
Under Lock & Key

Mafia Story / With Regular Updates **Serious Assault, Strong Language, Mature and Dark Themes Throughout - 18+** Short Story Description: Jaxon Gray is New York's hottest businessman, gangster and mafia king. A terrifyingly harsh man that claims to be 'impossible to love' due to his dark nature, murderous choices and suffocating demeanour... That is, until he meets the sweetheart known as Faye Woods... The perfect victim to fulfil his selfish plans. Faye and her best-friend Michael, both were bullied throughout high school and were unfortunate enough to be left without parents. They struggle to make ends meet as they work in a run-down cafe - praying for something to go right for them for once... Jaxon lands himself in Fayes hold, quickly deciding that she would be the perfect target for his master plan... One altercation leads to another, as he decides to kidnap and threaten the innocent girl - which he claims is the only one right for the job - before he forces her fully into his hectic world filled with crime and darkness. Could someone so cold survive around someone so warm? Could a criminal actually love or be loved? Or will the monster hidden within be impossible to beat... read at your own risk to find out more! *********************************************

Beed910 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter 17

*****Faye's POV*****

"Mike oh my god! Mike he's going to kill us and I'll get the blame!" I panic in my drunken state, whilst feeling slightly gutted that the whole cocktail had been ruined in the process...

"You'll get the blame... because it was you that damn spilled it doll!" Mike looks back at the bright stain, before turning to cackle at my face as I stand to observe the damage.

I suddenly get an idea, and decide to race towards the kitchen, grabbing every towel and cloth I could find, before running back in an attempt to clean as much of it away as possible.

I came back to find Mike picking up chunks of the slush texture - tossing handfuls of it into the glass - as he continues to shake his head and laugh at my accident.

I move around him and begin to dab the stain, soaking up the majority of the contents, before I make the worst decision of my life-

I place one of the towels over the stain and begin to rub...

I scrub and scrub, slowly filling with worry that they might be back soon... I need to get rid of this somehow... I can only imagine how expensive this damn sofa was...

I decide that I've rubbed enough, before I remove the towel and almost melt into the floor boards from the bloody scene that I had now created.

"Faye you've made it bigger! How in the hell did you even do that?!" Mike stands up and gasps beside me - stating the obvious - as I feel myself begin to sweat profusely.

"What the fuck will I do now?!" I grab my face in horror, cursing myself for being this drunk without a solution to the (now incredibly large) red stain.

"We have to cover it and hide!" Mike states outright, as I wobble to my feet - observing the damage from his angle.

Yep it looks fucking awful! I have fully ruined the sofa there's no going back now!

"No this can't happen!" I throw my head back in horror, feeling my eyes water again as I remember just how angry Jaxon manages to get in only a matter of seconds.

"Ok look! Lets think about this clearly... we go upstairs... then we will hide somewhere right? We hide somewhere in this large ass house and then... we will come up with a plan from there ok?" Mike, who is also completely drunk, tells me his plan, as I nod and pray that it works.

I watch him toss the grey blanket - that we had once been snuggled up in - over the stain to hide it as I breathe out a sigh...

Much better!

He then grabs my hand, before rushing me out of the room and towards the main staircase.

"This place is huge! We can hide in here and they will just assume that we've fallen asleep somewhere right? The guards outside know that we didn't leave so they will eventually just go to bed knowing that we must be in here somewhere?" Mike try's to make his plan believable, as we run up the steps with no other choice.

"He's going to kill me Mike!" I scream, as we race down the hallway looking for the best spot.

"He needs to find us first Faye!" Mike suddenly cackles, as I glare at his back and continue to follow him.

"It's not funny! I just ruined his damn sofa!" I whine, as we push open another random door to find a library.

"This is perfect!" Mike claps, as he drags me inside and we look around the large open space littered with thousands of books.

I feel suddenly content, not knowing that this room had even been in here yet, as my eyes grow wide at the different choices of books coating the shelves.

