
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Barrage of surprises.

"Hello. I'm Tenebris. Master Jiro's faithful servant. Pleased to meet you." After seeing what Jiro could do when he was angry, Tenebris respected him greatly and didn't act like a friend to him, but rather, a servant, as it was meant to be. Surprised, the others just nodded."Come on Tenebris. Cut it out already. Alright. Welcome to my mini city." Jiro said after they calmed down. "What city? All I can see is this vastness of white." "Turn around." Jiro said in response to Zoro's question, and when Zoro turned around, he saw another baffling sight. He had already lost count of how many times Jiro had surprised him today.

They all turned around and saw a city with buildings decorated with gold and diamond. It was as if those minerals weren't rare at all here.

"The city covers an area of only five hundred m², but most of the things one would need to have a comfortable life can be found in here, all with state-of-the-art equipment. I do plan on expanding it though. Feel free to explore when you're free. I can and have seen through your souls, physical matter, thoughts, memories and hearts. You are trustworthy. You cannot hide anything from Tenebris." Jiro explained while walking through the building on streets decorated with gold and diamond, causing the human girl to cover her chest area, and the human boy to cover his nether regions.

"Don't worry Sandy, and Klaus. I'm a very upright person. You guys will probably be our lifelong companions. Doing that will bring me no good." Jiro said, proving his earlier words to be true. His telepathy and x-ray vision, coupled with the hooded cloak he was wearing, made him look extremely creepy.

Jiro was right in his words. His mind reading and ability to see through things was not always on, as he only activated them when needed. Like right now when he wanted to prove the legitimacy of his words; that he was not a liar nor a bluffer, and that he was an upright person.

It was literally shining everywhere. The others were looking around like villagers who had just entered a big city. Eyes shining, never looking at one place and rarely blinking. They wanted to savor every moment.

Giro and Zoro had finally removed their cloaks and stored them in their spacial rings. Although they had spacial spaces, the spacial rings just had much more space.

The humans now had the chance to observe their true appearances.

Zoro was wearing a blue kimono with white engravings and a pair of blue canvases also with white designs. He seemed to like blue and white a lot. He even had long, well combed and cut blue hair, with streaks of white now which almost reached his waist. Couple that with his pale skin, blue eyes, and extremely handsome face, he was only second in beauty Jiro. He had a calm and peaceful aura.

Jiro on the other hand seemed to be the quite opposite. He was wearing a black kimono with red designs all over with golden and diamond inscriptions on some areas. This was not your normal simple kimono. Was extremely tough and was one of the last line defences he hard. It was as tough as his chakra, which was about five times tougher than diamond! Not just that, he had hundreds of kimonos like these!

He seemed to like black and red a lot, an even had black short, messy but handsome hair with red streaks here and there, now more prominent than before. Couple all that with his pale skin, chiseled and tall build as well as his red and black yin-yang eyes which moved at a speed of one rotation per minute, pale skin, and supremely handsome face, he was a heavenly beauty. Probably the most handsome in existence. Well, probably.

He had a domineering and distant aura. It made it difficult to even get close to him, or look him straight in the eye. He could hold it back if he wanted, but he was in his own home. He wanted to be free.

"That over there is my state-of-the-art mansion." Giro pointed somewhere in the middle of the city where they saw a large mansion covering an area of about hundred metres square with a high of also about hundred metres. it was the biggest building in the city.

It also had lots of golden and diamond decorations all over it, but the most baffling thing about it was the massive wall all around it. It was literally a wall of diamond, with golden spikes on top and some watch towers here and there. There was a massive diamond and gold gate and had a smaller one in the bottom middle. Damn! That was over bearing! People needed gold and diamond severely, and this guy was here using it like it was the most common building material he could find.

Gosh! I wish I had that much wealth!

Giro led them into the mansion and they saw one of the most beautiful mansions ever. There were trimmed plants of all shapes all around, mostly shapes of strong magical beasts, like Dragons, Hydras,Devil Snakes, Dinosaurs, Pheonix, etc. All these beasts were really powerful and were born already in the A rank.

Of course, there was a large swimming pool infront of the mansion and the decorations of gold and diamond were still prevalent!

They entered the mansion. It was large and spacious. There was also a flight of stairs leading to the next floor. The decorations of gold and diamond were not reducing in any way. Alright. Let's go to the dining room and eat something. You must be hungry.

After they had all sat around the large diamond dining table, Jiro waved his hand, and large golden food trays appeared, along with cutlery and crockery in front of everyone. "Eat up, everyone. Make sure to drink the beast blood mixture wine I've prepared too. It's extremely delicious."

