
Unexpectedly Tangled

Yuji Hisakawa a student prodigy is a very cold and introverted person, but suddenly destiny comes to play with him. He suddenly stumble upon a young woman, Momo Ikari. She is a famous Idol who is quite playful and cute. Due to often coincidences, they always find themselves unexpectedly tangled.

LeoWrites · Ciudad
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19 Chs

Dali River

Yuji sighed deeply as the proposal bothers his mind.

"What seems to be the problem?" A female voice suddenly said startling Yuji.

"W-Who's there?" Yuji sat up and when he saw their faces he laid back down.

Mendel had a laugh, "Dude, this is so unlike you" he said as he saw the struggling Yuji, Mina punched him lightly.

"Why? It's true." Mendel added, "He's called Yuji the unflappable at school" he stated. "Well his human too, he can have problems as well" Mina replied.

"That's it!" Yuji shouted standing up, "I'm only human so I should grab opportunities I come across with" he exaggerated.

Mendel and Mina had a weirded expression painted on their face after hearing him. "Thank you" Yuji said before standing up and preparing to leave.

"You're welcome?" Mina said confused. As he was about to leave, a question again pops up in his mind.

"I've been seeing you guys to often, Is it okay for you to be out like this all the time?" he asked curiously.

"Don't worry, Mendel always check these parts of the town" Mina smiles genuinely. "Okay, You guys take care" Yuji said as he runs back towards his dorm.

He opened his laptop and wrote an e-mail back to the company,

To: Infinite Harmony Records HR Department

I hope this email finds you well.

Thank you for reaching out to me with the job offer for the position of personal assistant and bodyguard for MISAMO. I am honored to be considered for this role, and I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the safety and well-being of MISAMO.

I am writing to express my interest in discussing the proposal further. Before making a final decision, I would like to learn more about the specific responsibilities and expectations associated with the position, as well as discuss the terms and conditions involved.

Could you please provide more details regarding the role, including any specific requirements or qualifications needed? Additionally, I would appreciate it if we could schedule a meeting to discuss the terms of the offer in more detail.

Please let me know a convenient time for you, and I will do my best to accommodate. I am eager to explore this opportunity further and determine if it is the right fit for both parties.

Thank you once again for considering me for this position. I look forward to our discussion and the possibility of working together.

Warm regards,

Yuji Hisakawa.

Even though Yuji seems absent minded all the time, he is one of the most smart and professional guys out there.

"Is this too formal?" he asked himself, "Maybe, but this is for a job" he replied to himself nodding.

Yuji tried to take his mind off the proposal and opened his textbooks. Yuji always get so immersed while studying, he always end up studying for hours straight.

He's the kind of student who doesn't cram, he studies every now and then to avoid cramming during exams.

It was already 9 in the evening when he notice that his phone received an email back.


Subject: Re: Proposal for Personal Assistant and Bodyguard Position

Dear Mr. Hisakawa,

Thank you for your prompt response.

We would be happy to meet with you to discuss the details of the personal assistant and bodyguard position. Please join us at Infinite Harmony Records HR offices on August 23, 2024 at 2:00 PM.

We look forward to our discussion.

Best regards,

Na Sori

[HR Representative]

"August 23? Friday? Do I have class that time?" he asked himself as he opens his calendar on the phone.

"I'm not free on that time, can't it be in the morning?" he nagged.

Then his phone suddenly rang,

It was again just a random number, "Uhmm Hello?" he answered.

"Why did you want to accept it?!" A high pitched female voice yelled, "Great timing, tell the HR to meet me in the morning instead" he said to the girl on the other line which was Momo obviously.

"What?! Are you even in the right mind?" Momo replied in an irritated tone.

"I appreciate it, Thank you!" Yuji said before hanging up the phone, he decided to save the number in his contacts.

He save the number as MO, "Now I would know who's calling" he said going to his small kitchen and preparing dinner.

The next day, he proceeded like any normal day. Goes on with his routine and study hard. After his morning class he rushed to the back of the building hoping to see the cat.

When he reaches the bench the cat was still not there, "Did the security guard take it to a shelter?" he talks loudly before deciding to go the guard.

He knocks on the small cubicle of the guard, "Ahem, good morning Sir, I was wondering if you've seen the cat by that bench?" he said pointing.

The guard smiled, "Ohh you mean the black cat?" he replied, Yuji nodded eagerly. "A student decided to adopt her last week" the guard explained.

"Oh is that so?" Yuji had disappointment in his voice, "Yeah Yeah, it took me hours to catch the cat" the guard added.

"Yeah she's not great with people, thanks sir" Yuji said bowing his head. "No worries" the guard replied returning to his seat.

Yuji sighed as he sat on the bench opening his book, then someone sat beside him. He scooched over cause the person was awkwardly close.

The person still moves closer to him, both of them keep moving until Yuji was at the edge of the bench.

"Hey, man what's your problem?" Yuji said in annoyed tone, "You're the problem!" a female voice replied catching Yuji off guard.

He knows this voice, he covered her mouth. "What are you doing here? You can't be seen in public you know" he said.

Momo struggled with Yuji's hands on his mouth, she shook it off and when she did she bit it lightly.

"Ouch, you're such a-" Yuji reacted shaking the hand she bitten. "Tsk, it's rude to put your hand in someone's mouth" Momo replied.

"Sorry my bad, but you shouldn't be roaming around" he emphasized. "We're gonna stand out for your overreaction" Momo said.

"Okay fine, here wear this" Yuji take the cap from his bag and put it on Momo.

