
Chapter 156

Maxi cast an uneasy glance around.

"People will… lose respect for the supreme commander if they see him attending to a lowly mage."

Riftan gave an incredulous snort. "Don't tell me you're worried about that now. Everyone knows you have me wrapped around your finger."

"I-I do not," Maxi said, lips tightening as she retrieved her small pack from the saddle.

Riftan reached out to take it from her. As soon as he noticed the stubborn look on her face, however, he sighed and guided her toward the line of baggage wagons.

"We have a taxing march ahead, so take whatever rest you can."

Once they had kindled a fire, they ate a late lunch of stale bread and cheese. Maxi longed for hot soup, but as the army had to conserve drinking water, she settled for warmed wine.

"How much farther until we reach Vesmore?" she asked.

Riftan, engrossed in a map while chewing jerky, looked up. "Assuming no skirmishes on the way, about half a month."

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