

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Zian asked, "When did this happen? I mean Andrew and Linyang?"

"Yes, even I wanna know because Linyang never told us anything about it," Zixin added.

"What the hell are you guys talking about? How can my sister have anything with that guy? I am telling you that Andrew is faking it," Liang snapped.

Michael took a deep breath and explained, "I have never seen Andrew this way, he doesn't eat or sleep properly, that guy is a full mess. Look, I am not asking you all to help him out with Linyang or anything, I don't think so we should interfere in their personal matters. All I want you all to do this trust us, we can solve this really quickly if we join hands."

"Why would he betray his uncle? I mean there has to be a reason right?" Guang asked.

Michael nodded his head and answered, "Yes there is, Pulos isn't Andrews maternal or paternal uncle. In fact, he is nobody."

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