
Universe's Collide: New Krypton

Tags - R18, Incest, Harem(Kind of), Adventure, Romance, Action, Reincarnation, Exploration, Kingdom Building. Jason wakes up, unwelcomed, in a void-type space and gets rejected. Fortunately, the being of void can't erase MC and can't throw him out either. Since it can't do anything to the MC then it goes and searches for a solution and finds one in giving the MC all his wishes and then throwing him out. And it does just that.

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New Krypton

I feel like I would need to say this to the people that read this story.

THIS STORY WILL NEVER, EVER HAVE AN ENDING. It will enter long, overdrawn pauses for the time that I concentrate on other things and/or stories. So, if the novel suddenly is stopped updated, then I am focusing on other things. I will warn you in advance if this does happen though, can't be too much of a dick. Also, chapters will be updated whenever I want, so you can have a massive release of 15 or more chapters or just had none for months on end. Sorry ;). Also, Also, chapters will be whatever length I feel like they should be, and very rarely will you ever get a chapter 15,000 words long.

Btw, JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/N7Y3Rstew2


Opening my eyes, I can only see darkness and what feels like nothingness. Now I wouldn't presume to understand what nothingness feels like or looks like, but it isn't that I know, it's that I feel. Instinctually. I can instinctually feel that where I am is a place of nothingness and rest.

A place where nothing exists and all is resting, but how can something not exist and be at rest at the same time? Matter of fact, what am I? I'm not a soul, I can feel that. I can also feel, again instinctually, that I exist, yet I'm in a place where nothing exists. I can also feel that I am not at rest, yet I'm in a place where everything is at rest.

While going over the musings of my feelings on this place? And its contradictory nature, the world suddenly lights up white. Due to the sudden change of color and light? I must cover my eyes with my non-material hands. And they do the job of blocking some of the light, surprisingly.

After the sudden change of atmosphere, nothing else happens, except this deep-rooted feeling of rejection. A rejection of my existence? I wouldn't know what to call it, but it feels like this place is rejecting me and my existence. One-minute passes and then the rejection leaves my body and I no longer feel it, now I feel something different, something like an eagerness to throw me out? A want to make me leave. From where, I don't know.

I don't know how I could understand these feelings but after another minute passes the feeling is gone again and is replaced by a new one. This time it feels like… annoyance, a very deep, and strong annoyance. I start to feel nervous, the other feelings were directed at me specifically, but this one is more directed at what I have done.

After feeling the annoyance disappear so does my nervousness, but with its disappearance a new feeling has come about. This feeling is different, it is telling me that I could have everything I have ever wished for if I just disappear. It feels like it's the little devil on your shoulders whisper promising the greatest of riches, the strongest of powers, and the most beautiful of woman to have by your side.

But this one carried no hidden malicious intent, unlike the devil, this one carried annoyance and a want to get me out of here. If you want to promise me everything, I have wished for without pay then who am I to refuse your proposition.

And so, with great excitement, I let out everything that I want and have ever wanted. To be the first male Kryptonian along with my sister being the first female Kryptonian, having no weaknesses and living in a planet the size of the sun that orbits a star that can fit 1.3 million of zed planets. And all this is inside a baby universe that only has stars and planets, with the only planet capable of breeding intelligent life being ours.

While also making a system where universes collide with ours in the time frame of one year to 1,000 years. But the collisions will do nothing more than connect the colliding universes physically. And so, after transmitting my wishes to the incorporeal being it finally threw be out with great fervor and launched me through many portals to, what I assume, is my destination of the newly created universe.

Passing the first portal, I feel like a normal soul again, except I don't know how I would be anything other than a soul when I was clearly killed. Passing the second portal, I felt like my thinking sped up, and now I have an instinctual understanding of what Kryptonians are. Weird.

And like so, I passed more and more portals that were recreating or rather creating a new body for me, a Kryptonian body. At the second to last portal, I can feel someone else traveling in the same portal and in the same trajectory. At this point, I was already a material being that had a full body, a Kryptonian body, and my soul was already attached to my body, taking on its properties.

Now, every time that I reincarnate, I will have some of my Kryptonian abilities, no matter which universe I will be reborn in, no matter what time, no matter what state of being I'm in, I will always have a little bit of a Kryptonians abilities develop. Weird. Instinctual knowledge, I guess.

Anyway, after flying through the last portal with the being next to me, which I assume is my sister, I can finally see. Throughout the entire process I could not see or feel and sense. After coming out of the last portal at the speed of light, I briefly see a planet in the distance, before my sense of sight overwhelms me, and I black out.


Coming too, my mind starts stirring awake with agitation. Sitting up abruptly, I hear a bunch of animals run away from our location. Probably scared from my abrupt movement, I analyzed and gathered that much from just sounds that fast? It hasn't even been a full second from the time I got up.

Now how did I just keep track of how much time it's been since I woke up and sat up. Stopping myself from getting distracted with the speed of my thoughts, I look around in my sitting position.

Around me is a small crater-probably 15 meters wide or so and around 6 meters deep-from what I would assume is our landing, but with the speed at which we were going, it should have been much bigger. Wait, WE. Quickly looking to my side, I find a body, or rather my sister's body. Her features have changed a little bit from her original look, but not too much, it just feels like she is undergoing a fast traced puberty.

'Still flat on both ends huh, not much change there.' I think, looking at her supposed breast and ass. She looks mostly the same, except with some differences here and there that should be imperceptible.

