
The “Realm” of Change

Have you ever felt flat and nonexistent? Most people have. It's a part of life. Things just work that way - there's always a victor and a victim. Coincidentally, Meriam just happened to be the victim. She wasn't considered "pretty", nor did she didn't get good grades, but she was comfortable. She had abusive parents, which caused her to mature far quicker than her other friends. But, as you might recall, I'm using past tense. That all changed for Meriam one day when she was buying lunch for her sister.

"Where's your lunch money, you poor child! Or are you too poor to afford our prices?" the lunch woman sneered at Meriam. She just didn't like her.

"I-I... I'm just here to buy lunch for my sister, Lucy. I have no intentions of wrong doing, Ms. Canister!" Meriam squeaked out.

"So be it. What would she like?" Ms. Canister asked rudely.

"One chicken sandwich with lettuce and a carton of milk, please. Also... ah... a bag of Lays Potato Chips." What am I thinking? I can't afford that! Meriam nervously pondered.

"That will be $7.50, you cow." The lunch woman interrupted her thinking. Meriam rummaged through her plastic bag for a few loose dollars. Alas, she didn't have any money for the expensive chips. "Could you... take the Lays off please? I don't have enough money..." She was aware that the whole lunch room could hear her. Meriam felt her cheeks flush red.

"Here's your lunch, Lucy! I bet it tastes better than mom's expired bread, right?" Meriam joked to her sister. Lucy frowned. "Don't call that rude woman my mother. I hate her! I wish she did die in that accident." Meriam gasped.

"Lucy! Don't speak in such a harsh tone. She's just trying to do what's best for us," she assured Lucy.

"Aww, family troubles, Merman?" a classmate, Winn, sneered. "SHUT UP! Her name is MERIAM." Lucy shouted.

"Keep your voice down, we don't want to attract attention," Meriam mouthed to her sizzling sister. Suddenly, Lucy got knocked down by Winn.

Yikes, I’m not really good at writing so I apologize if you find this cringe or really bad. It’s my first EVER Web Novel, so don’t expect much. My expectations were low, but I kind of like this first volume! There will definitely be more to come. Follow Meriam Genesis on her hike to popularity.

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