10 Chp 10

In a mid day of summer on which the heat of the sun bearing down, the birds chirping in the trees swaying because of the breeze of the wind, when you look up you can see the clear blue sky with small gray clouds moving. In the park to which have small picnic table, food stalls, a small kids amussment park and a small lake for boat ride, people walking in the peaceful day with children playing in the open grass field and in the playground with trees in the side of the pathway that give shades. Through the public park it's there is not much people, getting out of the car and stretching his body, for more or less than hour seating in the car for how long he doesn't know.

James: "So mom where too?" he said pulled out a piece of paper that Kyle gave and input the contact number in his phone. 'This is the first time I heard a EMINIE that has not been caught, maybe there are others like me' he said thinking what his friend said.


(↓↓Note: On this is the problem that I have to fix the longest time to fix the sentence↓↓)


Mary: "We will go to a small— JB you need take a break with you using your gadget we are in outdoor you need to go outside more not locked up in the apartment, is this why you said, you need to be independent for your habits?" she said after sorting the things in the car and getting the gift to her bag, she look at James expecting to follow her.

James: "Alright mom, that's is why when I turn 18 that year, I moved out to the house to be independent so that I can make my own decision so you can't always be there for me mom, I'm a technically an adult pampering all the time is not pleasant. Remember that your coworker visited in the house, mom you were just saying the embarrassing thing that happened in my childhood days." he said putting down his phone.

Mary: "I just want you to return or visit us when you have no school and those, I said about you was just jokes or saying some of the best days you have when you were little" she said with a gloomy aura.


(↑↑Note: On this is the problem that I have to fix the longest time to fix the sentence↑↑)


James: "*sigh*" he said rubbing his bridge nose thinking the days if he even got home 'how long have I been home with mother and sister?, last time I got there is what?, Christmas, new years eve only and birthdays'. he thinks of the past about what he does.

James: "Ok ok, I will go with you if you need me and come on mom we can't waste this time and go to the table your saying beforehand" he said walking to the entrance of the park.

Both of them go too the entrance, entering there is not much to do other than sightseeing and buying some food or riding the boat. As they are walking pace, James is feeling hot by the weather.

James: "Its not good going outdoors with the weather is it hot today and its hard to breathe" he said using his hand to block the rays of the sun and wiping his sweat in his forehead and saying the last part quietly.

Mary: "Then why don't you remove your sweater if it makes you uncomfortable and I did bring some extra clothes for you, you can change in the public bathroom if you want" she said checking the contents of her bag she brings.

James: "Nah.. not yet and by the way mom who is going to be with us?, you said there is someone" he said looking at her mother.

Mary: "Oh it's a secret and a surprise in the same time we will be there early before they arrived... and there is our spot" she said pointing in the wooden table and four chairs with a tree that give off shades near the lake of the boat ride.

When they take their seat Mary then unpack her bag, which contains food in the topper-ware container, drinks, disposable plates that they need in their food.

Mary: "I will be in the bathroom a sec, can you guard our belongings while im gone?" she said standing up and going to the opposite side that they came.

James: "Yea, Im not going anywhere anyways" he said going for a soda drink.

Mary: "Ok I will be right back" she said with a brisk walking.

When James is alone getting some snacks of foods and drinks he take out his phone to check if anything more interesting in the news and he then looked at the piece of paper again, when he was checking the phone number he received a message which is not a save contacts and its unrelated in any family related connection. A unknown messenger text, when he checked the contents and he was shocked on what he read.

Unknown (text): "Oh Mr. William, I know you have a problem of your condition being a EMINIE and a girl, you just have to follow my instructions when you go to school. *Insert picture* " on what he see in the picture is him changing to his P.E. that his wrapped towel on which have a bulge in the front.

James: 'Why is it there blackmailing me now, what did I do to them to experience this unless—' he was going to say that last part.

His stupor was interrupted when he see by his vision a four individuals happily chatting, going to his table including his mother occompany them. That when he see his grand-parents and his cousin, shaking his to deal with his problem later he greeted them with a hug.

Michelle: "Oh is that you James your so tall now your face is like your father" she said with a smile.

Lewis: "So this is my nephew all grown-up, how's your school?" he said checking him.

Noel: "Wow is that you James you looked so different the last time you visited us in vacation, your face is much like a girl" he said with the last part of his comment their conversation stopped.


Ok my 10th chapter IDK if it's ok for you guys comment below on what you think.

Words: 1181

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