8 Faithed encounter

Shiro Tenshi meaning "White Angel"

Kuro Shinigami meaning "Black god of death" or something like that.

She is my vice presdent at our student council in kantai national highschool.

We're in the same year, but different class.

At first, we look like a totally opposite person.

The truth is... "kind of"

We're both cold and emotionless towards other people and rarely talks to our classmates.

We speak in cold, emotionless and dark tone too. that's why students avoid us sometimes.

They even dubbed us as "The Opposite Couple"

The reason is, Shiro is a hard working girl while i slack of on my apartment and doing nothing besides watching anime and doing my "work".

Shiro runs a small ramen house and help her father and her grandfather in the work.

Their house isjust 3-blocks from where my apartment was. so we walk home together sometimes.

She maybe cold outside but just like me, she's a caring and warm person, thanks to that disaster 1 year ago.

Seeing her in a state like this makes me ashamed of myself.

She didn't deserve this injuries. Or should i say.

She didn't deserve this pain, i'm the one who deserve that to break my thick, selfish skull.

The loss of her grandfather and her father must have been very hard for her.

They both died in a car accident on their way home from market where they buy their ingredients for tommorrow.

Tommorrow is far away from them now.

Shiro is all alone now.

Except for me and the rest of the student council.

I need to make her happy as a thanks for taking care of me i guess?

Even though she's all wounded up and have her left shoulder broken from.

Attempted Suicide.

She still managed to save me and take me on her home.

But still.

I can't be close to her that much.

Because if i did, i'll just get sad and depressed again.

And if that happened, no one is left to save me. And i'll die from that for sure since my life source is not because of other people's death.

But it's because of a love that came from other people to me.

If people care for me, i can still see the day they will die.

It hurts for me.

If I care to the people around me, i can no longer see the day they will die.

It still hurts for me too.

So i'd better not to care about other people at all.

So that i and they won't get hurt in the process.

July 18 3020

"Oh... Goodmorning... Evening President."

-You cried a lot didn't you? it made you fall asleep on my lap.

"I~im so sorry! President!"

-It's fine... and also you can call me on my first name too.

After a lot of convincing, shiro finally said my name.


-Remove the san, try again...



"K-kuro..." she said that while blushing that it made her embarrassed around me.


She's smiling now...

She needs someone to lean on...

Someone she can trust...

And yeah... That is me!


Kuro just remembered something that it made him stumbled and shocked...

"Is something wrong President???"

Kuro is shaking and started sweating heavily.

"Wait here! President... I'll get a wet towel real soon, you might be sick!"

As shiro ran into the kitchen, Kuro quickly grabbed his phone at a near speed of light.

To check something he must see before it's too late.

Name: Shiro Tenshi

Age: 18

C@usE=oofde@th: (Unknown)

Kuro's heart pounded heavily as he looks into Shiro's corrupting "Profile"

The thing kuro have seen made him drop his phone and leaped him out on his speed of light spacetime.

"Kuro is dying..."

"On the 18th day..."

Of what month and year?

Or maybe...

She's dying today?

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