"So why are you here?" Yuji asked. "This is were I hang out between classes and luckily I saw you dumb Yuji" Momo said.

"Stop calling me Dumb and what is it to you that you saw me?" Yuji replied.

"Why did you accepted the job?" she asked, "Uhmm, How did you know about that?" Yuji asked.

Momo stood, "I don't want you to be with me all the time" she said without hesitation, "Too bad you're stuck with me" Yuji said teasing Momo.

Momo was about to yell at Yuji when they heard a voice from a distant.

Yuji grabbed Momo's hand and ran towards the back gate, "Hey Yuji wait up" Loid yells, "That guy is looking for you" Momo said as they run.

"You're also absent minded" he replied as they continue running.

After running for a while, they reach a small alley and hid there. "Why *HooH* did you pull me right here?" Momo asked catching her breath.

"You're also dumb" Yuji was about to flick her forehead but he remembered that this girl is an idol.

"Huh? Isn't he your friend?" Momo with her angry tone again, "Well, he is but he can't see you right?" Yuji said.

"Ohh right, hehe" Momo had a small laugh, Yuji looked around and he saw people about to come down the small alley.

"Stand up, we have to run again" Yuji said offering a hand. "Ehh? Why?" Momo was complaining.

Yuji snatched her hand and run on the other side pulling her, they run until they reach the riverside.

"I don't want to run anymore" Momo said laying down on the grass, "People doesn't come here often" Yuji said giving a big exhale.

 Yuji sat down beside her, "Why are you so mad at me?" Yuji suddenly uttered, "That's none of your business" she replied making Yuji more annoyed.

"No matter what you say, I'll be having that interview on Friday" Yuji said. All of a sudden Momo's phone rang, she answered.

"Uhmm hello?" she answered in a polite way, Yuji overheard the other line.

"Where are you girl? we have practice remember?" the other girl on the line said, "Wait let me ask?'' Momo said.

"Wait ask who? Are you with someone?" the other girl said but Momo ignored it and ask Yuji.

"Hey dumb Yuji where are we?" Momo asked, "We're at Dali River and stop calling me dumb" Yuji replied back.

"hello? you still there? I'm at Dali river" she said before hanging up the phone.

"You can go now" Momo tried to make him leave, "I'll leave when I want to" Yuji said.

After a few minutes a black van arrive, a girl peaks to the windows. "Hey Momo, let's go already Mina's gonna get mad" Sana yells.

Momo smiled and run towards the van, Yuji stood in place and bowed his head.

Sana had a playful smile, "Were you two in a date?" she asked. "No we're not" both answered in unison.

Sana laughed, "Okay no need to be so defensive" she said opening the door of the van. "We'll be taking our leave" Sana said, "W-wait my cap?" Yuji said pointing at the cap on Momo's head.

"It's yours?" Sana was confused but Momo tossed it back to him. Yuji caught it and bowed his head again.

The van left and Yuji stayed for a while by Dali river.

(On the van)

"Momo is there something you want to tell me?" Sana said in a teasing tone, "I just stumbled upon him at school, then a guy run after me so he pulled me there" Momo explained.

"Okay? that far?" she asked teasingly again. "Sana" Momo says her name. "Okay okay" she replied.

Sana is younger than Momo, so she see her as her older sister.

"Wait, last question" she stated, "What is it?" Momo said laying back her head. "Why does he say that our group cap is his?" she asked eagerly.

"I gave it to him as a token of gratitude for saving my life" Momo replied before putting on her eye mask.

"Is that really it?" Sana continued asking questions, "You said last one, so I'm not gonna answer" Momo said ignoring Sana.

Sana just smiled from Momo's gestures, "Okay, you said so" she said as opens her phone.

Yuji run back to school again because he has an afternoon class.

"This is a tiring day" he said as he arrives on the classroom. He was just right on time, after going through the door, the lecturer for the subject just arrived.

'Right on time, this time' he speaks to himself.

Yuji sat and listened until the end of class. When he was about to leave he noticed Loid standing near the door.

Yuji had a disgusted look on his face, 'This guy again" he said to himself.

As he walks through the door he tried to hide himself with the crowd but Loid caught him and headlocks him.

"Come here, you're not slipping pass me" Loid said.

Yuji was able to take Loid's arm off around his neck and reverses it, "What do you want?" he asked.

Loid taps and catches his breath, "How the hell are you so strong?" he coughs, "and why did you ran away from me earlier? and who were you with?" Loid just keeps asking.

"First of all, I didn't run away from you. That was our junior and he was asking for directions for the train and I noticed that he could catch the next train if he ran, So I ran with him" Yuji explained thoroughly.

He came up with this excuse as they waited on Dali river, because he knew that Loid would ask about everything.

"Okay, so you free on Friday?" Loid asked, "Nah dude" Yuji said as they walk towards the hall.

"You don't have classes in the morning right?" Loid asked, "Dude how did you know my schedule?" I saw your notebook on the bench when were looking for the cat last week.

"Tsk, i have important errands to go to this Friday" he said. "Is that so?" Loid wasn't believing him.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Loid asked trying to make Yuji tell the truth.

"Shut up, like hell I could hide something from you, you always check my stuff" Yuji replied in a confident and convincing voice.

"Okay, then see you on Saturday" Loid said running towards the parking lot. "Hey, I didn't agree yet" Yuji yelled.

Loid face him and just smiled at him, Yuji just shrugged his head. "What could that guy need with me this Saturday?" he said.

Yuji walks toward the train station and as he was walking down the subway he felt his phone vibrated.

Hello to the readers of this book. Thank you for staying tuned. Please share and rate this story. :)

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