Wait! Naked?

I look down and my eyes open wide from surprise because I'm naked as well, and apparently looking at my sister's body has caused a reaction from my body because… well damn. I have a pretty big dick, around three inches bigger, I think. As I think that I hear my sister make a grunting noise and slowly get up.

"Grrrr…" Is all I hear from her as she slowly stirs awake.

"Where am I?" My sister questions lowly as she slowly opens her eyes. Squinting them a little to adjust to the light from the blue sun in the sky. Looking around, she first notices the crater and her eyes open just a little from fright and astonishment, then she looks at me.

She keeps looking at me for a good minute before her eyes turn red and a single tear falls before launches into my embrace while bawling her eyes out. Her sobbing mixed with cries and the repeat of my name, made me realize how much my sister missed me. And just seconds after she launched herself at me and hugged me, I started to cry as well and hug her back.

I don't know how long I was in that… Void? But I still missed my sister, even if the last time I saw her was, for me, just a couple of days ago.

After a full three minutes of crying, hugging each other and convincing my sister that I was, in fact, still alive and me, she finally separated from me and looked at me with red eyes. That, however, didn't last long because she just figured out that she and I were naked during that whole ordeal. Her reaction to that was to immediately cover her private parts and get a little further away from me.

But as she was freaked out and a little out of it because of the crying, her body used too much strength and she threw herself towards the edge of the crater. Calming down enough after that, she figured out that her body couldn't do that before, and that she was in the middle of the woods with a look alike of her-previously dead-brother.

Meanwhile, I was watching her with amusement and excitement, as her jump, along with the fact that I was in the middle of a crater in the middle of the woods, proved that it was real, and that I and my sister have become the first Kryptonians without any weaknesses.

"Jessie… Calm down. Okay?" I said with a low and calm voice. Looking at my sister, she looked at me with a questioning gaze as she kept her privates hidden. Still not realizing that her body changed just a little from her previous body, while also not looking at anything else, just looking at me with questions in her eyes. Eventually though, her eyes got the better of her and she looked down at my, now again, fully erect penis.

When she saw the size of my fully erect penis, her eyes widened from shock. Previously my penis, when fully erect, was around eight bordering nine inches in length, so I could understand the shock in her eyes. Meanwhile, I was never one to be ashamed of my body or try to cover and hide my naked body from people, so I just calmly let her process everything.

I slowly raise my hands and stand up carefully to not use too much strength or scare her. Once on my feet, I walk towards her slowly, with my hands still in the air, showing I'm not any threat, with my dick swinging side to side and my balls hanging out in the open as well. Once I was close enough to her, I bent down and sat-cross legged-in front of her on the ground with my dick still standing erect in between my legs.

"Alright, now listen to me. I know this will sound crazy, but we have enough evidence around us to prove me right." I said slowly again, this time looking directly at her eyes. She nods her head gently while still covering her privates but moving her eyes to my eyes instead of my penis.

"Okay… so it went like this. After I was done with my job, I took the normal route to go home, but unlike normal a drunk driver passed out in his copy Cybertruck and rammed into me. After that well, I appeared in this space… that had nothing but black and nothingness. I felt like…" And so went the story of how I got here, how she got here, what we are, how universes will collide with this one any time from one year to 1,000 years and all the other stuff.

By the end of it all, she was pretty freaked out, but still held her cool enough to reason. Finally, after talking with her about all the things that happened in the black space, and answering all the questions that I could, my sister calmed down a lot. After talking and calming down, I could see the light in my sisters' eyes and her visible excitement at being a Kryptonian.

You see, my sister is a massive fan of the Kryptonians, not Superman/Clark/Kal-El, but the whole Kryptonian race and their abilities. She has studied must of what they can do, but you know, life caught up and she had to leave her interest behind to begin work. Meanwhile, I was more interested in the creation of man, and how we came to be. Biblically I mean.

I mean, if God only created Adam and Eve, then the entire human race would technically be literally blood related family. So, we would constantly be committing incest when we have sex with anyone. We weren't technically strangers to anyone, and we kill our own family during wars and muggings or other violence related things.

And that's how my wishes came to be. Be the first of a race, inspired by Adam and Eve, and be Kryptonians, inspired by my sister's love for the race. Well anyway, back to me and my sister. She was currently looking at me with a lot of excitement and gratefulness, then she slowly stands up and looks around. I, too, follow her and look around, and I got to say the scenery is beautiful, and if we ever build a civilization here, it should work with nature, unlike human cities.

After looking around for a little bit and appreciating the beauty of nature, we move to get out of the crater. While the crater was not that big or deep, it was deep enough that we could only see the upper half of the trees and could not see the ground. So, when we reached level ground, needless to say we were taken away.

You see, my sister and I have always lived in the city and rarely have we gone outside to a forest. The only things that are remotely close to a forest in our previous live is a nature park. But those don't represent the beauty of nature to the fullest like a natural forest. And even then, even if we went to a real and natural forest in our old world, I feel like this would still eclipse everything that Earth has to offer.

I mean, Earths star is beautiful and does grant a certain beauty to the natural forest of Earth. This planet however, New Krypton, as I and my sister have come to call it, is in another league. The natural blue light from the sun, the way nature evolved to fit that star, the animals, the plants, the trees, everything has a certain charm and chine to it. I don't know how many times I'm going to say this, but-

It's beautiful.


Also, tell me if the Pre-Volume should be longer than planned on the comments.


