
Unlimited Experience System

Tai Bàoli Receives the Unlimited Experience System and begins his new life, aiming for unlimited strength he desires nothing more than to gather enough experience to level up his new found stats and cultivation. along the way maybe he'll make new friend's, family, lovers, and of course he'll probably make quite the bit of enemies. Sorry for the slow releases recently (8/3/23) I work 60hrs a week in a fancy restaurant. so I don't really have much free time. I'll try to get some chapters out soon. I'm really sorry! (8/6/24) remember last year when I said Id release chapters then didnt do shit all year? yea my bad, still working 60hrs a week at that restaurant and just got busy with life overall. However I definitely still think about this, and plan to update it occasionally

DaoistBinBeal · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Viscera Training Stage

Tai Bàoli had begun laughing non-stop, his system just kept on giving, if he got 30 experience he'd be able to directly increase his low mortal rank techniques to high mortal rank? wouldn't there power sky rocket? he'd be unstoppable.

Of course he still needed to exercise caution and increase his individual strength as well. Increasing the strength of his techniques was fine, but he knew his body was falling behind, He also had a theory, maybe if he was a higher stage or realm upgrading the techniques would have a less severe effect on his body. He had begun suspecting the backlash from upgrading his Mastery was because of his low Body Refining Stage coupled with the sudden jump of mastery.

Which made Tai Bàoli theorize he could mitigate the pain and time it took for him to recover if he was a higher stage, with that said he'd immediately upgrade his body refining stage.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 3/9, Viscera Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(3)(+3 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(3)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank-

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Martial Arts Eligible for Grade Increase-

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~(Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


As Tai Bàoli finished allocating the points he felt his body and insides turn and churn as his innards seemingly began reinforcing themselves with Qi, it was a special feeling, so far all of the cultivation stages had been forcefully increasing the durability of his body as a whole, but now it seemed he'd reached a stage where his outer body was sufficient he just needed to refine his organs.

Tai Bàoli began practicing the esoteric ghost steps and dissipating the acquired Qi. This was the first time he had felt Qi ever, and it was addicting, he body felt hungry like it needed to devour all the Qi in the surroundings yet, his organs were too unrefined to do so. It seemed the Viscera Training Stage of the Body Refining realm was where one truly had a chance to see what power looked like.

With his new found stage Tai Bàoli realized he needed to stabilize his realm. Increasing in stage so suddenly also took a slight toll. So Tai Bàoli decided to stay inside his room and slowly stabilize his realm over the next day. During this time he'd also be thinking about what technique he should buy from the martial arts library.

Afterall he now had 175 martial credits and could afford any low mortal grade technique and even some subpar mid mortal grade techniques, however the mid mortal grade techniques he'd be able to afford probably had disastrous side effects.

After around a days time had passed Tai Bàoli left his room, his new realm stabilized and his power emanating off of himself. To anyone who saw him he'd clearly exude the strength of a peak Viscera Training Stage Body Refining Realm cultivator who cultivated a fantastic defensive technique. He appeared as sturdy as a mountain.

Tai Bàoli would head to the Martial arts library and begin browsing the low mortal grade techniques as well as the mid mortal grade techniques. He wasn't looking for anything specifically, but he knew he should probably get an offensive technique to collaborate with his movement technique and defensive technique.

After multiple hours of searching the library a book finally popped up that he knew he had to get.


-Petrifying Mad Hammer Stance-

-Mid Mortal Rank-

-Minimum required Stats-

-Body Refining Stage 3/9, Viscera Training-

-4.0 strength-

-3.0 Dexterity-

-4.0 comprehension-

-Technique Outline - Your maddening presence on the battlefield shall allow you to petrify your enemies, and smash them to smithereens. (Side effects: Skin begins slightly turning to rock, lowing maneuverability and speed.)


The technique had insane requirements almost akin to a high mortal rank technique and even had a detrimental side effect, but to Tai Bàoli it looked beautiful, It represented exactly how he felt when fighting, a stalwart maniac. Tai Bàoli just kept thinking back to when he had fought the three eyed snake and the joy he had felt when slaughtering it.

Tai Bàoli didn't think he was a bad person but for some reason it had just resonated with him so much. he'd immediately take the book to begin cultivating handing the elder in charge currently 175 martial credits. The elder wanted to dissuade Tai Bàoli but before he could speak Tai Bàoli left extremely fast, before the elder could even get a word in.

As Tai Bàoli got back to his room he'd immediately begin practicing the mad hammer stance, unfortunately Tai Bàoli didn't have an actual warhammer to practice with, but he just imagined his dagger was a hammer and began doing the exercises. What surprised Tai Bàoli was that even after a dozen hours of practicing the stance it hadn't popped up yet.

Tai Bàoli new in his heart he hadn't truly learned the technique yet as he hadn't been practicing with a hammer. He felt that if he practiced for a couple more days he'd be able to grasp the technique. But he knew if he had had a hammer he'd have already gotten the technique to low mastery.

("Sigh I'll just have to keep practicing over the next couple days. for now I'll go to bed and in the morning I'll just begin doing my repeatable mission and practicing till the end of the month again.")

Tai Bàoli then promptly went to sleep. After he awoke he just continued his normal routine.

Surprisingly 20 days had now passed, and in the last 20 days the petrifying mad hammer stance had still not entered low mastery. Tai Bàoli wanted to pull his hair out, he didn't have any martial credits left so he couldn't go buy a Warhammer until the end of the month after he got paid his monthly martial credits and finished another monthly mission.

As exasperated as Tai Bàoli was he knew he was on the precipice of learning the technique so he decided to hold strong and wait it out, he even took a monthly mission doing menial labor for the other pavilions just so he didn't have to leave the sect and he could continue practicing the technique in peace.

Finally after another 10 days Tai Bàoli had saved up the martial credits from his monthly mission and his pavilion pay. In total he had about 60 martial credits, which would be enough for a weak weapon. Most Weapons followed the same ranking system as martial arts, however the weapons themselves were usually cheaper then buying a martial art, so with 60 martial credits Tai Bàoli could almost guarantee a chance of purchasing a low mortal rank warhammer from the weapons pavilion.

However before he bought his war hammer he'd go back to this room and allocate all the points he'd accrued over the last month. The monthly mission only gave him 5 experience as it was an easy mission, but overall he'd gotten 15 experience from just doing the repeatable mission so he was sitting on a good chunk of exp.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 3/9, Viscera Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(3)(+3 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(3)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank-

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Martial Arts Eligible for Grade Increase-

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~(Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


After doing some thinking, Tai Bàoli knew he his speed was his weak point currently, and he also knew his speed was going to be slightly reduced because of the side effects of the petrifying mad hammer stance once he learned it, so he decided to go all in on upgrading the esoteric ghost steps and his dexterity.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 3/9, Viscera Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(3)(+3 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(4)(+3 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank-

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Peak~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~

-Martial Arts Eligible for Grade Increase-

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Peak~(Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Peak~ (Upgrade Cost 30 experience, directly upgrades to High Mortal Rank)

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-



Tai Bàoli immediately collapsed over in pain, unlike when he had upgraded the bears hide technique to peak the upgrade to the esoteric ghost steps focused mainly on the legs, the pain was horrifying. It was almost akin to having his legs ripped off and reattached hundreds of times.

Tai Bàoli almost instantaneously lost consciousness.