surfaces. It was seemingly contained on only the doe.

Second, he could feel it in his eyes. He didn't know how, but that shiny red spot on the back of the animal in the left abdominal area closer to the waist was pulsating with the same rhythm as his eyes.


Weak spot of Earthen Doe found with Eyes of Detection!

Thrust the area for an instant kill!

Experience points earned for killing Earthen doe: 1.

Target Description:

Name: Earthen Doe.

Race: Magical beast.

Age: 8. Gender: Female

Rank: E. Stage: 3


Stamina: 35. Agility: 33

Strength (Physical): 35

Strength (Spiritual): 33. Intelligence: 33

Fatigue: 10/35

Elemental essence capacity points:33

Elemental essence points: 10/33

Experience points:7/13

Elemental affinities: Earth

Abilities: None


' What the hell?!'

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