
Unknown Moments

When a person see the things in another perspective, it can change into something more. They didn't say " There's more than meets the eye" for nothing. There are some things that are better to be hidden and some things are better to be not understood. See them and seek them. When you're near, be ready to expect the unexpected

Santhiya_Smiles · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Yuri P.O.V :

The past two days had been hectic. I have been stuck at the same point when it comes to this case. Exactly 2 days before we got phone call from a passerby informing that they found a child near the premises of the beach. When we reach there , the child was already passed out from exhaustion. The child was taken to the hospital. We questioned the witnesses and found that they were taking the evening jog when he found a boy. The boy was standing still and staring at the sunset.

" At first I thought he also came for walk, so I went on my jog. But when I came back he was still there in the same position. I was concerned and called out and he didn't respond. I head towards him and tapped on his shoulder and was about to ask him why he was standing there, he turned towards me.

I was shocked because he was covered in bruises and his face, it's , I don't know what to say. He had bloodshot eyes and tear tracks and his eyes looked haunted. I was about to ask his name when he fainted. I called the police and then called the ambulance."

"Thank you sir. You did well by informing us and the medics. We'll call you for further investigations"

"It's just is he going to be okay. I mean I saw bloodstains on his clothes."

"We'll see it. Thank you "

After that we searched for his information, eventually we found that his name was Stefan and the last time someone saw him was his neighbors. The family was going on a trip and went missing because we can't find the other family members.

"Hades I- "

When I turned to talk to him, he was fast asleep. Only in moments like this, I get to see him closer. He's really breathtaking and he was also my first love to this day. I wonder who he loves because he has never been in relationship, sure he had gone on a couple of dates but never continued it.

Anyway I need to finish this case before I make a move and tell him about my feelings. And today I'm going to return to my nightmare. They'll be there and I'm scared to meet them but he will here by my side and he was always there.

I'm running out of fuel and I need to refill it. I stopped near the gas station. When I returned to the car he was sweating and frowning. I began to wake him up, fortunately he woke up.

"Hades, are ok?"

"Huh I'm fine. Where are we?"

"Hm it's 4 in the evening and we have 70 kms to go. So we'll get there by 5. So you have enough time to rest. Go back to sleep"

"No Yuri. I had my share of sleep and I'll take care of the driving. Now it's your turn to rest. You seem exhausted than me."

"Fine. Wait a minute I'll put the directions on the monitor"

"Okay and when we get there I want to tell you something"

"Yeah I also have something to tell you but I'll say it after I solve this case."

After that he began to drive while I fell asleep and I heard him saying something but I couldn't get it.