
Unlimited Experience System

Tai Bàoli Receives the Unlimited Experience System and begins his new life, aiming for unlimited strength he desires nothing more than to gather enough experience to level up his new found stats and cultivation. along the way maybe he'll make new friend's, family, lovers, and of course he'll probably make quite the bit of enemies. Sorry for the slow releases recently (8/3/23) I work 60hrs a week in a fancy restaurant. so I don't really have much free time. I'll try to get some chapters out soon. I'm really sorry! (8/6/24) remember last year when I said Id release chapters then didnt do shit all year? yea my bad, still working 60hrs a week at that restaurant and just got busy with life overall. However I definitely still think about this, and plan to update it occasionally

DaoistBinBeal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

End of Month Mission

It had been 25 days since Tai Bàoli had upgraded his Bear's Hide technique and Tai Bàoli had faithfully completed the repeatable Mission everyday, however it was today that he was reminded of something, he needed to complete one additional mission from the mission pavilion as well.

He had 5 days left to successfully complete his mission or it would be considered an automatic failure, meaning he'd had only 3 more failures left in the year until he'd be expelled. Which he most definitely did not want, especially with how strong he felt himself getting. But before he started a mission he wanted to finish allocating all the points he's earned over the past 25 days.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 2/9, Flesh Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(2)(+1 from Bear's Hide)



-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~low~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~Mid~

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-


With 13 experience Tai Bàoli was confident he could enter the Viscera Training stage, but he could also use 10 experience on either Esoteric Ghost step and Bears hide and probably get insanely stronger that way too. This choice had been eating at him for the last 25 days, that's why he had waited so long, cause he could have made a decision back when he had gotten to 10 experience but he just couldn't decide.

It really was a difficult decision, but he couldn't wait any longer. And the decision his heart laid with more? upgrading esoteric ghost steps and bears hide.


-Unlimited Experience System-

-Host-(Tai Bàoli)

-Cultivation Stage-(Body Refining 2/9, Flesh Training)


-Upgrade Cost: 1, amount upgraded per, .1-

-Strength-(2)(+2 from Bear's Hide)

-Dexterity-(2)(+1 from Esoteric Ghost Steps)


-Martial Arts-

-Cost to Upgrade: 5 experience per grade, per Rank)

-Esoteric Ghost Step: Mastery ~Mid~

-Bears Hide: Mastery ~High~

-Upgrading a stat requires experience, gain experience in a myriad of ways-



The instant upgrade of both Bears Hide and E.G.S was too much for Tai Bàoli, the itching had directly increased from an itch to a burning sensation, Tai Bàoli felt like he was in the depths of hell, and unlike last time he couldn't keep conscious for long.

Tai Bàoli collapsed on his bed, he was able to see the upgraded screen briefly before he passed unconscious, so even though he was in the most unbearable pain he smiled while drifting into unconsciousness.

Tai Bàoli finally awoke after nearly 8 hours, his room now stunk a monstrous stench, he was covered in an absolutely insane amount of impurities, before he could even thoroughly enjoy his new found skills he immediately wanted to throw up from the stench so he immediately hopped into the small bath he had in his room and washed away the impurities from his skin.

And it would be at this time Tai Bàoli would be able to clearly feel the changes made to his body, his skin was unbelievably ripped and defined, Tai Bàoli looked like the peak human physique, and on top of this his height plus weight made him look like a god amongst men. And he was merely 15 years old? Tai Bàoli could only imagine what he'd look like in a couple years.

But unfortunately Tai Bàoli couldn't keep fantasizing about that and had to quickly clean up and go to the mission pavilion to accept his first mission. He had already wasted most of the day so if he didn't get a move on he'd be in for a struggle.

As Tai Bàoli entered the mission pavilion he'd see something that made him quite happy, Liu Yanjiang was also here! he'd quickly make his way over and begin speaking with her.

Tai Bàoli: "Liu Yanjiang! glad to see you here!"

Tai Bàoli would walk up and smile while waving.

Liu Yanjiang would get the faintest bit of a smile as she turned to talk to Tai Bàoli

Liu Yanjiang: "Hi! did you forget to do your Mission too? I've been so happy learning arrays and taking care of the array pavilion that I forgot my mission even existed"

Liu Yanjiang looked genuinely happy she was learning arrays, maybe her dad hadn't been forcing her to do this, that was good.

Tai Bàoli: "Nice! I have been a little caught up at the library, I don't know if you've stopped by but it's definitely the cleanest it's ever been. you can thank me for that."

Tai Bàoli even flexed a little for fun just to be funny.

and of course Liu Yanjiang laughed.

Liu Yanjiang: "Haha! well that's good to know maybe I'll come by, I've almost gotten my technique from before to an acceptable degree, my dad said once I got the technique almost to Mid tier I would be allowed to start Mid Rank technique of my choosing, so long as my dad thinks it doesn't interfere with the techniques he wants me to learn."

Tai Bàoli was slightly astonished, in but 25 days she'd gotten a high mortal rank technique to near mid tier? that was some monstrous talent. Had she chosen a lower ranked technique she would have probably gotten almost to High tier by now. Tai Bàoli was beginning to see just how talented Liu Yanjiang was.

Tai Bàoli: "That's great!! I already got both of my techniques to mid rank, but they're also just low mortal rank techniques so it's a little less impressive, well anyways I have to get my mission good luck to you!"

Liu Yanjiang: "Thanks! you too! and two techniques to mid rank already is great! good job!"

Liu Yanjiang would then wave and walk off it seemed she had already accepted the mission she was gonna do before Tai Bàoli went to talk to her.

Tai Bàoli walked up to the Mission Pavilion wall and began looking it up and down there were tons of different Missions to undergo, some required him to travel out of the mountain some, some required he stay and do things for different elders. There were even some that required he be someone's bodyguard for a couple days, each had a difficulty that required a certain body refining stage to accept, as well as told you the martial credits you'd obtain for completion.

There was one mission that caught Tai Bàoli's eyes the most however, it was a mission that required him to hunt a Dao Beast in a forest near the mountain, it gave an incredibly high amount of martial credits for completion but also required a Viscera Training Stage individual to complete, however surprisingly there was a condition next to the requirements that stated that someone in the flesh training stage so long as they had a defensive technique mid tier or higher should be able to accept the mission, however they must understand they have a high chance of death.

And what do you know? Tai Bàoli happened to meet that requirement and some. He'd readily accept the mission and surprisingly as he did so it immediately popped up on his system screen.


-Outside System Mission Detected-

-Mission-(Defeat Dao Beast: Three Eyed Snake )

-Mission Outline-(Defeat the three eyed snake on the outskirts of Tianjin Forest)

-Mission Difficulty-(Extremely Hard)

-Experience Payout- 20 Experience


("Holy shit!?!? this is enough to directly get me into the Viscera Training Stage and some. Haha!! here I come Three Eyed Snake, you better be ready")

Tai Bàoli would then immediately begin his descent of the mountain heading northwest towards the Tianjin Forest, it was about 30 miles from the mountain so it would be a journey but Tai Bàoli had faith he could finish the journey today, find and kill the three eyed snake within two days, and return with the proof of mission completion on the third or fourth day.

He basically calculated he had barely enough time to succeed. And because of that he was smiling the whole journey to the forest.