"Ohhh shit!" I turn to see Mike as he peers out of the window - as the approaching car headlights suddenly brighten up the room.

I'm dead.

I frantically look from side to side, praying that the ground would open up and swallow me whole before Jaxon gets his hands on me!

"Ok let's hide, there's either these large ass curtains, the leather sofas that we can move and duck down behind or there's the dusty cabinets over there that we can maybe squeeze in?" Mike points around at potential hiding spots, before we hear the car doors slamming shut outside.

Fuck they are coming in!

"They also won't be happy that we practically drank their alcohol supply dry Mike!" I throw my hands up like a mad woman, severely panicking now due to our idiotic previous choices.

"They won't mind..." Mike try's to convince himself, causing me to scoff.

"Mike we just about drank the whole refrigerator, the kitchen is a complete mess and I have also left the biggest stain on his sofa known to man! Not to mention that the stain just had to be bright fucking red!" I squeal, as we hear the loud muffled voices entering from downstairs.

"You're the one who wanted a damn daiquiri!" Mike points an accusing finger as I glare back.

"You're the one who damn offered to make me it!" I defend, before gripping my hair in a panic.

"Quick let's just hide before they come up here!" Mike hushes me, before we decide that the full length curtains would have to do - we could just blend in with the walls since that's what I truly wanted to do at this moment in time!

We stood side by side behind the black velvet fabric, as I began shaking like a leaf blowing in a tsunami.

"They will see us right away at this rate if you don't quit shaking! Curtains don't just move on their own!" Mike nudges my side in a hushed whisper, as I instantly nudge him back - forgetting about his bruises as he groans and grips his ribs.

"Shhh!" I hiss, as he shoot's me a glare.

"FAYE?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU BOTH?!" The devil roars in the distance, as I close my eyes and count to ten.

"There's only three of them here so it will take them forever to find us..." I whisper, as Mike reaches out to grab my hand for comfort.

"No sweetie... all of the men from the plane came back here too... I seen them get out of the cars." Mike whispers back, as I inhale a sharp breath.

"FAYE?!" We hear the voice grow closer, as I immediately panic more knowing that he was now upstairs...

He's going to damn well find us and choke me to death! He's not a stupid man!

"We gotta make a run for it Mike!" I whisper again, as he shoot's me a look that says 'don't you dare'.

"FAYE IM GOING TO COUNT TO TEN!" Jaxon hisses out as he wanders the halls, before we hear numerous doors being opened and slammed shut.

It now sounded like he had them all on the hunt for us...

"1..." He began.

"Mike we need to just run for it!" I whimper, knowing it was only a matter of time before they found us.

"2!" He continues, his voice booming around the whole house.

"Don't you move!" Mike darts, gripping my hand in a sweat.

"3..." His voice grows louder, as I close my eyes.

"4!" We continue to hear the numerous voices of the other men as they move around the house...

"5!" He presses, as I feel my knees buckle beneath me.

In the next instance, the door to the library slams open, as slow footsteps enter the room.

Oh shit!

Oh shit!

Oh shit!

I hold my breath, with Mike beside me doing the same,  us both not daring to move an inch.

"6!" His voice suddenly lowers, before we hear the creaking of leather - suggesting that someone had sat down in one of the chairs.

"7." His tone seems to be mocking, as I open my eyes to find Mike staring at me wide eyed.

"8... tick tock miss Faye." He mutters lowly, as my adrenaline sky rockets from him saying my name.

He sure as hell knows we are in here now or he wouldn't be seated comfortably and speaking this way...

"9!" He suddenly booms, sounding furious, causing me to jump slightly behind the curtain.

"10!" He grits out, as I instinctively fly out from behind the curtain and fall onto my knees.

"Don't kill us! Please don't kill us! We didn't mean it!" I sob, as my face practically buries itself in to the floorboards - too afraid to look up at the devil who I could sense was still nearby.

"Meet me in our room." Is all he manages to say, before I hear his footsteps fade out as he exits the room and heads off down the hall.

Save me...