
Unkillable Knight

kingmidas192 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

100 Elves

I don't know why I'm here or what I am even supposed to be but that didn't matter at the moment as those questions get flung to the back of my mind as the rage of all of this bullshit starts to take control.

I lift up my greatsword and with a swift almost inhumane motion, turn around and cut one of them in half. This sudden action causes the others to stop for a second but reaffirm in their resolve they continue their assault on me.

Lifting up the sword again I look around for my next target which are three long eared men running towards me so I decide to meet them as I run to them with my sword dragging behind. Quickly the distance is closed between us and for them they almost seem to regret it as just from a look at me I'm covered all over with arrows sticking out of me but I don't seem affected at all but that doesn't matter as they all try to swing their weapons at me just to lose momentum as midrun towards them I swing the greatsword that I've been dragging behind me lowly which severed their feet.

Annoyed by feeling the pressure of getting hit all over by arrows I drop my greatsword for a moment and grab two of the screaming long ear opponents from the ground, I then spin myself around and fling them at a small group of archers and not waiting to see if they collapse upon those two feet less long ear men, I grab my greatsword in on hand and the final footless guy with the other.

From that point foward I blocked arrows using the long ear man which quickly made some of the archers outright stop firing arrows upon me as they become sicken by my use of one of them as a shield but no matter as even with the improvised shield in one hand it was still a tough battle as more and more of these long ear men kept on coming even though I kept on severing, crushing and dismembering them but soon the leader amongst them order to retreat which they all do immediately, almost glad to get away from me as from the looks of me I have stop looking like a giant human knight to them and started to look like a blood covered iron demon.

As they all quickly flee into the foliage of the woods and disappear the only person left is just the leader who is holding onto a two handed pick hammer weapon. I simply look around and see that this entire part of the forest is painted in red and lots of bodies lay upon the floor... to many to count ... with my rage leaving me I almost feel a little bit sick but as I meet the eyes of the long eared leader again, that sickness disappears.

" Well it was my mistake to think you were human, no human could be that powerful or at least without the use of magic ... but there's no magic with what you did, no that was just cold blooded sword swinging ... which is a good thing as I ain't no magical person myself but this " The long eared leader says as he lifts up his hammer and lays it upon his other hand " This right here is full of fucking magic ... shame It's gotta be used on you and not in the war with those human kingdoms but your not a enemy we can't afford to have at this moment so I guess it's worth it.".

I simply say in response " You talk alot for a dead man" and with that enough is said as he charges me and I fling the pin cushion long eared shield to the ground and charge to. The charge towards each other was brutal as I crush whatever bodies I stepped upon more while gaining more and more momentum and with the long eared man he gain as much momentum as he could carrying that heavy pick hammer but the lack of speed didn't make him look less intimidating from a outsiders perspective as the hammer he was carrying started to glow and let out shocks of electricity which build up more and more.

Gaining as much momentum as I could I jump up into the air while raising the greatsword with both hands getting ready to split my opponent in half but my blade doesn't meet him as I get hit in the side with the hammer which punches into my armor and sends me flying into a tree which I break through causing it to collapse. Once I finally finish falling, I lay upon the ground for a moment feeling electricity go through me but that doesn't stop me as I get up and look towards my opponent who meets my look with a shit eating grin.

I crack my gauntlets and look for my sword which is besides me, embedded into a side of a tree. I simply grab it and pull it out, laying it upon my shoulder I walk towards the long eared man as he taunts me with his face. As I get a bit closer to him he thrust his hammer and lightning shoots out of it striking me, pushing me back a bit but just a bit as I grab onto a tree and brace the lightning strike which is scorching my armor but weirdly enough not melting it.

The long eared man continues to shoot the lightning at me hoping I'll just die but I don't and if anything I just seem to get more pissed as I start pushing against the lightning and start making steps towards him, one after another until he starts to look visibly worried and then he looks like he's outright afraid and I'm standing in front of him which at that point he stops shooting lightning and tries to swing at me but it's to late as I swing faster this time and his arms which still grasping the hammer fly decapitated to the side and fall to ground.

The long eared man then starts to scream in great pain as he bleeds all over me but I shut him up with a left hook that spins his head around and with that he falls to the ground dead. Standing there looking upon the dead body I wonder what to do next until the hammer catches my eye. It still shoots a bit of lighting out as it lays upon the ground but seems to be almost disappearing as the lightning stops shooting less and less. Wondering if I could stop it I grab the hammer with one hand and shake it a bit to get the severed hands off. Feeling nothing and not knowing what to do I grab it with my second hand and feel a jolt of lightning go through me.

The weapon starts to shake which becomes more and more violent until it flings itself out of my hand and into my greatsword which absorbs it and flickers with lightning itself. Feeling like I should I grab my sword and weigh it upon my hands and with a thought of the pervious weapon it transformed itself into that two handed hammer and thinking about it's orginal form it change back without the lightning.

" Well looks like this is going to be fun learning more about. ".