Jiro said, causing the others to almost immediately puke, but Tenebris quickly stepped in and healed them with her light element. They were surrounded by a white glow and soon they felt even better than before, but it was clear they weren't going to drink any blood. It looked purplish brown, which made it even more disgusting. They would rather drink the red, blue, and gold wine he had around that one.

"Oh, sorry. I don't have any wine but blood. All that is blood. The red, blue and gold 'wine' come from the T-Rex,Hydra snake and Golden dragon." Jiro added, making them dejected even more. You have all the wealth in the world and can't afford normal wine?! What the fu-?! How can you tell me this story?!

'See! I told you to get an imprint of wine!'

'Uhm, this wine is extremely good too. Plus, it would just be useless since I want to strengthen my body with this blood.'

Jiro and Tenebris kept bickering through their mind link.

"Don't tell me the meat you used for the soups were also from these beasts! And the mountain and meat over there too!" Zoro and the others were amazed by Jiro yet again!

A single drop of blood from these beasts could go for hundreds on the market! It was because of the special glowing property and special construction of their blood. It gave people supreme strength after consuming it. Even after they had lost their glow, their blood was still a precious healing tonic. It was extremely nutritious and strengthened one physically. Stupendous! The meat of these beasts also had these same healing and strengthening properties, before and after glow.

And this guy was here eating lots of it like it was the commonest food commodity he could find! Simply inconceivable!

"J-Jiro! D-don't tell me that they still have their original properties of healing and strengthening!" Zoro asked with a weird expression. A mixture of happiness and fear.

"Of course! I made it myself from a single cell from them. I could create them whenever I want too! But they can only be as strong as I am and won't retain any of their abilities." Jiro explained.

"Making lots of them takes a lot of chakra too. Their DNA is just... amazing." Jiro added, causing Zoro to find the opportunity he wanted all this time.

'Is this the power of a god?' All the rest thought except Tenebris.

"Jiro, what is this ability of yours, that make you... God?" Zoro asked with a shaking voice.

"Glad you asked! It's not just one though. I have an ability that allows me to create anything as long as I can imagine it or as long as I have all of it completely in my chakra. The only things I can't manifest is chakra or elemental essence, or stuff like that. It's called Manifestation. The next one is Tenebris. She allows me to see through anything, create mind links, read minds, transfer consciousness into other targets, and transfer copies of memories too, as well as seeing in the dark and being my helper. I talk to her a lot and she helps me a lot. Like having an AI friend.

The final one is fourth dimensional manipulation. Take it as an upgraded form of the Space element. Call it Vanitas. You saw the huge barrier on the other side of the city? That is my true storage space. No living being can go there. But in this part, time flows normally. These are the three abilities that make godly.

I have another godly ability but it isn't really an ability as it doesn't use chakra. I created it by myself when Tenebris became like this. She used to be more like a friend, not a servant. This ability is called Auric Domain. Normally, when aura is released, it is difficult to control the range but with Auric Domain, I can control the range anyhow I want. I can focus all my aura on a single target or a wide area. One flaw of normal aura fixed. Next, aura is usually of only one form, you can release only one type of aura at a given time, but with Auric Domain, I can release specific auras in specific areas or on specific targets Fixing another auric flaw.

Third, Aura is always ethereal and that is a flaw too. Therefore, I invented another type of aura; Physical aura. I have also invented strengthening aura, which raises the strength of the the target as long as we are in the same plane or the target's plane is below mine. I can use that on myself too. I can't teach you since I learnt it using the fourth dimension. Sorry.

These are my godly abilities. I trusted you enough to tell you. Please, do not dare tell anyone. Or else, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." Jiro said the last part exuding pure, unadulterated murderous aura, causing the others to immediately almost suffocate. Just with his aura.

"There in a pattern on your necks' right side. Whenever you need my help, just channel your chakra into it, focus and a mind link will be established. I will give you any assistance you need, as if I were there myself. If you hand is cut or something, the pattern will just transfer itself to your desired location." Jiro said, handing them beautiful golden necklaces with beautiful circular golden pendants.

The pendant had a picture of yin-yang symbol concave on it. On the edge of the circle were small diamonds scattered within 0.5 cm from the circumference. The whole pendant had a diameter of 5cm. It looked... magnificent! The picture on the pendant was the same as the pattern on their necks, just quite bigger. Think of a karma seal size, just a bit bigger.

After eating the most delicious meal of their lives: Rice with strong magical beast soup, Jiro led them to their own huge, regal-looking rooms for them to rest for a bit.

After the rest, it was finally time to go to the academy.

Phew! 1900+ words! That's a lot!

Please don't make my work be in vain...

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